Trump or Pharma Public Enemy #1?

10/19/2015 BC Solomon Islands – I really don’t understand why more people aren’t complaining more about the lack of a date stamp on web articles, you don’t know if you’re reading something done yesterday or sometime prior to the Anthropocene era.

Besides my good friend Donald Trump, who I like very much, and the Republican Party gangbanging Hillary until they got run off by Bernie Sanders, the big news this year to date was the Ebola Scare, the Big Bad Ebola virus, a West African hemorrrhagic fever, which I reported that FDA regulated, proven and approved cures using hydrolysis ionized pharmaceuticals could be used to trigger the humoral immune system to c ure Ebola.

I was proven right. The results in a Liberian bed were sudden and dramatic, as is common using supramolecular medicine.

Remember all that? And I just love the look on Don’s face when he was getting the business from O’Reilly after the crowd roared for “that grumpy old socialist” during the Democratic debate last Tuesday night (10/13/15).
You remember if you were watching.
Prior to taking her hand, an avuncular Senator Sanders said almost reproachfully, “Let me say something . . it may not be great politics . . ”
Yes? We all leaned forward a tad. What is it?
He faced Mrs. Clinton like a Trick or Treater at the door on a cold night. “I think the Secretary is right,” he said.
“And that is the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails!”

The crowd burst forth with a cheer like dams dominoing in a flood. It struck upon the hillside, it rebounded on the flat, for Sanders, Bernie Sanders, was advancing towards the bat.
A broad smile broke upon Madame Secretary’s face, and she began to gush adoringly, “Me two! Me two!” she cried, (the subtext running “You one! You one!”)
Over her laughter and the crowd’s cheering he then astutely, if not magically, segues into his politically supernatural pitch.

“Let me say something about the media as well,” he a said, “I go round the country, talk to a whole lot of people . . the middle class in this country is collapsing. We have 27 million people living in poverty, we have massive wealth and income inequality, our trade policies have cost us millions of decent jobs, the American people want to know if we’re going to have a democracy, or an oligarchy as a result of Citizen’s United. Enough of the emails! Let’s talk about the real issues facing America!”
The crowd stood up and cheered for more than a quarter of an hour and sometime into the next century.

I trust this is kept in the context of what is going on down the hall in the Republican debates, where they are being driven by name calling and who we have to bomb next.

The next day, Wednesday, Trump was interviewed by Bill O’Reilly. I never seen Don like that, not even when he was losing to me and Bill Clinton at golf. It was as if for the first time in his life he met a mob that was prepared to tear him limb from limb and hang him upside down from his executive orders.

Just as O’Reilly was signing him off, you could see this flash of terror leap from Trump’s face. For the first time I think he had a flash of what might be laying in wait for him in the future.

But there’s more steel in Trump than you’ll find in in a mob.

And as a medical partisan minority, the most votive feature for me was to hear Sanders elect the pharmaceutical industry as Public Enemy Number One, and Trump as the only one with the metal to stand against it.

But would he?.

Before an audience the next day Trump was yelling, “He’s a maniac! He’s a maniac!” I fully expected him to complete the sentence with “because I’m Public Enemy Number One! See? It’s me. Not the pharmaceutical industry, but me, I’m the one, I’m Public Enemy Number One!. .”

Hey, I kid the guy! But it’s true. The difference I have with Senator Trotsky is that it’s not really the fault of the pharmaceutical industry that over 100,000 in the U.S. die each year from properly prescribed and properly administered pharmaceuticals, simply because they’re just what the doctor ordered. You can’t blame the doctor, he’s just responding to popular demand. You can’t blame the customer, he’s just doing what he was told to do on TV; you can’t blame the TV, it’s just playing the ad for the pharmaceutical manufacturers; and you can’t blame the pharmaceutical manufacturers, they’re simply carrying out the mandate of their stockholders, who could be anyone and everyone.

No, in the glare of the hydrolytes of the new curative pharmacology, there’s no one to blame but ourselves

The good news is that Trump could be the greatest President of all time. By executive order he could, and would, implement a real prophylaxis against the upcoming pandemic. He’s not so easily suckered by big pharma and he’s the only one with the guts needed to do it . . launch the energy vaccine.

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