Avogadro’s Constant hypothesis predicts electron pressure and the asymptote at infinite dilution.

Avogadro’s limit doesn’t apply to absence of solute in homeopathic remedies because of electron pressure enthalpy, a measure of energy in a thermodynamic system. its native heat, from the Schumann resonances, the background geomagnetic field, discovered first by Tesla, later by Schumann mid-twentieth century. Ionization of the solvent by dissociation of the solute molecule has been confirmed in the ultra-dilute remedy.

The solute in a dilute homeopathic remedy is not molecular because of de-ionization into electrons, . There are measures within analytic chemistry which prove it, such as conductance tests and transmission electron microscopy  (TEM).

All of the extreme controversy over whether or not the homeopathic remedy is placebo or verum, whether or not these materials are medically effective, and all of these phony money offers to “prove homeopathy”, conveniently avoid this simple, demonstrable fact, a fact that separates homeopathy from fiction: the solute in highly diluted solutions used as homeopathic drugs is ionized and can be physically detected by conventional chemical analysis.

Students and professors of electrochemistry should be well aware of this elementary principle of molecular dissociation, that as the solute presumably decreases, thins out and changes phase fron condensed to plasma, its conductivity increases to an asymptote and evidence of the solute persists in the solvent despite an apparent infinite number of dilutions.

Why or how the solute persists in infinite dilution is not clear, but strange as it may seem to the zenophobic, it does so, no matter how dilute it is in serial dilutions.

According to Copeland, the solute is not completely deionized until the sixth decimal dilution, at which point the aqueous solvent has completely dissociated the molecular structure of the solute by means of hydrolysis.

There are tests of molar conductance that demonstrate this.

The Chemistry of Homeopathy under the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

On April 20-21, 2015, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) held a public hearing at its White Oak Campus to obtain information and comments from stakeholders about the current use of human drug and biological products labeled as homeopathic, as well as the Agency’s regulatory framework for such products. These products include prescription drugs and biological products labeled as homeopathic and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs labeled as homeopathic. FDA is still seeking written comments from all interested parties, including, but not limited to, consumers, patients, caregivers, health care professionals, patient groups, and industry. FDA is seeking input on a number of specific questions, but is interested in any other pertinent information participants would like to share. Please refer to the following documents for more information:
Federal Register Notice
Submit Comments to the Public Docket


As dry as this may seem at first, this is really a fascinating topic, and very psimon3 2010_05_01_16_12_21 001wet. A few months ago The Washington Post reported that by analyzing edit changes made by citizen contributors of articles in the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, they were able to determine that the two most contentious topics in the Western world are Jesus Christ and homeopathy.


Now you might not be surprised to hear that Jesus is still stirring up trouble, but without further erudition . . unless you’ve been in or close to the pot being stirred . . you might be a bit perplexed when told something as innocuous as “homeopathy” is rivaling Christ for the bad boy of the Western world distinction; but I would venture to say that if you  go further East I reckon homeopathy is also kicking Muhammed and Buddha in the skirts for the same title; and get this, it should be even even more perplexing to hear that both doctrines of Christ and homeopathy share atheists as their primary detractors!

“What’s this you say?”

Yes, it pains me to say it, but it’s true. Both Jesus and homeopathy are healers and both kickoveer money tables. The mere mention of the word “homeopathy” can send a malinformed atheist into a fit of glossolalia and make him dance like St. Vitus. There are innumerable high profile atheists, like Richard Dawkins and James Randi, who, when they’re not ridiculing a belief in the Deity and knocking the noses off of marbled saints, are tearing up the well manicured lawn in front of the great doctrine of Hahnemann House, crying a liturgy of shameless pseudoscience, so much so that homeopathy is something of a pariah in the Western mainstream media so slavishly chained to academic science and big money patent medicine . .  which in the case of homeopathy is now itself mouthing pseudoscience!

Now just to make this volte face clear, I’m not accusing homeopathy of being pseudoscience, no! I’m accusing skepticism of it! I’m here in this article doing something that’s never been done before in modern times, and certainly never done to this extent ever heretofore: I’m making the first installment of a presentation where I introduce the chemical principle of what has been thought to be a scientific impossibility, and that my friends is the chemistry of what most material scientists have insisted was a placebo, hoax and fraud, where every man jack of them is a patholgical atheist!

It’s true! And please don’t get me wrong or take me as poe. At times I have found a grudging respect for atheists. I am even inclined to believe they are amongst God’s favorites; they may not be speaking to him, but at least they’re not speaking for him as so many believers do.  But they don’t show this grace for homeopathy, nor in reality do they show it for science, and yes I know, I know, I’ve just thrown more boiling water on the storm troopers by saying that.

I am noting this to reveal an exposition of a pathology that stands in the way of accepting a known chemical principle. Be it because of pride or lacking a gear for reverse travel, they say and will continue to say, as they have said before, incorrectly, that there is no known chemistry to explain the action of the highly aqueous diluted materials used as medicine in the practice of homeopathy . .


. . and so they will still say,  even though it can now be explained to them with a chemical principal to the contrary, that because there’s not one MOLECULE in it of anything but plain water, the homeopathic solution cannot have any specific medical action of its own; therefore homeopathy is without reason and there can be no acceptable evidence for it; all evidence then for the fraud is dismissed!

That is what they say, the rampaging patent medicine engine cheers them on, and they are wrong. There is a widely known chemical principle that supports homeopathy and there are now widely known properties within classical chemistry that prove the action of these drugs. That neither homeopath nor skeptic is aware of the classical chemistry of homeopathy suggests that, as a gesture of compromise with other more insidious reasons, that, lacking finite limitations, the basic underlying chemical principle is sensed by the human mind and rejected . . and this is a premier example of a scientific cognitive dissonance. Both principle and property have been gathering dust in science, and the link between homeopathy and chemistry, once known, has up until now apparently been forgotten, ignored or expelled from classical science for over 100 years. Like a brazen Frankenstein I stand before the torchlit mob and shout “It lives!”

In other words, there is a classical chemistry to explain the potency of what former scientists have been screaming are inert placebos, incapable of intrinsically delivering the effects of their label. Furthermore, and in terms of the FDA, this next piece of information ought to bring everyone still sitting to their feet and the hearing to a halt: The chemistry of homeopathy was first presented by the progenitor of the modern FDA, the chief sponsor of the Food Drug and Cosmetics Act (FDCA)!


It should come as a great surprise . . if not shock and disbelief . . to proponent and opponent alike to learn — contrary to common belief and what is taught by putative skeptics, and medical and “homeopathy” schools alike — there is recognition within standard, classical chemistry, that with materials ionized by molecular dissociation in aqueous solutions, the properties of the solute are fixed and remain constantly in “infinite dilution”!

Furthermore, to the even greater distress of homeopath and skeptic alike, at least those who want to continue the obfuscation of supramolecular chemistry [the study of electric properties beyond the molecule] with homeopathy, associating the “homeopathic remedy” with the chemistry of molecular dissociation was done 106 years ago by none other than the medical doctor and professor of academic medicine who became a US Senator and the chief sponsor of FDA denture, the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA), the man who gave the FDA its teeth, Senator Royal S. Copeland A.M., M.D.


Senator Royal S. Copeland, A.M., M.D.

In a 1909 article entitled “The Scientific Reasonableness of Homeopathy” by Royal S. Copeland, A.M., M.D.  he states:

“. . a chemical, technically an electrolyte, when dissolved, is dissociated into parts or particles smaller than the atoms and known as ions. The more dilute the solution the greater is the dissociation and consequently the atoms are less in number and the ions increased. In a solution infinitely dilute, the dissociation is absolute and the chemical is present only in a state of ionization.”

Read the whole article.

Although Copeland goes on to persuade using testimony from Kelvin and other authorities (while most homeopaths will remain paralyzed and silent) Copeland’s article will be dismissed in horror by skeptics, who will use its age and the fact that the author was a homeopath, as excuses for further obloquy of “homeopathy.”
There does indeed seem to be some confusion as to what exactly constitutes an ion, a confusion that persists to this day; but despite cries wishing for the contrary, modern classical chemistry still supports Copeland’s thesis, that the properties of ionized solutes remain constant throughout “infinite dilution.”
Running a search on Google for the number of appearances of “infinite dilution” returns an unbelievable 229,000 hits (search made on June 7th, 2015), and among these, numerous articles that support the principle of an asymptote solute in infinite dilution. Asymptote means approaching but never reaching zero, i.e., due to particle splitting of a solute in aqueous suspension, the concentration of solute ions will approach but never reach zero, no matter how many dilutions are made!

How is it then that skeptical opinion by professional organizations, engaging the media against homeopathy, can deny what is an orthodox explanation of FDA labeled “homeopathic” pharmaceuticals by modern classical claassical chemistry? They will volley to the end that a belief in homeopathy is delusional, when in fact the scientific principal of the properties of solutes remaining in infinite dilution is a well established fact, to be found online in the literature.

“It may sound like something out of a science fiction movie, but infinite dilution is a concept found in chemistry that is applied to the study of solvents — liquids — and solutes, the substances that are dissolved in solvents. This principle is used to test the properties of solutions and extrapolate or estimate their chemical reactions in varying environments.”
Read more :

What is infinite dilution –
“Infinite dilution means such a large dilution so that when you add more solvent there is no change in concentration.” › Wiki Answers › Categories › Science › Chemistry

“An infinitely dilute solution is one where there is a sufficiently large excess of water that adding any more does not cause any further heat to be absorbed or evolved. … The hydration enthalpy is the enthalpy change when 1 mole of gaseous ions dissolve in sufficient water to give an infinitely dilute solution. Hydration enthalpies are always negative.”

“The law is based on the fact that only a portion of the electrolyte is dissociated into ions at ordinary dilution and completely at infinite dilution.”

PDF: Theory of infinite dilution chemical potential

University of Illinois at Chicago

Fluid Phase Equilibria, 85 (1993) 141-151. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam. 141. Theory of infinite dilution chemical potential. 

A search in PUBMED for articles containing “infinite dilution” brought up a dizzying 620 abstracts.


This one mere fact, expressed as two words: INFINITE DILUTION, exposes this whole cat and mouse game of gotcha antagonism against the practice of homeopathy to be nothing more than ignorant pseudoscience. This is a monumental discovery. Anybody can look it up online and see it for themselves in a plethora of articles on the subject.
If infinite dilution is not a chemical fact that refers to the properties of the solute remaining in the solvent after unlimited serial dilutions, then perhaps one of these self-appointed celebrity spokesmen for science, such as Richard Dawkins, Penn Jillette or James “the Amazing” Randi et al; or caviling professors such as PZ Myers, Edzard Ernst, Joe Schwarc, David Colquhoun or Steven Novella et al can explain to us, in their own pseudoscientific terms, just what it really means.


Why have homeopathic physicians and manufacturers of homeopathic medicine not seized upon this acknowledged principle as an answer to critics who insist homeopathic medicines contain “nothing in them but plain water”? Why isn’t the burgeoning homeopathy industry insisting that homeopathic remedies be redesignated ionized pharmaceuticals?

The mystery of why standard chemistry’s concept of infinite dilution is not applied to the dilution dilemma of homeopathic medicine might at first seem as perplexing as infinite dilution itself. But dwell on it here a little longer and deeper truths emerge.


Due to the momentum gained by an incorrect interpretation of “Avogadros limit,” it will continue to be stated by skeptics, posing as rationalists, that by a process of reduction by dilution, the number of molecules of a solute will be reduced past the asymptote to zero by the 23rd decimal dilution, and this is presented as proof that homeopathic remedies contain none of the ingredient stated on a product labeled “homeopathic” and are therefore fraudulent. But there’s a reason why I italicize the word molecule in the context of Avogadro because this is where skeptic theory for homeopathic remedies having nothing of their labeled materials in them literally falls apart.

First, let’s examine what Avogadros constant, limit or number. Avogadro’s hypothesis as proof of an empty bottle . . is easily rebutted. Avogadro’s number is a constant, the ratio of solute particles to the solvent. It must be for particles, such as ions, not just molecules, in a volume of gas, not water. It doesn’t factor the perpetual production of ions by dissociation.

If a constant such as Avogadro’s, Faraday’s or Henry’s were applied to infinite dilution, it might state that due to repeated expansion and contraction of the ion’s domain within the aqueous host (by enthalpy) and contraction due to dissociation, the number of total ions in solution from the time of complete ionization will remain constant within a sinusoidal range throughout all subsequent dilutions.

The FDA then should address this argument and concern by stating that products registered as “homeopathic remedies” are in reality ionized pharmaceuticals, that they are supramolecular (beyond molecular) and their active constitutuion ionic, not molecular.

Now, this assertion of ionized pharmaceutical calls for a question of assay. How are the properties of the ionized solute detected in what are currently called homeopathic drugs, or remedies? Are there tests, trials or experiments that show the presence of an ionized solute in infinite dilution?

Copeland: “. . the laboratory has proven that the properties of a completely dissociated solution are the sum of all the ions present in the solution. This holds for such properties as conductivity, lowering of the freezing point, refraction equivalent, heat of neutralization, and undoubtedly, for any therapeutic effect possessed by the drug.”

Here then Copeland gives us four physical, non-clinical tests, or assays, from 1909, for ionized pharmaceuticals, tests that promise to separate and identify verum from placebo aliquots of the inert aqueous vehicle:

  1. Conductivity
  2. Freezing point
  3. Refraction equivalent
  4. Heat of neutralization

. . and modern chemistry has given us more; transmission electron microscopy (TEM) gives us a fifth assay that detects the actual presence of ions of the starting materials.

If not yet convinced, any real scientist will put aside his drumroll of ignorance or preconceived notions of what the homepathic remedy is when made aware of the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) test protocol for infinite dilutions:

“Test 4: Infinite Dilution Test. This is a test for consistency in the limiting behavior of GE/(x1x2/RT) and the activity coefficients γ1 and γ2. The percent deviations in both limits are calculated:

In lieu of this newly rediscovered chemistry for the materials used in homeopathy, the FDA should drop the term “homeopathic” and replace it with ionized or ionic as the description for these drugs.

I don’t know how it is that they can fight their way out of this paper bag. They and their secret police now stand accused of pseudoscience, the very thing they accused homeopathy of, and as funny as it is, I don’t know now how it is that they and “skepticism” can be taken seriously anymore.

John Henry Clarke, M.D.

The clinical proof has long been extant. If you really look at the semiological registers, most particularly the FDA recommended literature on the subject, (Dictionary of the Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke, M.D. you will find alternative answers to problems now being addressed almost solely by over-monetized patent medicine, and we all know, or should know, what a disaster it has been.

Death by Medicine

Although I am quite aware of the denials that will follow, with the chemistry of infinite dilution now well established in numerous explanations online, it is time to bring this existing, second, more humane pharmacopoeia of inexpensive, time tested, well documented, FDA sanctioned, effective medical materials out of the shadows into the real world of real medicine. This begins with the FDA recognizing what these materials called “homeopathic remedies” really are: IONIZED PHARMACEUTICALS.


If you don’t believe that properties of the solute remain in solvents diluted beyond the putative limit . . make the assays for ionic concentration, i.e. do the tests to identify homeopathic remedies from plain water!

PUT IT TO THE TEST! (James Randi, get your wallet out)

Test question: What are the assays for ionized pharmaceuticals?


11 comments on “CHEMISTRY OF HOMEOPATHY and the FDA

  1. debbybruck says:

    Thank you John for all your discoveries, deep thinking and eloquent writings on homeopathy. Yes. Homeopathy Works. The effects can be observed in humans, animals and plants. No denying our very own observations. Explanations may be varied and elusive, but will continue to be discussed. Everything has a force, a vibration, a charge and composed of energetic matter – whether seen or unseen. Matter cannot be created or destroyed. The First Law of Thermodynamics is one of the absolute physical laws of the universe.


  2. Will LaChenal says:

    Yes, the enthalpy argument may fit quite well with the necessity for succussion to make a dilution work as remedy.

    Incidentally, not only is the Avogadro principle based on an extrapolation of ‘perfect gas’ laws, but it also requires a ‘perfect container’. I’ve read – in old text books, not modern ones – that at the inception of general acceptance, there were questions over certain substances (some aromatic hydrocarbons, if memory serves) that behaved anomalously, but I haven’t been able to track them down. Chemists at the time convinced themselves that these anomalies are unimportant, since the theory offered a reasonable solution to a pressing problem at the time. I’ve yet to meet a skeptic who knows what that problem was – I’m sure some must exist – largely all they do is chant ‘laws’ they were taught in class, rote learning. It may be that the Avogadro route is only one of several possible solutions.

    I think we can take it that the usual laws of dilution work well in the mid range, but this is no guarantee that they hold at extremes – there are liminal limits which make it difficult to test if theory fails. I personally think the assumption that only molecular concentration can have action is not a robust hypothesis – for example, mood can affect health, and that would seem clearly to be affected in ways different from pharmaceutical intervention. Equally, it has to be obvious to even the densest skeptic that dose-response ratio only holds in the mid range, though many have difficulty with the idea that higher potentisation produces firmer effect in a matching patient, presumably because they see only dilution and ignore the succussion. As an old saying goes: introduce a thief to a wise man, and he will see only pockets.


  3. Will LaChenal says:

    Hi, John,
    Spell check! (And I don’t mean witchcraft!).


  4. When the use of homeopathic remedies is often debated over on the argument of not having any molecule leading to a conclusion that it cannot provide any curative effect but we found there exist several contradictory explanations even within the Fundamentals of Science. So marking Homeopathic remedies as placebo on the very plea of Avogadro’s number is not at all acceptable .

    Moreover, the inconsistencies in Science are to be specifically highlighted in all spheres for the development of both Science and Homeopathic research.

    We have shown in our following publication /blog

    a) how Avogadro’s number does not limit efficacy of homeopathic remedies and

    b) how different contradictions in science (especially in respect of generation, conduction and retention of electrical energy in water, the main vehicle for homeopathic remedies) that remain unexplained so far can help explain mechanism of homeopathy.

    Kindly view our work at:

    1) “Avogadro’s number does not limit the efficacy
    of homeopathic remedies” published in hpathy Feb2015 ( )

    2) “How and why Homeopathy is Scientific” ( )

    Here, only some of such contradictions are mentioned for the viewers

    i) how electrodes generates emf when placed in distilled water without any chemical reaction.

    ii) how electrodes generates emf in contact with human body without any chemical reaction.

    iii) how ions are conducted to even neutral electrodes

    iv) how water retains electrical charge.

    Also, recently we got published a paper regarding conduction of electrical energy through water that clearly contradicts the existing Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation in water.

    It is well known that valence electrons conduct electrical energy in metals and pi-electrons in graphite(non-metal) but the electrons that actually conduct electrical energy through water remained unknown and instead it is believed that ions conduct electrical energy in water. In our
    work ” Delocalization of Hydrated Electrons Conduct electrical energy in water or aqueous solutions” (published in Oct 2015 ) we have shown that ions do not conduct electrical energy in water and suggested the mechanism of electrical conduction, in water or aqueous solution, through hydrated electrons.


    Some more mysteries of water regarding its conduction, retention and generation of electrical energy can be found in the following link

    Now, I would request viewers kindly to spare some time for the said publications/blog and find all the serious contradictions that are yet to be reckoned. Though mysteries of water, especially in its electrical properties, are yet to be explained by the existing parameters of Science still Homeopathic dilutions are labelled unscientific!

    This is most unfortunate. Rationality is required for development of science.

    Thanking you,

    Biplab Chakraborty


  5. andresamado says:

    Everything in our beloved homeopathy is under the information power: provings give us the information –symptoms- of what the homeoremedies produce; symptoms are the information we need to select a remedy between one and another; repertorization is a process in which we look for the information that match the most with the symptoms given by the provings with the information the symptoms a subject shows during the consult, interview.
    The information we get from the way the subject looks like is also important, and in some cases the most valuable information we can get for the right homeoremedy to be chosen.
    Later on, the information about how the person’s health evolution is the most important part about what is necessary to do in the future, if a homeoremedy is enough or a different one is necessary, and the potency of that homeopathic medicine, etc.
    And there is the most important part of it: information in our homeoremedies is the active element and this info make the brain to react and do what it takes for the healing process to takes place. I say that homeopathy is an informatics science: we handle a computer-like organ, the brain, with information, the one our homeoremedy’s energy have. I say it is bioinformatics science.
    When I am saying that information is the active element in the homeopathic medicine I am saying at the same time that energy in that medicine is not the active element.
    What can we find to proof that idea?
    If energy was the active element each and every 30C would work the same because all those 30C dilutions have the same amount of energy: 30 times of supposedly “energy concentration”. (Something that never has been proven)
    Or let’s imagine any dilution; 6C, or 200C, no matters what “potency”. (We will later on see that it is not “potency” but, really, what we have is “information”, (“informaticzation” ???)
    But same “potencies” has not the same effect. Avena Sativa 30C will never have the same amount of healing possibilities that Lycopodium 30C has. Or let’s compare Allium Sativa with Sulphur in the same “potency”, 30…or 200, whatever. Why is it so? Because the information is different in Lycopodium compared with Avena S. and Sulphur with Allium S. and that information is the important thing.
    If the energy of the homeoremedy would increase, the time would come that it could have destructive effects, burn, break, etc., and it never happens
    The transmission of information is a constant phenomenon in nature. More: it is unavoidable. When we hit and shake an element we transfer some from their characteristics to what surrounds it [ ] By this act the molecules of the solute, Lycopodium, as an example, impact and collide with those of the solvent, water-alcohol, and they transfer information to these. They are recorded more or less the way the dactylographic impressions happen to be. In the homeopathic medication, these impressions, recordings, imprints, information, are those that cause a reaction in the CNS trough nerve endings. (Later on we will see that Master Hahnemann knew the homeoremedy’s influence in the nervous system) They are the equivalent to the informatics computer science’s “commands” based on the electronic informatics means. In the moment that the characteristics of the remedy are identified, the nervous endings send a certain signal and this is the one that unchains the rector activity of the CNS.
    Only if we think that the homeopathic medication contains information that has the virtue to produce certain encephalic activities, we can understand why it is that the effect that it produces to organic systems with a CNS are stronger when we dilute and successive dilute an element. In the dilution after dilution process the information of the solute that is stronger is sustained, lasts, and what is weak transforms and it “gets lost”. (“Nothing is Lost, all Transforms.”) The information becomes purified, it decants. In this way, the elements of the imprint become clearer and because that phenomenon the deepest biological action is facilitated; the brain reacts more easily. If we think of the preparation of Lycopodium we will realize that in the dilution after dilution process the weakest element in Lycopodium will transform while the strongest information will resist, it will stay. And that will be the most characteristic in Lycopodium in its higher powers.
    Perhaps the lower powers influence in more cerebral areas and in more programs, “software”, (The brain is a like computer organ and need software to do its job. Later on I will explain more about this mater) in their case, and that in that way the results are dark, less clear and durable, because their elements are more numerous. Certain confusion could be created in the body’s cybernetic control system -brain- when at a moment are being activated cerebral bodies that have nothing to do in that moment and therefore instead of collaborating to organize, they disorganize.
    Also, when we shake and hit, the quantity of the information is increased by virtue of the fact that more and more molecules of the vehicle are printed with the preponderant characteristics of the solute. This could be one of the reasons why the higher potencies –“powers”- have more biological effect in the human organism; they make the CNS to react more strongly.
    Why is it that Ethilicum does not became “potentized” during the succussion-dilution process, and what it produce in the provings do not appear later on in each and every dilution? Because the Ethilicum information does not became purified, decanted, either. The original information of Ethilicum remains the same; pure and simple information, at the time pure Ethilicum is added, while the solute is transformed, purified, decanted. “Pure” and “plane” Ethilicum has not homeopathic effect. If energy was the active element Ethilicum would show and produce its symptoms.
    At the same time we can see that in this process the energy of Ethilicum do not augment either.
    Now, the information in homeoremedies act under a nature law which is explained here:


  6. andresamado says:

    Now a series of observations are made to show that my informatics-cybernetic neuromodulator (SNC) interpretation is Hahnemannian.
    Let’s remember that Master Hahnemann knew the homeoremedies influence in nerves:
    Organon [ Paragraph § 16 Fifth Edition [ ]
    “Our vital force, as a spirit-like dynamis cannot be attacked and affected by injurious influences on the healthy organism caused by the external inimical forces that disturb the harmonious play of life, otherwise than in a spirit-like (dynamic) way, and in like manner, all such morbid derangements (diseases) cannot be removed from it by the physician in any other way than by the spirit-like (dynamic, virtual) alterative powers of the serviceable medicines acting upon our spirit-like vital force, which perceives them through the medium of the sentient faculty of the nerves everywhere present in the organism…”
    Hahnemann’s book “The Chronic Disease” [ ] Page #45: “When the smallpox or the cowpox catches, thus happens in the moment when in vaccination the morbid fluid in the body scratch of the skin comes in contact with the exposed nerve, which then, irrevocably, dynamically communicates the disease to the vital force (to the whole nervous system) in the same moment” Page #49 of the same book:“As soon as the miasma of Itch, e. g. touches the hand, in the moment when it has taken effect, it no more remains local…The nerve which was first affected by the miasma has already communicated it in an invisible manner to the nerves of the rest of the body…”Master Hahnemann understands even that the vital force is in the nerves: “which then, irrevocably, dynamically communicates the disease to the vital force (to the whole nervous system) in the same moment” Obviously he did not said “the central nervous system” because it is included since the moment in which he says “the whole nervous system” It is sure, I have no doubt, that he did understand that the influence more important is done on the CNS , but saying this in that so religious time would cause him to be…“burned at the stake”! Well, not that much, but he would have being seeing with not “good eyes” and because of that strongly fought. He realized that he had to say it “between the lines” It is curious that nobody ever have commented this mater about the homeopathy medicines acting on the nervous system, “the whole” as Hahnemann say it and that it is fundamental in the understanding of his concept of how does the homeoremedies operates, because without that neuronal influence, said by him often, they do not operate. That’s it: here he explains how they operate in the body; trough the nerves, even though he never mention the CNS. This is my contribution.
    It is important to look that this is a transcendental and fundamental mater in the Hahnemannian homeopathic basic conception, not just “any thing”. In the deep it is about a different interpretation of the theories of the possible direct influence of the homeoremedies in the misbalanced vital energy or the cells. It is understood that the obtained energy equilibrium with the homeopathic medicines is not directly reached. It’s a neuronal registration produce. And taking in account the no doubt Hahnemann genius intelligence we cannot think that he have missed the leadership role of the CNS and the leading role of the CNS and therefore influence of the homeopathic medicine. Then we induce that the nervous system is what really makes the energetic equilibrium.


  7. andresamado says:

    Now a series of observations are made to show that my informatics-cybernetic neuromodulator (SNC) interpretation is Hahnemannian.
    Let’s remember that Master Hahnemann knew the homeoremedies influence in nerves:
    Organon [ Paragraph § 16 Fifth Edition [ ]
    “Our vital force, as a spirit-like dynamis cannot be attacked and affected by injurious influences on the healthy organism caused by the external inimical forces that disturb the harmonious play of life, otherwise than in a spirit-like (dynamic) way, and in like manner, all such morbid derangements (diseases) cannot be removed from it by the physician in any other way than by the spirit-like (dynamic, virtual) alterative powers of the serviceable medicines acting upon our spirit-like vital force, which perceives them through the medium of the sentient faculty of the nerves everywhere present in the organism…”
    Hahnemann’s book “The Chronic Disease” [ ] Page #45: “When the smallpox or the cowpox catches, thus happens in the moment when in vaccination the morbid fluid in the body scratch of the skin comes in contact with the exposed nerve, which then, irrevocably, dynamically communicates the disease to the vital force (to the whole nervous system) in the same moment” Page #49 of the same book:“As soon as the miasma of Itch, e. g. touches the hand, in the moment when it has taken effect, it no more remains local…The nerve which was first affected by the miasma has already communicated it in an invisible manner to the nerves of the rest of the body…”Master Hahnemann understands even that the vital force is in the nerves: “which then, irrevocably, dynamically communicates the disease to the vital force (to the whole nervous system) in the same moment” Obviously he did not said “the central nervous system” because it is included since the moment in which he says “the whole nervous system” It is sure, I have no doubt, that he did understand that the influence more important is done on the CNS , but saying this in that so religious time would cause him to be…“burned at the stake”! Well, not that much, but he would have being seeing with not “good eyes” and because of that strongly fought. He realized that he had to say it “between the lines” It is curious that nobody ever have commented this mater about the homeopathy medicines acting on the nervous system, “the whole” as Hahnemann say it and that it is fundamental in the understanding of his concept of how does the homeoremedies operates, because without that neuronal influence, said by him often, they do not operate. That’s it: here he explains how they operate in the body; trough the nerves, even though he never mention the CNS. This is my contribution.
    It is important to look that this is a transcendental and fundamental mater in the Hahnemannian homeopathic basic conception, not just “any thing”. In the deep it is about a different interpretation of the theories of the possible direct influence of the homeoremedies in the misbalanced vital energy or the cells. It is understood that the obtained energy equilibrium with the homeopathic medicines is not directly reached. It’s a neuronal registration produce. And taking in account the no doubt Hahnemann genius intelligence we cannot think that he have missed the leadership role of the CNS and the leading role of the CNS and therefore influence of the homeopathic medicine. Then we induce that the nervous system is what really makes the energetic equilibrium.


  8. Sandeep Saluja says:

    The proof of the pudding is always in the eating.I am a clinician of the so called allopathic system and have had umpteen number of patients who have responded to homeopathy.
    Therefore,I believe,research has to go on two ends.On one do trials to prove it works and on the other look for scientific basis for that.
    The fact remains that if something works,it just does!Mechanisms are important but even if one can not find that it does not take one away from the truth.
    It is much like saying if in earlier times,one said that the earth is round,the protagonist might say why is it round.Why is a different issue but the fact still remained that it is round.


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