Mining the Kosmotrope

WARNING: Given the potential volatility of the material you are about to read, you acknowledge that by scrolling down you accept full responsibility for the outcome of the information given here and hold harmless the author, John R Benneth, and his agents and assigns, and likewise hold harmless his supporters for anything that may transpire from reading this blog, The John Benneth Journal.

1 Trespass

1 Heresy of heresies

2 Witch hunt

3 Zeno’s paradox

5 Inquisition

8 Skeptics attack Maxwell’s lab

13, 21, 34 the Nobel prize . .




55. Physics of homeopathy, truth and lies



55. An obsession above my pay grade


89. The law of similars follows the laws of electromagnetism, like Coulomb’s law, i.e. opposite poles attract, like repel; similar magnetic fields annihilate, thus laws of curative medicine are Electromagnetic.


7/26/18 I’m sorry, I have to apologize for not staying in touch. I don’t think people understand what a heresy this is, This is the greatest scientific anomaly of all time. It is the physical manifestation of Zeno’s paradox of infinitesimal splitting, and I have found the answer.

The problem is communicating this to others, especially anchored academic science. Trying to explain it to Ph.D’s and medical doctors in 144 characters on Twitter is like trying to explain it to mules and mountain lions, or the Spanish Inquisition while being attacked by a swarm of angry bees.

So please bear with me, it’s just me begging for help.


I have been working on Mining the Kosmotrope by Roman Aclef, what might as well be a science fiction novel about a professional imposter who ruins his life when he accepts a magician’s challenge for $1 million to scientifically prove homeopathy, and discovers the panaceac electro-infrastructure of the immune system . . and the fundamental mechanism of prophylaxis.

The question is, is reading this crap ruining mine, or (2) have I stumbled upon the invocation of the next great advance in medicine?


Given the rancor the central character meets while chumming bits of plasma physics, burn-all-the-text-books anti-science out to the pathologicians, I’m inclined to think that it has indeed ruined my life . . my past life, that is, like what happens at a potlatch, where the chief burns or gives away all his worldly goods. You may well ask, how could he do this? How, as a whim, is it possible to give away everything you worked for your whole life to get?

That’s what’s happened, hasn’t it?


He got a reverse mortgage on his soul. He sees how meaningless all this material crap is. So I thank you for your gracious presence, and your quiet patience, for not posting angry emails or calling me on the phone to demand where the next Journal entry is, and slam the phone down when I tell you I been ill . . and after being run over, beat up and body slammed, had a couple of near death experiences where I was floating above my body, looking down at all the people walking by, not noticing I was dead.


I will confess, however, I am doing much better, yes, I think, as I seem to be curing myself of what’s left of me, branded Parkinsonism, a Parkinson-like condition that at one point had me almost completely paralyzed. But . . I am now walking a brisk mile, dragging Hudson (the dog who used to drag me) around the block, and sprinting. The remedy I’m using is Conium maculatum, Socrates’ final remedy, Hemlock, the cure for imbecility, or genius, you decide.

Maybe what I need is a little ham on wry

In my last journal entry I promised to say something in my next about the glow detected in homeopathic remedies, and as they say in Walla Walla, you’ll find it here.

Here’s a brief excerpt for what will be taken by anchored science as a packet of lies, what I might as well call a stinking novel.

Here the protagonist, homeopath Lester Samuel Moore, addresses a conference of physicists in the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge, U.K., led by Nobel laureate Brian Josephson, while protesters, led by professor of pharmacology David Colquhoun, surround the building, overdosing on homeopathic sleeping pills.

Entering disguised as a “scientist,” Moore shows up with his entourage in the lobby of the Cavendish. Josephson bursts through the door and starts screaming at Moore, “Your videos are unacceptable! You got to stop appearing in Youtube videos using the N-word and posing as a gay Jew!” (watch video below)

[Note that he never identifies the “controversial speaker.”]

“Okay, okay,” says Moore and while others stand agape, he agrees to pull down his livelihood for the opportunity to videotape this epiphany in the womb of electromagnetism . .   and proceeds with Josephson into the Cavendish.

Suddenly they are hit with a second problem sans LaGrangian. As Moore’s son Maxwell sets up the camera, the head of department flies into the room and orders it taken down, prohibiting videotaping. As Josephson reveals in the video (below) he quickly comes up with the answer.


MOORE: “Niels Bohr calculated the transduction of electrons into photons through hydrogen, (5) which reaffirms the conclusion that water, through its hydrogen component, is a wideband transceiver of the electromagnetic spectrum, and it has been observed that ultra dilute homeopathic remedies in solution glow. Discovered by Swiss chemist Louis Rey (6). it was found that the thermoluminescent glow is substantially different between dilutions of different substances. Linus Pauling noted the hydroelectric transduction of alcohol’s narcotic effects through those same hydrogen bonds that make up clathrates (7). So although these may sound like non sequiturs to the fractured mind, like a phase shift up, a picture may be leaping up off the page at this point for readers with fractal minds, pieces of the theory, chemistry and physics, the electrodynamics of the homeopathic remedy puzzle . . and so I beg the indulgence of my doctoral committee’s allowance, in insisting that at the time of this writing there is no known conventional theory for the action of these materials in question that precedes the one being offered here, and I must emphasize the word “known”, for there actually is the inception of a theory for the action of the ultra dilute homeopathic remedy that goes beyond simply noting change in structure, comporting with Roy’s conclusion of epitaxy and the Conte team’s discovery of tritium in the homeopathic remedy (8). The beginning of a conventional theory for the presence of the electronic structure of the solute in the solvent of homeopathic solutions, diluted past the molecular limit in a chain reaction, is found in Copeland’s seminal ionic theory for homeopathy, The Scientific Reasonableness of Homeopathy’published in 1909 (9).”

There is a brief pause as Moore, feeling his heresy, mops the sweat from his face.
“I have this feeling that something is about to kill me . . Copeland’s revelation of molecular dissociation’s infinitesimal mill is homeopathy’s missing link, the part that unites structure and charge. Gentlemen, and excuse me, the lady over there, this is the nuclear event we’ve been looking for.” Lester Samuel Moore in the greatest heresy, Mining the Kosmotrope,

Here is the video wherein Nobel laureate Josephson tells the story of a heretical science lecture at the Cavendish.

5. Bohr, hydraulic conversion of the electron into photons . It is my assertion that the water molecule’s reception, transformation and transmission of the electromagnetic spectrum is not limited to electrons and photons.

6. Rey L Homeopathy. 2007 Jul;96(3):170-4.Can low-temperature thermoluminescence cast light on the nature of ultra-high dilutions?

7. Nobel prize-winning chemist Linus Pauling proposed that the narcotic effect might be due to the formation of crystals called ‘clathrate hydrates’ in the brain. I think that idea is wrong, but we propose a cage-like hydrogen-bonded structure, which  is a liquid analogue of a clathrate,” says Schaefer. “Water alcohol mixtures are known to form clathrate hydrates below -80 degrees C, which is why we proposed a transient cage-like structure in the liquid at room temperature.” J. Agric. Food Chem., May 21, 2010 (12), pp 7394–7401 Structurability: A Collective Measure of the Structural Differences in Vodkas Naiping Hu

8. Conte: “Tritium creation in homoeopathic solutions has been measured. Initially, the measured radioactivity of these solutions was equal to 20 CPM, that is to say 20 pulses/minute and, one year later, the radioactivity measured was of 414 CPM. This is indeed a low value but it represents the last step of the different rematerializations.”

9. Copeland, The Scientific Reasonableness of Homeopathy. Royal S. Copeland, A.M., M.D. “In the theory of dissociation of molecules, the laboratory of physical chemistry has scientifically proven the value of the infinitesimal. While this doctrine is now well known to every scientist. and especially to the reader of the homeopathic publications of the past five years, it may not be out of place to review it briefly. As interpreted by this theory, a chemical, technically an electrolyte, when dissolved, is dissociated into parts or particles smaller than the atoms and known as ions. The more dilute the solution the greater is the dissociation and consequently the atoms are less in number and the ions increased. In a solution infinitely dilute, the dissociation is absolute and the chemical is present only in a state of ionization. When this subject was newly presented the first question which occurred to most of us was: How dilute must the solution be in order to bring about complete dissociation? If it were a solution of sodium chloride, for instance, what dilution, according to our nomenclature, would furnish complete ionization? The search for facts on this subject revealed Lord Kelvin’s statement as to the size of the molecule. He says: “Imagine a rain drop or a globe of glass as large as a pea, to be magnified up to the size of the earth, each constituent molecule being magnified in the same proportion. The magnified structure would be coarser grained than a heap of small shot, but probably less coarse grained than a heap of cricket balls.” The illustration permits us to appreciate, to some extent, at least, the enormous number of molecules in a bit of matter the size of a millet seed. In order, then, to reach a solution sufficient to bring about dissociation of the molecule itself, it is readily seen that the volume of the solvent used must be immense. Having quoted Kelvin, Jones, Professor of Physical Chemistry in Johns Hopkins University, states that perhaps, the best demonstration of the almost unlimited divisibility of matter is furnished by some of the aniline dyes, or by fluorescein, where one part is capable of coloring or rendering fluorescent at least one hundred million parts of water. This solution corresponds to, at least, the eighth decimal dilution. The authorities agree that the dissociation increases with the dilution from the most concentrated solutions up to a dilution of about one one-thousandth normal. It is safe to assume that dissociation of the simplest drug is not complete under the sixth decimal dilution.

One comment on “Mining the Kosmotrope

  1. Reblogged this on Radionics and commented:
    Google for Josephson and the first hit is “Brian David Josephson” … I quote Wikipedia: best known for his pioneering work on superconductivity and quantum tunnelling, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1973 for his prediction of the Josephson effect, made in 1962 when he was a 22-year-old PhD student at Cambridge University.


    Josephson’s reputation for promoting unorthodox causes was cemented by his support for the ideas of water memory and cold fusion, both of which are rejected by mainstream scientists. Water memory is purported to provide an explanation for homeopathy; it is mostly dismissed by scientists as pseudoscience, although Josephson has expressed support for it since attending a conference at which French immunologist Jacques Benveniste first proposed it.

    Thanks God these materialistic “scientists” are soon history, fertilizer for my garden. It would be better to just admit the overwhelming amount of evidence that WE DON’T KNOW EVERYTHING!

    All pseudoskeptics demonstrates similar patterns in their behaviour and I bet that a blood analysis would reveal a considerable higher amount of alumina as normal or open minded human beings.


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