IN ONE YEAR: Homeopathy could have helped

The following should not be regarded as medical advice. For proper homeopathic treatment, consult a homeopath.

In one year 14,000 Americans were killed on the job, 90 percent men. Homeopathy could have helped to reduce those numbers with the application of homeopathic aconitum napellum to prevent shock.

  • 20,000 Americans others suffered from poisoning by E.coli 0157-H7, the mutant bacteria found in contaminated meat that generally leads to lifelong physical and mental health problems. 4,000 Americans died from it. Homeopathy could have helped with a single dose of  Pyrogenium.
  • 30,000 or more children were left permanently physically disabled from abuse and neglect. Child abuse in the United States afflicts more children each year than leukemia, automobile accidents, and infectious diseases combined. With growing unemployment, incidents of abuse by jobless parents increased dramatically. Homeopathy could have helped with individualized constitutional treatments and a remedy such as Magnesium muriaticum
  • 60,000 Americans were killed by toxic environmental pollutants or contaminants in food, water, or air. Homeopathy could have helped with individualized treatment.
  • In one year 85,000 Americans were wounded by firearms, of which 38,000 die, 2,600 children. Homeopathy could have helped with ledum pelustre , aconitum napellum, arnica Montana and individualized constitutional treatments.
  • 100,000 became seriously ill from work-related diseases, including black lung, brown lung, cancer, and tuberculosis. Homeopathy could have helped with remedies such as Tuberculinum, Am-c. ARS. Bar-c. Bell. CALC. Caust. Chin. Cina Hep. Iod. Kali-c. Lach. Lyc. Merc. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Phos. Puls. Rhus-t. Sil. SULPH. and individualized constitutional treatments.
  • 100,000 die prematurely from work-related diseases. Homeopathy could have helped with individualized constitutional treatments.
  • 150,000 American children are reported missing every year. 50,000 of these simply vanish. Their ages range from one year to mid-teens. According to the New York Times, “Some of these are dead, perhaps half of the John and Jane Does annually buried in this country are unidentified kids.” Homeopathy could have helped with individualized treatments. Homeopathy could have helped with remedies like Absin. Cimic. OP. Phos. Plb. Rhus-t. Staph. Stram., Falco-p, and Magnesium muriaticum

In one year, 160,000 Americans died from diabetes. Homeopathy could have helped with remedies such as Apoc. Carc. Kali-n. Squil. and Uran-n.

In one year 180,000 Americans had adverse reactions to all medical treatments, more than were killed by airline and automobile accidents combined. Homeopathy could have helped with remedies such as Agar. Ant-c. Bry. Chin. COLOC. Hydr. Lach. NUX-V. Op. Ruta and Sulph.

In one year 200,000 Americans were subjected to electric shock treatments injurious to the brain and nervous system. Homeopathy could have helped with remedies such as Bar-m. Laur. and Stry.

In one year 255,000 Americans mentally ill or retarded Americans, released in recent years were in flophouses or wandering U.S. streets. Homeopathy could’ve helped with remedies such as Arg-n. Arn. Bor. Calc. Carb-v. Form. GRAPH. Hep. Hyos. Kali-c. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Petr. Ph-ac. PHOS. Plb. Psor. Puls. Ran-b. Rhus-t. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Tab. and Tarax.

In one year 280,000 Americans were institutionalized for mental illness or mental retardation. Many of these were forced to take heavy doses of mind control drugs. Homeopathy could have helped with remedies such as . ALUM. ANAC., APIS, ARS. BAR-M., BELL,. CIC., CIMIC. CUPR., HYOS. IGN. LACH., LYC., MERC. NUX-V., PHOS., PLAT., PULS., SABAD., STRAM. SULPH. TARENT., VERAT.

  • 700,000 American women were raped, one every 45 seconds. Homeopathy could have helped with remedies such as Staphysagria, AIDS Cench. Kreos. LSD. Petr. Posit. Sep.
  • 950,000 American school children are treated with powerful mind control drugs for “hyperactivity” every year–with side effects like weight loss, growth retardation and acute psychosis. Homeoapthy could have helped with remedies such as ACON. Arg-n. Camph-br. Cinnb. Coch. Phos. Stry. Sul-ac. Tarent. Thea and Valer.

But these are small figures, in the thousands. Let’s look at what’s happening in the millions.

In one year 1,000,000 American children ran away from home, mostly because of abusive treatment, including sexual abuse from parents and other adults. Of the many sexually abused children among runaways, 83 percent came from white families. Homeopathy could have helped with remedies like Lyc., Falco-p. Herin.

In one year . .

  • 1,000,000 or more American children were kept in orphanages, reformatories, and adult prisons. Most were arrested for minor transgressions or had committed no crime at all and were jailed without due process. Most were from impoverished backgrounds. Many were subjected to beatings, sexual assault, prolonged solitary confinement, mind control drugs, and in some cases . . psychosurgery. Homeopathy could have helped with a remedy such as Magnesium muriaticum and individualized treatment.
  • 1,000,000 Americans were estimated to have AIDS as of 1996; over 250,000 died of it. Homeopathy could have helped with a remedy such as Carcinosin.
    1,126,000 of the elderly live in nursing homes. A large but undetermined number endured conditions of extreme neglect, filth, and abuse in homes that were run with an eye to extracting the highest possible profit. Homeopathy could have helped with individualized treatment.
  • 1,300,000 Americans suffered some kind of injury related to treatment at hospitals. Homeopathy could have helped with individualized treatment.
  • 1,800,000 elderly Americans who live with their families were subjected to serious abuse such as forced confinement, underfeeding, and beatings. The mistreatment of elderly people by their children and other close relatives grew dramatically as economic conditions worsened. Homeopathy could’ve helped the victims in their recovery and the victimizers with their anger with remedies such as Nux-v, Cere-s. LSD. Posit. Salx-f. Staph..
  • 2,000,000 Americans underwent unnecessary surgical operations; 10,000 of them died from the surgery. Homeopathy could have helped by providing remedies that would have made the surgery unnecessary, and helped to heal patients who had surgery that was necessary.
  • 2,000,000 or more Americans are homeless, forced to live on the streets or in makeshift shelters. Homeopathy could have helped with remedies such as Selenium metallicum., Calcareaa, and Silicea.
  • 2,000,000 non-hospitalized Americans were given powerful mind-control drugs, sometimes described as “chemical straitjackets.” Homeopathy could have helped by providing a safe and effective alternative to initate an internal cure with remedies such as Alum. Carb-v. Cina Kali-c. Phel. Plat. and Stram.
  • 2,000,000 to 4,000,00 American women were battered. Domestic violence was the single largest cause of injury and second largest cause of death to American women. Homeopathy could have helped the victim with recovery from the trauma with a remedies such as Arn. and Staph and helped the assailant with his anger with remedies such as Croc. Mez. and Sulph.
  • 2,400,000 million Americans suffered from incapacitating chronic fatigue. Homeopathy could have helped with remedies such as Am-c. Ant-c. Arg-n. Atro. Aur. Bapt. Berb. Beryl. Brom. Calc-caust. Calc-p. Calc. Camph. Cann-i. Carb-an. Carb-v. Carc. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Ferr. Gels. Ign. Kali-p. Lyc. Mag-c. Mag-m. Nat-m. Nux-v. Onos. Op. Ph-ac. Phos. Pic-ac. Scut. Sel. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. and Thuj.
  • 2,900,000 American children were reportedly subjected to serious neglect or abuse, including physical torture and deliberate starvation. Homeopathy could have helped with remedies such as Ignatia, Ars. Sep. and Staph.
  • 3,000,000 or more Americans suffered cerebral and physical handicaps including paralysis, deafness, blindness, and lesser disabilities. A disproportionate number of them were poor. Many of these disabilities could have been corrected with early treatment or prevented with better living conditions. Homeopathy could have helped with remedies such as Anh. Ars. Gels. Kali-t. Kalm. Lath. Mang. Peti. Phys. Pic-ac. Pip-m. Rhus-v. Stry. Thal. Thyr. Wild. for paraplegia; Agar. Aur. BELL. CALC. Caps. CAUST. CHIN. CIC. CON., HYOS.., MERC., NAT-M. NIT-AC., OP. PHOS., PULS., SEP. SIL. and SULPH. for incipient loss of vision; and over 1,000 remedies for lesser diabiltiies

In one year 3,000,000 American workers were unemployed but not counted because their unemployment benefits had run out, or they never qualified for benefits, or they had given up looking for work, or they joined the armed forces because they were unable to find work. Homeopathy could have helped with remedies such as Arg-n. Cadm-s. Calc. Cham. Cygnus-b. Gran. Hyos. Ind. Kali-c. Kali-p. Kali-s. Nat-m. Nux-v. Petr. Puls. Ran-b. Sanic. Sel. Sil. Sulph. Tab. Tarax. And Tong.

In one year 4,000,000 American children were growing up with unattended learning disabilities. Homeopathy could have helped with remedies like AGAR. Agn. Anac. Ars. Bar-c. Calc-p. Calc. Caust. Con. Mag-p. Nat-m. Olnd. Ph-ac. Phos.

In one year 4,500,000+ American children, or more than half of the 9,000,000 children, were on welfare, suffering from malnutrition. Many of these suffer brain damage caused by prenatal and infant malnourishment. Homeopathy could have helped with remedies such as Nat-s, Fl-ac., Iodatum, Lycopodium, Sulphur, Sepia, Phosphorus, Platina, petroleum, Aconitum, Agaricus, Anacardium, Hepar, Causticum, Alcoholus sulphurus, Mezerreum, Opium, Natrum carbonic, kali phosphoricum.

The American under allopathy

In one year five and a half million (5,500,000) Americans are arrested for something more than a traffic violation.
Homeopathy could have helped with the problems that led up to the arrest, such as over 40 remedies indicated by violent anger, such as Agar. BELL. HYOS. LSD. STRAM. For violent rage, and 80 indicated by alcoholism, such as Alum. Bov. Con. Indicated by easy intoxication. When cross indexed with remedies for violent rage and 125 remedies for cancer, Conium stands out as a key remedy.

In one year six and a half million (6,500,000) used heroin, crack, speed, PCP, cocaine or some other hard drug on a regular basis. Homeopathy could have helped with remedies such as Agar. Ant-c. Bry. Chin. COLOC. Hydr. Lach. NUX-V. Op. Ruta and Sulph, indicated in drug poisoning.

In one year 13 million (13,000,000) Americans were victims of crimes such as assault, rape, armed robbery, burglary, larceny, and arson. My quick reckoning estimates that number is more than 4% of the population were subjected to theft or violence. That means that at thirteen million a year, within 25 years the entire U.S. population could be robbed or assaulted. That means that homeopathy could help the entire U.S. population with remedies such Sulphur, Calcarea Carbonica, Lycopodium, Arsenicum Album, Thuja., Aconitum Napellus., Nux Vomica., Pulsatilla, Silica, Hepar, China Officinalis, Belladonna, Bryonia., Arnica Montana.

With so much violence, should it be surprising that 135,000 American children took guns to school? Homeopathy could have helped. Could it be that these children had come to believe that they were so quietly terrified that they had to carry a firearm to school? Other reasons might be given, such as the feelings of anger, control or power that firearm gives one, but I submit to you that the primary cause is terror. Twelve remedies are indicated by cross indexing violence and fear: Nux-v, Nat-m, Hyoscamus, Ledum palustre, Stramonium, Aurum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Veratrum, Arunica, Chamomille, Cicuta virosa, Nitric acid.

In one year 5,100,000 Americans were behind bars, on probation or on parole. 2,700,000 were either locked up in county, state or federal prisons or under legal supervision. Each week 1,600 more Americans went to jail than left it.

In one year the U.S. prison population had skyrocketed to over 200 percent since 1980. Over 40 percent of American inmates were jailed or on non-violent drug related crimes.
Homeopathy could have helped.

In one year African Americans constituted 13 percent of drug users but 35 percent of drug arrests, 55 percent of drug convictions and 74 percent of prison sentences. For non-drug offenses, African Americans got prison terms that averaged about 10 percent longer than Caucasians for similar crimes.
Homeopathy could have helped.

In one year 6,000,000 Americans were in “contingent” jobs, or jobs structured to last only temporarily. About 60 percent of these reportedly would prefer permanent employment.
Homeopathy could have helped.

In one year 6,800,000 Americans turned to their ministers, welfare agencies, and social counselors for help with emotional problems. In all, some 80,000,000 had already sought some kind of psychological counseling in their lifetimes. Homeopathy could have helped with  hundreds of remedies indicated by various emotional problems.

In one year 7,000,000 to 12,000,000 Americans were unemployed; numbers vary with the business cycle. Increasing numbers of the chronically unemployed show signs of stress and emotional depression. Homeopathy could have helped with 256 remedies indicated by depression.

In one year 10,000,000+ suffered from symptomatic asthma, an increase of 145 percent from 1990 to 1995, reportedly due to the increase in air pollution. Homeopathy could have helped with 245 remedies indicated by asthma.

In one year 12,000,000 of those Americans at poverty’s rock bottom suffered from chronic hunger and malnutrition.

In one year the majority of Americans were living at or below the poverty level experience hunger during some portion of the year. Homeopathy could have helped with 17 remedies indicated by a fear of poverty.

In one year 15,000,000 or more Americans were part-time or reduced-time “contract” workers who needed full-time jobs and working without benefits. Homeopathy could have helped with a vast repertoire of FDA regulated drugs that have been found tobe effective in inexpensively helping people with any emotional or physical problem.

In one year 16,000,000 Americans had diabetes, up from 11,000,000 in 1983 as Americans had become more sedentary and sugar addicted. Left untreated, diabetes can lead to blindness, kidney failure and nerve damage.
Homeopathy could have helped with 68 remedies indicated by diabetes mellitus.

In one year, 25,000,000, or one out of every 10 Americans, sought help from psychiatric, psychotherapeutic, or medical sources for mental and emotional problems, at a cost of over $4 billion. Homeopathy could have helped with cost effective, affordable treatment for anyone with mental or emotional problems of any kind

  • 31,450,000 Americans had used marijuana; 3,000,000 of them were heavy users. Homeopathy could have helped anyone who wanted to kick the habit of marijuana smoking.
  • 37,000,000 Americans, or one out of every six Americans, most of them women, regularly used emotion controlling medical drugs. 5,000 died from psychoactive drug treatments. 600 to 1,000 were lobotomized, most of them women.
  • 40,000,000 or more Americans were without health insurance or protection from catastrophic illness.
  • 40,000,000 Americans, or one of every four women and more than one of every ten men, were estimated to have been sexually molested as children, most often between the ages of 9 and 12, usually by close relatives or family acquaintances. Such abuse reportedly always extends into their early teens and is a part of their continual memory and not a product of memory retrieval in therapy.
  • 80,000,000 Americans live on incomes estimated by the U.S. Department of Labor as below a “comfortable adequacy”; 35,000,000 of these Americans live below the poverty level.
  • 160,000,000+ Americans are members of households that are in debt, a sharp increase from the 100 million of less than a decade ago. A majority indicate they have borrowed money not for luxuries but for necessities. Mounting debts threatened a financial crack-up in more and more families.

In one year . . homeopathy could have helped to have relieved the majority of debilitating stress affecting more than half of all Americans.

May God Bless America . . with homeopathy.

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