The Allopathic Murder Association

The American Medical Association (AMA, better known to homeopaths as the Allopathic Murder Association) representing popular mainstream medicine recently broke down and confessed, in the open court of their journal, to using properly prescribed and properly administered patent allopathic pharmaceuticals to kill around 300,000 people a year in the US alone.

100,000 of those die of drug overdoses in hospital. The rest are gunned down during escape attempts., usually within 20 miles of the institution. Although a many make it more than a few feet beyond the death chamber door, virtually no American ever makes it all the way to France, Cuba or Italy . . not even Canada,  where they can live in peace as medical exiles.

The excuse for this, that allopathy is all that stands between the patient and the Boatman, is a necessary fabrication by the AMA, and for the sake of population control must remain so.

In order to get away with it, allopathic murderers have to hide behind a thin veil of pretended do-gooding. And this is their assurance that out of the context of assisted suicide, and in the context that there is another form of treatment, at worst they would only be convicted of manslaughter.

In the meantime, without the daily recognition of real medicine, which they have but can’t patent, the average allopath wanders around in a psychosis, like a volunteer neighborhood night watchman, looking for his next victim to tattoo with a Very. Big. Nightmare.

Sure. Instead of the neighborhood association cheering them on, they have the patent pharmaceutical industry to do it for them . . with money . . bales of it.

Of course we can’t entirely blame the pusher. These guys have been dealing dangerous drugs as medicine for centuries now and getting away with it. This isn’t a scientific problem, it’s a financial one.

The streets would be full of the jobless wandering the streets . . more than there are now . . if homeopathy were to replace allopathy, as it should.

Which is better? A few homeless homeopaths barking at the drug dealers, or a nation of healthy, unemployed derelicts?

Amanda Knox’s Perugian Holiday



Perugia, Italy – Amanda Knox, the young woman held in an Italian prison for years, convicted of murder and rape in the death of Meredith Kercher, today was set free. In an Op Ed piece in the L.A. Times Nina Burleigh writes:

“After a few weeks in Perugia, I saw that there was something very wrong with the narrative of the murder that the authorities and the media were presenting. There was almost no material evidence linking Knox or her boyfriend to the murder, and no motive, while there was voluminous evidence — material and circumstantial — implicating a third person, a man, whose name one almost never read in accounts of the case.”

Something wrong? That’s putting it mildly. c a third person? Who does Burleigh think she’s protecting? The convicted murderer was and still is Rudy Hermann Guede, a 21 year old man from Abijan, Côte d’Ivoire, who’s DNA was smeared all over the crime scene, including a bloody handprint found on Kercher’s pillow, matched to Guede.  Guede had fled town (Perugia) by train a few days after the murder and had to be extradited from Germany.

What more do you need?

That Knox and her friend, Raffaele Sollecito, an engineering student in Perugia, were even suspected in the murder is outrageous enough; that they were charged with it by the Italian authorities is enough to make anyone with any sense want to stay as far away from Italy as possible; that they were convicted of it is enough to make a less forgiving man push launch on Italy.

If it had been up to me I would have sent in the Marines.

The prosecutor changed his mind more times on what Knox and Sollecito’s motives were for the crime than a kid stoned on weed ordering ice cream at Baskin and Robbins for the first time.    I mean what the hell?   One moment the prosecution had Knox orchestrating an orgy; the next a Satanic ritual; the next she was a jealous lover; the next she did it beause she high on drugs . . but if she was, she obviously couldn’t have been as high as he was.

Italy ought to scrape about a billion Euros together to pay these kids off for what they did to them. My God, how is Italy going to live this down? Have they checked the water in Perugia? Is everyone there that crazy?

Maybe its a virus that causes mass insanity, or presenile dementia.

The  place ought to be quarantined. By the time they had convicted Knox they had already convicted Guede of the crime!

It reads like a witch hunt, something out of the 16th century. There was a report of a crowd outside the courtroom yelling “Shame! Shame!” as Amanda was escorted from the  courtroom grimacing in tears. I tried to translate “shame” and came up with 24 different Italian words for it.

It’s like the number of words that Eskimos have for “snow,” or Arabs have for “sand,” I guess. All nuances of what is under their feet, the many words for it . . in all its different colors, tetures and shades.

It would seem that from the long list of variations on this intransigent theme of guilt, it would seem that the Italians dwell on shame a little more than English speakers do. Perhaps it is because they have so much to be embarrassed about . . the Roman Holiday, Nero, Mussolini, Fascism the Catholic Church, the Mafia.

And now add to this list Amanda Knox’s Perguian Holiday.

Keeping a girl imprisoned for years like that, without any evidence of her guilt., selling her diary, then convicting her of slander after they had driven her mad with sleep deprivation . .  and the crowd was yelling Shame! Shame! . . at Knox?

Not to be outdone, had he known of it,  it would have inspired Caligula to even greater storms of creative cruelty.

Why is Obama wasting smart bombs on people like Anwar al-Awlaki when there are targets like these Italian prosecutors wandering around looking for Americans to grab in Perugia?

I read a homeopath the other day commiserating on cognitive dissonance to say that we homeopaths deal with mental problems on the cellular level. I find that to be profoundly true. I could only respond that it was one of those things I had to dwell on to avour it for awhile. In curing mental problems the remedy is indeed the stuff of quantum psychiatry.

Perhaps now it’s time we start shooting our pellets down their throats with a BB gun.

In the Knox situation I was seized today by how little the light of evidence guides the monstrous crowd in the darkness of what it wants to believe. How can I believe that I am free of such unawareness of prejudice when I see my fellow man casting it about so nakedly?


I immediately thought of my own business and the mountains of evidence that show the effectiveness of my remedies, the ever growing number of remarkable cures I have seen . . and yet how we homeopaths let the false skeptic plant that doubt in our minds and imprison us like Knox, . .with nothing more than slurs.

I always find myself having to shake it off an remind myself, never believe the opposition.

Dear Amanda, nicknamed “Bambi”  by her cellmates, a young woman, not much more than a girl when she was imprisoned years ago, forced to stand alone and make a plaintive plea before they would set her free, and when they did, be cast into the crowd’s obloquy. She could have used that advice . . never believe the opposition when they say you’re wrong and they’re threatening you with it. If you start believing what the opposition is saying about you and what you do or did, you haven’t got to know yourself well enough yet.

How would they know what happened, to be so sure of it? How quickly people who know nothing of a thing will condemn it, voice a strident opinion of it, not because of the evidence, there was none, but because that’s what they wanted to believe.

That’s what they wanted to believe. The look on her face.

Justice, ha! Well, as I have reminded myself,  it builds character . . if you let it.


John Benneth, Homeopath

PS: Suffering from some malady, mental or physical? Homeopathy can help. Call me for a free consultation, tough problems are my specialty. 503 819 7777

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Really. Stupid. People.

Sometimes I wonder about how stupid people can be. I mean there are stupid people, there’s a lot of them, I don‘t suppose they‘d be stupid if they weren‘t people.
I wonder if that choice is made in Heaven. Guy says, “God, I want to live this next reincarnation as a really stupid person. I mean anot just dumb, but a real idiot. The kind of person that acts like he knows something, but doesn‘t really. Arrogant, full of assertions, the kind of jerk who makes up his mind not to see the evidence. The kind of guy who takes a job as a night watchman in a day camp. He’s so stupid he’ll ask what wine goes best with Alpo. If I do that I’ll bring joy into the world by making other people laugh at me.”

Here’s a statement I got from someone calling himself ISayISaw. Now I’m not saying that he’s dumb or drunk necessarily, but something tells me that if he had a brain concussion it would probably classify as a minor injury. He starts out by quoting me. (Boy, is that ever a dumb thing to do):

“Kaviraj and I have given them more than enough time to respond to our challenge. All we have asked of the critics of homeopathy, like Edzard Ernst, John Beddington, Ben Goldacre, Andy Lewis and their dopey proxies, is to please show us the evidence that homeopathic remedies are “placebos.”

Show us just one scientific study that proves it.


Just one.

That’s all.

It’s not too much to ask . .

Here we are, empty handed. After all this complaining from self-made, tall-talking, wide-walking homeopathy bashers about how homeopathic remedies are nothing more than “placebos” as if they know what a placebo really is, we ask for little evidence of that and they all go quiet on us.

These are the kind of people who fail to check to see if the guns are loaded before putting them to their heads and pulling the trigger.

And then he does. Show us a “study,” that is.

And then he surly says: “You’re not empty-handed but you don’t only seem to pay attention of the poorest quality evidence and the unsupported claims of homeopathy’s fanboys.”

Okay, the nasty remarks aside, this is good. I SayISaw actually coughed up what purports to be a real “scientific” trial here , even if it is just one, and out of hundreds of trials of homeopathy the only one, it’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen, written by the kind of people who are so dim they’d light a match to read a sundial. But look, it’s a hundred times better than the bluff and bluster we get from everybody else.

And published nowhere.
This particular study by Sarah Brien, Laurie Lachance, Phil Prescott, Clare McDermott and George Lewith implies in its title that the effect of homeopathy is a placebo that come from the homeopathic consultation. And I bet they used to save their burned out light bulbs for their darkroom, too. A dark room is the place where these people used to go to retrieve the contents of their photographic memories, but they gave it up because nothing ever developed.
Well, ISayISaw should be congratulated nonetheless for bringing this up. So let’s give a good hand for ISayISaw on the computer keyboard. Let’s give him another good. Actually he needs more than two good hands on the computer keyboard. Maybe he could take his foot out of his mouth and use that.

Title of the study that presumably “proves” homeopathy is a “placebo” is: “Homeopathy has clinical benefits in rheumatoid arthritis patients that are attributable to the consultation process but not the homeopathic remedy: a randomized controlled clinical trial”

Click to access rheumatology.keq234.full.pdf

You can read it yourself, but make sure you’re not operating any heavy equipment if you do because there’s a chance that you might fall over laughing, or start beating your head against the steering wheel.
The objective of this mess was, “To assess whether any benefits from adjunctive homeopathic intervention in patients with RA are due to the homeopathic consultation, homeopathic remedies or both.”
Okay, stop right there. Note the word adjunctive. Adjunct means “something added to another thing but not an essential part of it.”
So now we have to ask an essential part of what? What else is going on in this study they aren’t mentioning here?
The report says this was an exploratory double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial conducted from January 2008 to July 2008, in patients with active stable rheumatoid arthritis (RA) receiving conventional therapy.
So in other words, these people were being treated for rheumatoid arthritis using “conventional drugs.”
Just what drugs might those be?
Celebrex? (Pfizer) Yeah, Celebrex. That’s the one advertised on TV showing a smiling young woman flying a kite on the beach, supposedly having a good time.
Here’s the side effects from Celebrex when she gets back from the beach:
“Increased risk of cardiovascular incidents including blood clotting, heart attack and stroke, kidney problems, fluid retention, liver damage, potentially lethal stomach bleeding.”
There’s that young woman again, on her knees in front of the toilet, spitting up blood from lethal stomach bleeding.
Or maybe it was Vioxx.
“Merck & Co., Inc. has agreed to pay $4.85 billion to resolve Vioxx-related claims in which a claimant has suffered a heart attack, sudden cardiac death, or stroke.”

They’d be better off with a bottle of whiskey and a couple of tickets to a good cage fight. Get ’em on their feet to go somewhere other than the doctor’s office. Maybe what this study was all about was to look for something else to blame it on.

The people who wrote this study are the kind of people who would hand a drowning man a glass of water. I think their last study was to see if people swallowed firecrackers their hair would grow out in bangs.

I mean, do I need to explain this to anybody except for the really, really stupid? I’m surprised this guy ISayISaw can read. He probably has a kid read it to him.
And who did the authors explain this to in order to get it all typed up so nicely? That person deserves the Nobel prize for patience.

This isn’t a test for placebo. I’m not sure what it’s a test for.  Maybe its a secret IQ test. They sure as hell don’t say. Here’s what they did:

Patients were randomized into five groups. Of the five groups, three received a homeopathic consultation (Groups 1 – 3) and two (Groups 4 and 5) did not. The consultation groups were further randomized to individualized treatment (Group 1), a homeopathic complex for RA (Group 2) or placebo (Group 3).
Non-consultation participants were allocated complex (Group 4) or placebo (Group 5); individualized homeopathy can only be prescribed through a consultation.
This study has not disclosed the homeopathic remedies given to Group 1 patients. it says nothing about (group 6) the pill pushers who organized this debacle.

Or (Group 7) the homeoapths. So here comes the homeopath who’s been asked to participate in a study on the effectiveness of homeopathy, and he finds that every one of these people are on racketeceuticals, and they’re having problems with blood clotting, they’re having heart attacks and strokes, kidney problems, they’re puffy from fluid retention, liver damage, and some are having potentially lethal stomach bleeding.

Did the individual consultations focus on totality of symptoms as presented by the patient or the clinical diagnosis as presented by Group 1, or the clinical daignosis as presented by Group 6? Just what was Group 1 given as a result of consulation? A bottle of whiskey and a couple of tickets to a good cage fight. Or how about a carefully folded note that says, “Run for your life.”

Statistically tt appears that Group 6 had a regression to the mean . . mean spirited that is.
So the challenge to Ernst and the Evil Empire still remains after all this time. Provide one trial that proves homeopathy is a “placebo.”
In the meantime, next time you get rheumatoid arthritis, go to a homeopath before the Vioxx pushers get their hands on you, or you might end up in a study like the one ISayISaw regurgitated here. Unless of course you want your heirs to collect on the settlement.

It might save yo a lot of money, time, pain and an early grave.

You know, I bet the people who wrote the Brien “human science experiment” take rulers to bed with them to see how long they sleep. I bet the real facts in this report could have been written on a piece of confetti. I bet they’re so stupid that if we gave them a goldmedal for it they’d have it bronzed.

They’re so stupid that if . . your thoughts go here:__.


In “The Disease Only Homeopathy Can Cure” commentary, a reader named Lenny says,

Kaviraj says “Evidence is evidence, regardless how you want to twist it. You have invented the term, now eat it.”
Which is worrying. How someone can dare to engage in a debate regarding evidence-based practice whilst failing to understand the fundamentals is something to make one raise an eyebrow. There are levels of evidence, Kaviraj. From simple anecdote up to the level of meta-analyses. Journals will now use a star-rating to indicate the level of evidence in a particular study.

If homeopathy worked, we’d use it. Even if we didn’t understnad how it worked, even though it confounded all known physics, we’d be all over it like a rash.
But it doesn’t. At least not beyond placebo. For us to state this gets the homeopaths angry. We are questioning their faith, their beliefs, what they stand for, what they hold true. But this is not a religion. It is a supposed medical intervention. And this can be tested. And the more we test it, and the better we test it, the worse it performs. Sorry, boys. Much as it’s painful, you need to read the books, try to understand what we’re on about and realise you’re barking up the wrong tree.


IN a response, I answer:

Isn’t it hilarious that everything the anti-homeopathy crowd says against homeopathy ends up being true for them? Look at this comment by Lenny in response to “The Disease Only Homeopathy Can Cure.” He’s so contradictory he even contradicts himself.
He says, “If homeopathy worked, we’d use it.”
LOL! Homeopathy DOES work and we DO use it. Just look at the figures for usage worldwide. It certainly outperforms the gilded crap Lenny’s trying to peddle. Cubans in 2007 issued 2.5 million doses of homeopathics and stopped the leptospirosis epidemic in their highest risk region, while it went up 22% in untreated regions. And this is typical of epidemiological studies comparing homeopathy against allopathy. How does Lenny explain that? Look up the stats in Bradford’s Logic of Numbers if you don’t believe it.
Then Lenny says “Even if we didn’t understand how it worked, even though it confounded all known physics, we’d be all over it like a rash. But it doesn’t. At least not beyond placebo.”
As I’ve pointed out, people in countries that don’t have their media controlled by racketeers like Pfizer, they ARE all over it like a rash, and like a rash it is growing. And it doesn’t confound all known physics. Apparently Lenny didn’t hear my talk at the Cavendish Laboratory.
Well, you can’t condemn a man for being ignorant, but you can for being arrogant, and that’s what Lenny is. He’s arrogant, he makes assumptions about things, he fails to ask important questions, and doesn’t recognize superior intelligence when he reads it.
Here’s the prima facie truth of the Beddington Lunacy. Lenny says it doesn’t work, and then he qualifies it by saying it doesn’t work any better than placebo. But wait . .Lenny! That means it DOES work, you just said so. You implied placebo works, so you believe homeopathy works.  So you agree,  homeopathy works! And that’s even with hordes like you and 10:23 running around saying it doesn’t! pretty strong placebo!

Does anyone but me and my colleagues see how stupid people have become? Lenny’s not the only one, Professor Sir John Beddington, Chief Scientific Advisor of the Fourth Reich, who wants the Third World to die in an epidemic so they won’t invade Britain, says the same damn thing as Lenny.

“In a recent article in a UK newspaper, it was inferred by this reporter that the Chief Science advisor of the UK government announced to the public, especially those in the Third World countries, (the ones Britain failed to oppress during compulsive b0uts of Anglo imperialism) should not use homeopathy. Homeoapthics, he says, have no science to back them up and are no better than placebo.”

“Doctor, does homeoapthy work?”
“Of course it works, it’s a placebo! The Chief Scientist and a chap named Lenny say so! And if that isn’t enough, it’s been tested on a couple million Cubans and they’re about to invade Britain!”

Given homeoathy’s superior performance in epidemics, it is easy to calculate Beddington’s phobia of homeoapthy in supercharging the Third World to overthrow Beddington’s Fourth Reich. Have you noticed how uppity the Indians have been lately? And they take dilutes by the bowlful.  

In fact, from the sound of it, Lenny could very well BE Beddington in disguise. He might as well be. Like Lenny Beddington says, “Sorry, boys. Much as it’s painful, you need to read the books, try to understand what we’re on about and realise you’re barking up the wrong tree.”
Those books would be the “Organon of Medicine” by Hahnemann, and the repertorized materia medica by James Tyler Kent, MD for one, and John Henry Clarke, MD, for another, plus Kaviraj’s works on agrohomeoapthy. And a book with some simle phrases in Hindi like, “Please don’t kill me.”
Professor Sir Lenny Beddington is wrong and Kaviraj, as always, is right.
Unfortunately for the Fourth Reich, homeopathy works.
John Benneth, PG Hom – London (Hons.)

The Disease Only Homeopathy Can Cure

Watch out, there’s a new disease going around. It’s called Le Canard Noir. That means the black lie, n‘est ce pas? It’s like pederasty. In homoepathy they think they’ve found an innocent child to molest. They thinkn they can bully it with threats & lies.
In a symptom of le canard noir, an article here about Florence Nightingale, that tracks back to a most unfortunate eponym for a recent collaboration against the innocent child, some anti-homeopathy blogger known for his fabrications says he don’t think homeopaths check out sources.
The name of this flat out fabricator is a sleezy little punk who slimed his way out of Soho, found a used lap top.
His blog is at . . no, wait! That’s wrong. That’s not his website . . not anymore . . it was taken away from him for lying, now redirects to a real doctor’s website, where instead of lies you can get real help for real problems.
Proudly, insanely, the black liar calls himself that,  Le Canard Noir, in Frenchy means, “the black liar.” Funny how the truth just seeps through a man’s cracks. It’s as if he was gut busted without seeming to know it or even care.
I think its critically important to not make any sumptions, or least try not to, such as thinking that I caught someone in a lie, not just misquoting a Nobel laureate, but intentionally misquoting him, for the purpose of maligning someone else.
Something carefully thought out, like a canard!
A canard noir.
I have another rule. If you seen it done once, keep watching, you’ll seen it done it again. Poke into the past, it’s just another lie in a long string of lyings. Know it. This isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last time le canard noir got caught in a bold faced lie. He can’t help it. He‘s been sued for it more than once, and he always loses. Boo hoo. And as always, he get‘s booted off the old website, has to scrounge up a new one.

God puts people here on Earth for many a strange reason. Some to just sit around and wait to get killed. Some to tell lies, twist the truth. Like Canard Noir. To make Man check his facts for sure. Others to do great things, like Josephson, who brought the world it’s greatest invention . . the mind-machine interface (SQUIBS).
Me? Oh, God put me here on the face of It to set things straight. I done it before, I do it again.
I’m here to save millions of lives from the Evil Empire of Pharmaceutical Racketeers. Bring in the world’s greatest medicine. I have done this by teaching the world’s top scientists that there is a real detectable, physical basis for it. Homeopathics are powerful crystalline hydroxl analogs that work directly on the immune system.
Won’t you join me in this great mission?
When you get cancer, like Michael Douglas, look in the mirror and say, “I choose homeopathy.”
If you are midst rampant disease, like malaria, look in the mirror and say, “I choose homeopathy.”
If your mind isn’t right, like Canard noir, look in the mirror and say, “I choose homeopathy.”
Say “I choose homeopathy because it works.”
You seen me do it before, you’ll see me do it again.

John Benneth, PG Hom. (Hons.)
Hahnemann College, London