Are homeopaths an oppressed minority?

Yes, and we’re all a minority of one, especially me. I’ve noticed that. There’s me, and then there’s everyone else. It’s actually quite daunting sometimes.
What I see missing from the discussion is a dialectic, as proposed by Paulo Friere in “Pedagogy of the Oppressed.” According to Friere, our greatest power is our ability to confront our oppressors with questions. We can’t just turn the tables on them. We have to confront them with what they’re doing to us in human terms. In dehumanizing us, they dehumanize themselves. It is our job to rehumanize them.
For example, when I was in England last week, Professor Josephson invited Ben Goldacre to the Cavendish to hear my lecture on supramolecular chemistry and homeopathy, but Goldacre begged off, saying he had a boring day job. Now I read tonight that he is flying to Montreal to attend a homeopathy bashing conference with Michael Shermer, Randi and others, probably to discuss how they’re going to respond to the supramolecular argument.
So why didn’t I call him up at the Guardian, or whereever, and say, Ben, come to the Cavendish. hear my lecture. The same with others, like Evan Harris. Evan, come to my lecture. Tell us what you think. All they can say is no. The more human we are to them, the more difficult is for them to dehumanize us as fruads and ignoramuses.
We all know that if Goldacre was genuine in his opinions about homeopathy, he’d take the opportunity to meet with a Nobel laureate and hear what’s being said about it at that level. But he’s not. He’s scared of us. When the bully is confronted, he runs off to a meeting far away to talk to his gang of bullies who will reassure him. But he takes with his doubts, especially those doubts that are brought upon him by personal confrontation.
So we need to confront him, directly and indirectly on the internet on our blogs. If anyone here doesn’t have a blog they ought to get one and become proficient in its use. Here we’re just preaching to the choir, like Goldacre is doing.
There’s no question about the efficacy of homeopathic medicine . . at least there’s no question in my mind. The proof is overwhelming. We have a powerful form of medicine, and its not being used as it should. Look, I tell yop this. This whole thing is a pushover, just like any Lycopodium bully. When confronted, they back down. Follow them to their stinkholes. Bring them out, Confront them with what they’re doing. Treat them for their pathology. Rehumanize them.
We need more blogs. And we need to keep leading the public to the research, to the evidence that proves it. It’s time to rehumanize the world.