MEASLES: The FDA recommended non-toxic vaccine

There can’t be any hotter ticket than this, our new immunology featuring the newly discovered chemistry of the supramolecular “vaccine”> prophylaxis*, and the Old Guard will revolt to protect their own interest. But before any recommendations can be made, we have to put forward the ground rules under which the Federal Drug Administration is empowered to operate within the Federal Drug and Cosmetic Act  (FDCA) as both encouragement and caution.

The FDCA recommended nox-toxic prophylaxis for the Measles is supramolecular Morbillinum. Supramolecular means its effective operation is “beyond the molecule” in the transitory energetic plasma phase of the pathogen’s immunity trigger,  made so by the hydrolytic ion extraction of the pathogenic germ so as to avoid the use of long term complications of permanently embedded molecular germs and adjuvants of the old “dirty” molecular “vaccines.”

Here are the FDA restrictions regarding recommendations for traditional use of Morbillinum and other supramolecular prophylaxis “vaccines” as provided by the Compliance Policy Guides of the FDCA under the guidance of Sen. Royal Copeland, Chief Sponsor of the Act.

CPG Sec. 400.400 Conditions Under Which Homeopathic Drugs May be Marketed

“A product’s compliance with requirements of the HPUS, USP, or NF does not establish that it has been shown by appropriate means to be safe, effective, and not misbranded for its intended use.

“A guide to the use of homeopathic drugs (including potencies, dosing, and other parameters) may be found by referring to the following texts: A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke, M.D., (3 volumes; Health Science Press) and A Clinical Repertory to the Dictionary of Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke, M.D. (Health Science Press). These references must be reviewed in conjunction with other available literature on these drug substances.”

More can and should be said, and the reader is invited to join in on the discussion to tease out pro and con. More on product compliance can be found at:

Given that the reader understands the provisions of FDA, let it be said that if you must “vaccinate,” use supramolecular prophylaxis only. We also suggest that supramolecular prophylaxis be tested on non human subjects and administered by licensed practitioners trained in its use only, and that a Federal database be maintained tracking the individual use of supramolecular drugs.

Here is the specific page in the FDA recommended supramolecular treatment of Measles

By John Henry CLARKE, M.D.


Morbillin. The nosode of Measles.

Clinical.─Catarrh. Coryza. Cough. Ear, affections of. Eye, affections of. Measles. Skin, affections of.

Example of supramolecular Morbillinum now available for order online. We suggest it be treated like all molecular vaccines and administered by licensed practitioners only.

Characteristics.─The well-known symptoms which characterise an attack of measles may all be taken as guides for its homœopathic use. Its chief use hitherto has been as a prophylactic against infection, and to clear up after effects of an attack. My own use of it has been confined to the 30th and higher, but there is no bar upon lower potencies, and those who prefer them may begin with the 6th. As a prophylactic given to those who are, or may be, exposed to infection, I prescribe a dose of the 30th twice or thrice daily. For an attack of the disease I find nothing better than Morbil. 30, eight or ten globules in six ounces of water, a dessertspoonful every two hours.─The effect of this is heightened by giving alternately Bell. 30 in the same way. These two medicines will be sufficient to carry through any uncomplicated case, and in my experience do even better than Pulsatilla. As the measles poison has a great affinity for the mucous passages, the eyes, the ears and the respiratory mucous membranes, Morbil. may be used in such cases like any other homœopathic remedy, when the symptoms correspond.

Relations.─Complementary: Bell. Compare: Puls., Hep., Merc., Sul.

*vaccine, meaning from cattle, is a misnomer for prophylaxis, meaning prevention of infection, insemination or pregnancy

How Bad Homeopathy Saved 3,000,000 Australian Children

How Bad Homeopathy Saved 3,000,000 Australian Children by John Benneth

But some want to pull the plug . .

The “homeopathy” debate is rife with misnomers. The opponents take the proven practice of homoeopathy [homoeotherapy, curing a disease by creating a temporary artificial disease by giving a substance that causes the same symptoms as those of the disease to be cured] and conflating it with an ignorance of posology, the issue of dosage, how much of a particular medicine is given, and in what material phase.

Posology is the only reasonable or scientific concern that should be before us now.

But alas, other issues, like an artificial disease, prevail. So it is the job of this journal to separate  and analyze them. You should find the widespread ignorance of the conflation to be alarming, if not startling . .

“When the ratio of diluent to medicine is as low as 100:1 and if very many succussions were forced into it by a powerful machine, we would obtain medicines that, especially in the higher degrees of dynamization, would act almost instantaneously but with intense, even dangerous violence, particularly on a delicate patient, without bringing about the permanent, gentle counteraction of the vital principle.” Hahnemann, Samuel. The Organon of Medicine, Para. 270p. 114, 6th edition J. P. TARCHER, INC. Los Angeles, distributed by Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston PDF ONLINE at

The current example of this chronic dilemma of homoeopathy can be seen in reports from the Southern Hemisphere hinting at a draft paper by Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) that says “homeopathic remedies” are no more effective than a placebo “when used to treat 68 health conditions.”


Worries are being expressed that the NHMRC’s implied review of the literature may lead to stricter regulations for the use of “homeopathic” products and homeopathic therapy.

The NHMRC is painting putative beliefs with the color of science. The NHMRC is promoting pseudoscience.

Simply labeling “homeopathy” as “placebo” is a tip off that the NHMRC is practicing pseudoscience. No comprehensive review of the literature of clinical trials of homeopathy concludes that the effects of homeopathy are solely due to the placebo effect. [I say solely because the placebo effect is indiscriminate, it logically makes no distinction between allopathy and homoeopathy, inert or potent medicine. In fact, a rather clever argument could be made postulating that the palliations and arch dramas of allopathy’s heroic “medicine” enhance the placebo effect!]

The point is, there is no scientific support for the illiterate allegation that “homeopathy is a placebo.” [If I am wrong, please feel free to correct me on this in the comment section of this blog and give us links to the double blind RCT’s published in peer reviewed journals that test the placebo effect for homeopathy] What is  so ridiculous about the NHMRC complaint  is that what both homeopaths and allopaths, (allopath being the name used by homeopaths for a conventional medical doctor, his government handler or anyone who subscribes to allopathic medicine) are ignoring is that beginning in the late 18th century, and traversing through the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries . . to this day. . homeopathy has been used to quench epidemics, disguised as allopathy! Allopaths alone, in the use of the vaccine, have nakedly made homeopathy-in-the-crude, or more simply put, bad homoeopathy, the world’s most widespread medical application . . and as such, has saved millions of lives.

It may be bad homoeopathy, but it is still homoeopathy! In Australia, it has saved an estimated 3,000,000 children alone!

Allow me to elucidate . .

I’ve written about this repeatedly in previous blogs. And I think the cure may be starting to take. Literal and intended definitions of homoeopathy, or it’s transmogrification into homeopathy, mean the use of an artificial disease to cure a natural one.

This is a simple fact. Homoeopathy refers to a strategy of stimulating the natural endogenous process organisms electromagnetically apply to maintain homeostasis as a way to defeat disease, whatever it may be. Just as like solvents will dissolve one another, and like poles will repel one another, like diseases will cure one another.

This is no mere fancy or fiction. It is a salient fact. Such is the dictionary definition of homeotherapy, the treatment of a disease by giving a substance similar to the agent that caused the disease.

Now . . one of the last things I want to do is argue with my old friend, my best literary friend, my only concomitant friend  Daniel Webster, but it bears repeating from the header, that Hahnemannian medicine would amend this definition to say that homeopatherapy, or more correctly spelled “homoeopathy” is  the treatment of a disease by giving a substance that causes the same symptoms similar to those of the one to be cured . .

The misnomers do not alter my point: There is no mention of the use of diluted substances to restore homeostasis in the translated defintion of homeo- or homoeotherapy, homeo- or homoeopathy. This is a medical jinx.  It is what confounds the NHMRC and their like. Homeopathy does not require dilution of pharmaceutical agents in order to achieve prophylaxis or cure. The proofs for this statement should cause a sudden abatement of breath, followed by an order to cease and desist the assault on homeopathy, homoeopathy, homoeotherapy or their respective cognates.

The operative principle of homoeopathy, call it homeostasis, like cures like, or medical similitude, is the effective principle for all epidemiology. This is a palladium that has  obviously not been fully recognized by the medical recession, and has yet to come into its own, as can be currently seen in the edicts dribbling out of the Commonwealth countries, like the one we’re being urninated on now by the NHMRC. To outlaw homeopathy they would, by definition, have to outlaw conventional vaccinations.  Conventional disease prophylaxis under NHMRC condemnation would have to cease, because conventional vaccination is homeopathy! !

To outlaw homeopathy as such bans a natural phenomenon, as without human intervention, one disease will push out one that is similar to it, the examples for which follow.

The prime example of natural homeopathic prophylaxis is the small pox vaccine. Smallpox by the 1970’s was entirely eradicated by injections of serum from bovine variola, putatively known as cow pox, a disease in cattle similar to human variola. When cowpox is forced on humans by knife cut or needle injection, it sports the same reaction as their own endemic disease, but milder, creating an immunity, or cure, of scourging small pox. That after 200 years of successful application the principle of homeoprophylaxis is still not recognized is shocking.

The upgrade from variolation to vaccine was winked at in the observation that milk maids, noted for their beautiful complexions, were made routinely immune to smallpox, because of their exposure to its analogue. As a result they rarely if ever contracted small pox.

It could be legally said then, that homoeopathy, as a strategy of immunization, cured the world of small pox, the first pandemic disease to be totally eradicated by persistent, organized human effort.

By the same process of homoeopathy, known from Hahnemann and others, we can also see examples of how the disease of small pox and others, such as the whooping cough, [which first brought “homeopathy” to the stern attention of the NHMRC, have homoeopathically had their own curative effects:


Hahnemann The Organon,Para. 46

We could cite very many examples of homoeopathic cures brought about by natural diseases with similar symptoms. But since we require precise and indubitable data we shall confine ourselves to the small number, always true to type, arising from unvarying miasms, which give them a distinct name.


Smallpox, prominent among them and so notorious for its many violent symptoms, has removed and cured a host of ills that have similar symptoms.

How common are the ophthalmias of smallpox and how violent, even to blindness!

Through inoculation, smallpox completely and permanently cured chronic eye inflammation in a case cited by Dezoteux a and in another cited by Leroy. b


A person who was blind for two years after the suppression of a scalp eruption completely recovered his sight after smallpox, according to Klein. c


How often has smallpox not brought about deafness and dyspnea! And it removed both these chronic complaints when it reached its acme, as J. F. Closs observes. d


Swelling of the testicles, even very severe, is a frequent symptom of smallpox; and that is why it could, by similarity, cure a large, hard swelling of the left testicle caused by a trauma (Klein). e Another observer also notes that it cured a similar testicular swelling. f


Among the unpleasant complaints that occur in smallpox there is a particular dysentery like stool; and so by similarity, smallpox has cured dysentery (F. Wendt). g


It is well known that when smallpox is contracted during cowpox immediately wipes out the cowpox homoeopathically and aborts it, both because of its greater strength and because of its close similarity. On the other hand, if the cowpox is already near maturity, because

of its great similarity to the supervening smallpox, the latter is at least greatly attenuated homoeopathically, h and milder, as Mühry i and many others have stated.


In the lymph of the cowpox inoculation there is, in addition to the element that protects against smallpox, a quite different substance that causes an overall skin eruption usually of small, dry (sometimes rather large, suppurating) pimples surrounded by a red areola and often intermixed with round red spots, often itching most violently.

In many children this eruption comes out several days before appearance of the red cowpox areola, but more often it comes out several days afterward and then disappears in a couple of days, leaving behind small, hard, red spots. It is through their similarity to this secondary infectious agent that skin eruptions of children, often very old and troublesome ones, are homoeopathically cured, completely and permanently, by the cowpox vaccination as soon as it takes, something many observers have noticed. f


Cowpox, which has a characteristic swelling of the arm among its symptoms, k cured a swollen, half-paralyzed arm after breaking out. l


The fever that comes in cowpox with the appearance of the red areola has cured (homoeopathically) two cases of intermittent fever, as Hardege the Younger reports. m

This confirms J. Hunter’s remark that two fevers (similar diseases) cannot exist in the same body at the same time. n


There is much similarity between the fevers and coughs of measles and those of whooping cough. In an epidemic where these two diseases raged simultaneously, Bosquillon noticed that many children who had just had measles remained free from whooping cough. o They would all have remained permanently free of whooping cough and would have been rendered immune by the measles if whooping cough were not just partly similar to measles, i.e., if it also had a similar skin eruption. That is why measles protected only a number of children from the whooping cough, and only during that epidemic.

But when measles meets a disease that is similar to it in its main symptom – the eruption it will undeniably destroy and cure it homoeopathically.

Thus a chronic herpetic eruption was cured p ( homoeopathically) promptly, completely, and permanently by and eruption of measles, as Kortum observes. q

Hahnemann, Samuel. The Organon of Medicine 6th edition, p. 26-27, Para 46,  J. P. TARCHER, INC. Los Angeles, distributed by Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston


In his footnotes to cowpox attenuating smallpox in the above (h) Hahnemann states,

“This seems to be the reason for the remarkable salutary result of the widespread use of Jenner’s cowpox vaccination. The smallpox has not since then appeared among us with such widespread virulence. Forty or fifty years ago, when a city was stricken, it lost at least half, often three-quarters of its children.” ibid


So within 40 years the homoeopathic application of a zoonotic disease had significantly reduced the virulence of a similar but more serious human one in the general human population, and within 175 years completely eradicated it.

Imagine for a moment a modern city today losing three quarters of its children to small pox. Imagine Australia, with a population of 20 million, of which four million are children under 15, losing three quarters of its children, three million (3,000,000) to small pox because of the failure to make homoeopathic use of cowpox, which is exactly what the smallpox vaccine does.

Vaccinations for small pox are no longer given because small pox no longer exists! It was wiped out by homoeopathy!

Imagine the survivors, some blinded, some deafened, partially paralyzed, horribly disfigured . . yet this is what the principle of homoeopathy has prevented.

When will the governing health bodies of the First World countries and their tag-alongs recognize this?

S        U        B        S        C        R        I        B        E


UPDATED June 18th, 2019

All vaccines are homeopathic. The small pox vaccine was the greatest medical achievement of all time. In the midst of modern commercialized medicine’s atrocities, it is highly significant, if not profound, to find a beacon, that Jenner’s discovery was Hahnemann’s proof, and that the greatest medical achievement of all time is homeopathy.

All curative medicine and effective disease prophylaxis is homeopathic. Homeopathy employs the magnetic principle of like repels like and the chemical principle of solvents, like dissolves like.

All vaccinations are homeopathic, and by that it is meant they are prima facie homeopathic, anyone can see it, on its face value, as well as scientifically. The misperception of what homeopathy is has prohibited the further use of it as effective medicine. Homeopathy is effective in more than just its crude use in vaccines and anti-venoms.

This is not just another piece of information, this is a profound revelation, perhaps the most profound of our age, because it foretells the end of disease. The small pox vaccine is regarded as the greatest medical achievement of our age, and so to say that it is homeopathic is a stunning piece of news.


To understand that all vaccinations are homeopathic is of critical importance to world health. In Australia, opponents of homeopathy are attempting to restrict the public’s access to it and their right to know. This is a threat to freedom of choice, the right to choose what kind of medical treatment a person will have, and freedom of information . . access to medical studies.

Opponents will say that homeopathy is not evidence based medicine, but this is a lie. The evidence for homeopathy was developed by clinicians observing the reactions of countless patients and “provers” to the materials used in homeopathic medicine. There are numerous tests and assays that show the physical structure, chemical properties and biochemical action of homeopathic pharmaceuticals.

Homeopathy is the most evidence based medicine on the planet.

How can anyone make an educated choice if information is being withheld from them? In this case, it’s about the use of homeopathy in disease prophylaxis, for the prevention and treatment of things like whooping cough.

The irony of it is, is that the same people who are telling the public to avoid homeopathy and to get vaccinated are in essence doing nothing more than promoting a crude form of the very thing they’re opposing. Technically, they’re practicing homeopathy. The people who are opposing it are practicing it.

Look at how vaccines are made for proof.

Here is Wikipedia’s definition of vaccine: “A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism, and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins or one of its surface proteins.”

You could say exactly the same thing about homeopathy, and no one, not the people who promote homeopathy nor the people who oppose it could reasonably say you’re wrong. You can simply switch the word “homeopathic remedy” for “vaccine” in the Wikipedia definition and technically you’d still be right in both definitions, because the word homeopathy refers to its first principle, the use of similars to treat, prevent and cure disease.


Read the Wikipedia article on homeopathy again and switch the words “homeopathic remedy” for “vaccine” and see how it reads: “A homeopathic remedy typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism, and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins or one of its surface proteins.”

There you have it, homeopathic remedies contain an agent that RESEMBLES a disease causing microorganism. That’s the principle of similitude, the study of which is the science of homeopathy.

But it goes further to show that modern vaccines also make use of the second principle of homeopathy, which is attenuation. It says, “it is often made from WEAKENED or KILLED forms of the microbe, its toxins or one of its surface proteins.”

A vaccine is doing exactly the same thing a homeopathic remedy does, eliciting a response from the immune system. That’s what cures you. Not the chemical, but the reaction to one dose of it, which is the third principle of homeopathy, the minimum dose, the highly restrained posology.


The problem here with vaccination is that people are using homeopathic procedures and treatment without any understanding of what they are! In 2012 they still haven’t learned the principles and intricacies of similitude and they still haven’t learned how to properly cut the dose, and they still haven‘t learned to apply what they already know is effective in epidemiology to clinical use in idiopathic diseases.

What’s happening in Australia is happening in other parts of the Anglo-American world where they’re trying to prevent whooping cough and other diseases by crude vaccination. They’re attacking a better understanding of the very thing they’re using.

But in other parts of the world, such as in India, Cuba and Brazil, where the public isn’t being duped by advertising for patent drugs, homeopathy is booming.

If physicians are going to administer vaccines, then they will be using a dangerously crude, harmful if not deadly form of homeopathy.

How do they think immunization is conferred? They appear to think it can only be done molecularly, at the condensed phase level, when in fact it is done in the energetic phase, even over the impediment of condensed matter, with or without the seminal molecule, but exponentially more effective in the energetic plasma phase as an ionized pharmaceutical, processed in the homeopathic method of hydrolytically stripping it of its molecular cloak and anchor.

This is the true pharmacology of verum, real medicine.

To do their jobs physicians must  study it, learn it and know it. They have to practice it clinically under teachers who are experienced in its use. They must go to school and learn it. They must learn it at medical schools that teach it.

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Risks make unnecessary vaccination statutory crime

A professor known for his relentless bashing of homeopathic and complementary medicine has recently made another useless jab in apparent favor of allopathic (non homeopathic) immunization against diseases that other authorities say are not only unnecessary, but criminal. 

Edzard Ernst, Professor of Complementary Medcine at the Unviesity of Exeter in Great Britain says, “A US team has just published the largest ever study of CAM providers’ attitudes towards vaccination [1]. They found that children receiving care from naturopathic physicians or chiropractors, during their first two years of life, were significantly less likely than their counterparts to receive the recommended immunizations against measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox or Haemophilus influenzae type b. Later in life, such children were more likely to suffer from a vaccine-preventable disease.”

The soemhwat lukewarm statement appeared after Ernst was challenged here to provide one study that proves homeopathy is a placebo.

So far no study, test or trial has materialized.

Of course, when they support allopathy, the old criminal’s references are supposed to be free of any of the criticism he levels on the studies that support homeopathy, but as usual, the study Ernst refers to is unavailable at this time online.
However, Kaviraj dug something up on the Child Health Safety blog here on WordPress that throws a wet blanket on Ernst’s sneering report: Ernst’s vaccinations are unnecessary, ineffective, and criminal!

“The measles mortality graphs . . contradict the claims of Government health officials that vaccines have saved millions of lives. It is an unscientific claim which the data show is untrue. Here you will also learn why vaccinations like mumps and rubella for children are medically unethical and can expose medical professionals to liability for criminal proceedings and civil damages for administering them.

Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics

Criminal proceedings? Against allopathic doctors? For mumps andmeasle needle jabs?
The problem faced by modern medicine is a serious double-bind. Homeopathy does not have the financial incentives behind it that allopathy does, but allopathy, because of this very same thing, has become criminalized. I am not using that term vaguely, either. They’ve been convicted in the US under the RICO organized crime act. The pharmacetuical industry is a criminal enterprises that has been convicted of mass murder in a catch and release program by the U.S. government.
In the UK, providing treatment to a patient that is not clinically needed, and misleading patients as to the clinical need for a treatment so as to vitiate their consent, can mean the administration of the treatment is a criminal offence: Appleton v Garrett (1995) 34 BMLR 23.
According to The British Medical Association (‘BMA’) and The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB) mumps vaccination is clinically inappropriate:-

“Since mumps and its complications are very rarely serious there is little indication for the routine use of mumps vaccine”: British National Formulary (‘BNF’) 1985 and 1986 Freedom of Information documents show the UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation and Ministry of Defence agreed as early as 1974 that:-
“there was no need to introduce routine vaccination against mumps” because complications from the disease were rare” JCVI minutes 11 Dec 1974.Doctors and nurses who fail to tell parents mumps vaccine in MMR is clinically unnecessary, of the exact risks of adverse reactions and then give the vaccine, appear to be behaving unethically, potentially in contravention of the criminal law and liable to civil proceedings for damages. They are also unable to explain the exact risks because data on adverse reactions are not being collected properly or at all, and there is evidence showing adverse reaction data are suppressed.
“A consequence is that giving MMR vaccine to children cannot be justified on clinical or ethical grounds. And as there is insufficient clinical benefit to children to introduce mass mumps vaccination, it cannot be justified as a general public health measure.”

The same reason that makes allopathy a criminal enterprise is the same reasons it is allowed to survive, which is because it is such a huge money making business, and that is because it is a monopoly of fear.
Homeopathy threatens that monopoly of fear with a truly doctored centered regime that makes use of a relatively simple, effective and safe medicine that can treat anyone with any disease.

The moment they admit the pre-clinicals for homeopathy, the tests that show the action of homeopathic remedies on non human subjects like plants and animals, allopathy not only loses it grip on the public throat, it doesn’t just fall to the place where it belongs, as a third rate medical treatment, its practitioners are in danger of being criminalized for using it. In the light of superior homeoapthic medicine it becomes clear that oppositional medicine is a dangerous treatment. It continues as a legal treatment because without an apparent alternative, allopathy appears necessary and vital to human health.

Ask for homeopathic treatment to prevent cancer and diabetes.

Try homeopathy, it works.