Views of a Fiery Blog May Reach 75,000,000

It finally ended. Since late April an interesting BATTLE ROYALE has been evolving and chopping virtual body parts off of homeopaths and their parastic trolls. All this can be gawked at on a medical journalist’s WordPress blog. A few days ago the author expleted that views had toppled the 7,500 mark . . or did he say 75,000,000?

Well, today he ended it . . the closed commentary, and with head down and feet dragging we all shuffled our ways home.

Boo hoo hoo. And just when things were getting good. The way things are going, given enough time, surely the numbers would have got higher, and may still after people read the headline on this blog. What is patently no lie is that at this early date there are now over 1000 comments, 632 Facebook links and 165 Tweets, women mudwrestling with men in a bloody free for all.

What I’m speaking of is Jerome Burne’s natty blog, BODY OF EVIDENCE, and this is the way it should be. The latest entry, the one in reference here, is entitled Homeopathy and the Threat of Endarkenment.

This is something I did not see when I first began posting on the subject many years ago. Most homeopaths were totally ignorant of the ancillary technical literature supporting homeopathy, or if they were cognizant of it, they were quiet about it, probably afraid to go home the way of Benveniste, tarred and feathered with a toothbrush . . and a nail driven through the wrist. It was intense. Seven years ago I’d put up a video on the pre-clinicals and I would have got less blood on me walking into a PETA rally in front of an animal skin shop wearing a full length mink coat. Up until a couple a few years ago, online, it was a hundred to one against homeopathy.


But this has swung the other way. The tables have turned. Homeopaths have learned to defend themselves with the literature and more science, and the anti-homeopathy moonbats are shooting rubber bullets. It still hurts, but it’s not stopping the charge by a greater number of proponents armed with real lead.


Answer: Like cures like

Question: What is vaccination?

Answer: Placebos

Question: What are chemical pharamaceuticals?

Answer: It’s just pure water.

Question: What is radioactive Tritium oxide?

Now Burne says he is an avowed agnostic on the subject of homeopathy . . which is honest enough, something all should try, myself excluded, having already sprayed the room with that Luddite swill. Like placebo being the thinker’s choice as to meaning, in a word, endarkenment is something one side is always clouting the other with. Although it should not come as a surprise to intuition, it seems an anomaly to conscious thought:

ALL HOMEOPATHY ANTAGONISTA,  trolls, pharma shills, professional skeptics like Richard Dawkins, James Randi, Joe Schwarz, David Colquhoun, Robert Parks, Ben Golddacre, Edzard Ernst, Phil Plaitt, Carl Sagan, Penn Jillette, Simon Singh, Neil Degrasse Tyson, most academic “scientists” like PZ Myers and pharmaceutical executives like Ian Reed of Pfizer and the half humans who slave for him ARE PATHOLOGICAL ATHEISTS. You can’t have a rational discussion with them. Try it. You won’t like it. But it will bring out the truth of what I say, and it will reveal to you the infrastructure of belief that supports the current mainstream medical paradigm or a chaotic, disconnected world made up of some yet undisceovered God particle, the Democritus bit, a homeogenous yet discreet and finite little pellet that is the stuffing for everything. That is the Universal view of atheism, the indivisibility of the infinitessimal, and if you want to see how it reads in all its delusional glory, read the commentary on Burne’s blog.

The Standard Atheist Argument goes like this:

A: Homeopathy is placebo/bunk/pseudoscience/fraud/useless (or expletive)

Q: Why do you say that?

A: There’s no science to back it up.

Q: Did you know that out of 22 reviews of the literature , only two concluded placebo, and they were shown to eiher misquote the literature or dismiss positive outcomes, just as you’re doing now?

A: You’re cherry picking.

Q: Did you know that even biochemical experiments with a high methodological standards could demonstrate an effect of high potencies?”

A: Benveniste was debunked.

Q: Did you know that Benveniste’s biochemical experiment that was supossedly debunked has been replicated over 24 times?

A: It’s just plain water.

Q: Did you know that tritium oxide, the radioactive trigger for a hydrogen bomb, by the same regard, is also just plain water, and homeopathic remedies have been discovered to be wide spectrum emitters, inclduing beta radiation?

A: Homeopathy is placebo/bunk/pseudoscience/fraud/useless (or expletive).

You may not want to read all thousand comments,  but hidden in the angry dribble of the trolls are some real gems, mostly by Laurie Willberg, Elaine Lewis, Sandra Courtney, Dana Ullman, Janice and Paul. It’s an education in the mentality of what not just homeopaths, but what humanity is up against.

Burne’s point is a Lazurus rising out of a blog he posted last July, wherein he spotted the cyberbullies of the homeoskeptic movement for what homeopaths have known them for years to be, “arrogant and batty.” This is novel for a “medical journalist,” as most of them get good traction beating up homeopaths rather than dabbing their tears. Even so, while bashing homeopaths . . and proving Burne’s point . . the antagonistas tip toe around him. 

I’m sure most have noticed it who have encountered it, the presumption of shooting blanks becomes predatory license for cowards. to attack the shooter and look grand. But it goes with the flow of late when the proselytes of similitude have been hitting back with some squirmy facts (mostly found in my blog) about what homeopathy is, or isn’t, and the sock puppets of skepticism have been leaving with bloody noses, and looking exactly like the other point Burne’s makes: Why are these loons after homeopaths pushing infinitessimals, with their presumed death by passive placebo and underdose, when the tide is rising from real iatrogenesis and death by overdose . . from active placebos.

Even if one should conclude by evidence or reason, that the little sugar pill is charged with nothing but belief, the genocide of modern pharma should be endorsement enough for consumers to overrun homeopathy, and therein is suspected the real math for the attack on homeopaths:Homeopaths are robbing mainsream medicine of their victims . . I mean, they’re stealing their customers!

This is not to say that homoeophobia is all economic. There is a noted pathology to homeopathy hating. I look forward to discussing it in a future blog . . but to get back to the point at hand, in the context of all this vicious vituperation of the adverse trustees that loyally attend us, a mysterious yet predictable little effect has been noticed by some workers, therein reported on Burne’s commentary . . but prodigiously dismissed by their masters, something one observer from the world of drug biochemistry explained early in the commentary: Due to encounters with water in the human body, the mechanism which propels the intended effects of homeopathic medicine is suspected now of causing unintended effects in the wallow of mainstream drugs. This could be the death knell of chemo medicine . . ah yes, and there’s the bell . . to be discussed in my next blog . . Accidental Homeopathy.

What we’re experiencing today in health care I believe is the delusional Standard Model of Physics playing itself out in medicine. All pejoratives against any particular person or group of people aside, this is as much due to the consumers phase of mind as it is to the suppliers’s state of mind. The supplier is just being opportunistic. He can’t survive in a market that is unwilling to buy his wares. He only convinces us of the value of his product . . not just because we’re convinceable, it’s what we demand. We don’t just believe it, we unconciously promote it.

Tell your friends, tell your enemies, be intelligent, be reminded, it’s fast, it’s furious , it’s fun, and you should read about it, in more detail, in your next issue of The John Benneth Journal . . subscribe NOW!

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  1. As usual, another well conceived and stated analysis and commentary John. I appreciate the mention as someone who is presenting a few ‘gems’ to counter-act the ‘dribble of the trolls’. I agree that it’s about time that MORE homeopaths, such as yourself, AND their patients defend homeopathy as each can do in their own style. I once told a homeopath in the U.S. I understood why she does not like to get into these discussions because of the insults and ridicule. I reassured her that I could and will. I owe it to homeopathy. Like you I think the homeopathy skeptics are being made aware that its defenders are in for the long haul with, as you stated, lead bullets.


  2. Really a wonderful blog with lot of informations. We do manufacture and supply Homeopathy Medicine. We are looking forward to serve you in future.Thanks for sharing with us.


  3. John – I can’t get to the link to the article!

    If there a problem? Or do I have a problem?



    • Laurie Willberg says:

      Here’s the link to the Jerome Burne article

      Oh, and John, my actual last name is what appears above this post, not that it’s a big deal.

      If someone has the time and patience to read through the “mudwrestling” comments (very apt description by the way!) it’s a foregone conclusion that those militant die-hard skeptics are playing the game of insisting that others substantiate their views without actually taking the time to substantiate theirs.

      The crux of Jerome’s article was a criticism of how these skeptics cling so tenaciously to RCTs as the *only* type of evidence they think is appropriate to medical treatments, while the evidence is growing that RCTs are blatantly being used as a form of statistics juggling by Big Pharma to the detriment of patients. Moreover, Jerome also rightly criticized these skeptics as Chicken Little-ing the supposed harms of Homeopathy with no backing from their cherished RCT form of evidence.

      True to form, none of the skeptic commenters offered any justification or substantiation for the inconsistencies of their well-known attitudes/philosophies. They spent their time scoffing at the research links provided by Homeopathy supporters and generally trying to evade providing any actual information or simply denying facts.

      Moreover, Jerome’s essay was a rebuttal to an online diatribe by one “Skepticat” a.k.a. Maria McLaughlin who although clearly aware of it, did not step in to defend her position at all. What she did do, however, was vociferously complain that her husband, Alan Henness, had been allegedly maligned by some unnamed commenter. Alan Henness proceeded to harass Jerome on Twitter, crying that he had been defamed by “someone”.

      In the meantime you can sidle on over to Sandra Courtney’s blog and get a gander at how dear Maria Skepticat told her to eat Excrementum Caninum (a.ka. dog poop). So much for delicate sensibilities and defamation…

      For those who are unaware, Alan Henness along with Simon Singh run the Nightingale Collaboration, devoted to actively promoting the peddling of complaints about non-conventional medical practitioners to the U.K. Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) which actually has no legal status or government endorsement.

      Thanks for your (as usual) entertaining and enlightening run down, John. Looking forward to more soon!

      Liked by 1 person

      • johnbenneth says:

        OMG Laurie, I’m so sorry, how stupid of me. Maybe because your posts are so erudite I typed the name of Hamlet’s alma mater for your last name. I knowhow it feels to have your name mispelled . . “No! Not ‘Bennett,’ Benneth. No! Not ‘Dennis,’ Benneth. No! Not . . oh never mind.”
        Please forgive me . . you will notice I also moved the names of people who use only their first names (Paul and Janice) to follow rather than precede Dana Ullman’s listing so as to not make it sound like they’re all relatives.
        Thanks again for all your fantastic work . . your commentary is more than entertaining . . keep hitting us with those gems


        • Laurie Willberg says:

          Thank you for that, John.
          Did you mention Hamlet? Yes, something certainly is “rotten in Denmark” and in the U.K. and in Canada, the U.S., Australia etc. etc. It’s called militant media skepticism.
          Louise McLean estimates that there are around 2,000 organic skeptic infestations worldwide. Compared to an estimated 500 million Homeopathy patients, do we really need to ask who is the lunatic fringe?
          At one point in the Jerome Burne comment fray he stepped in to remark that, considering that pharma med is the 3rd leading cause of death, finger-pointing at Homeopathy as a source of possible harm to patients was a case of ” the lady doth protest too much, methinks” (adding that this was not a commentary on skeptic gender).
          I have proposed that the Nightingale Collaboration change it’s name to the Chicken Little Foundation as being more appropriate to it’s stated purpose. Mr. Henness could then style himself as Hen-ass, to account for all those rotten anti-Homeopathy eggs he attempts to lay in his blog posts.

          Liked by 1 person

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