Extraordinary Medicine

There’s a new website up on homeopathy, http://www.extrordinarymedicine.org.
Somebody put a lot of skilful hard work into it and deserves special commendations. It’s really well done. This is the kind of stuff we need, especially the list of the “Ten Most Amazing and Convincing Research Studies”.  http://www.extraordinarymedicine.org/2011/01/14/extraordinary-evidence-homeopathys-best-research/

The descriptions, like the rest of the site has a rare upbeat tone to it.
I also like the “Frequent False Statements About Homeopathy… and the Truth” section 
It’s about time somebody did this one. 
Although they’re found elsewhere on the site, to the “most amazing” list, I would like to submit the following for your consideration:
1. An explanation of who Penn State/University of Arizona Emeritus Professor Rustum Roy is, perhaps the best friend homeopathy has ever had in the material sciences.
2. “The Structure Of Liquid Water; Novel Insights From Materials Research; Potential Relevance To Homeopathy” by Professors Rustum Roy, W.A. Tiller, Iris Bell, M. R. Hoover, pub’d in Materials Research Innovations 9:4, 577-608, (2005). This is the first comprehensive review of the physico-chemical literature relevant to homeopathy by top scientists who are notable academics.   It’s a hard read, deadly if you’re you’re looking at it lying down, but its notable enough that even though you may have tourblecomprehending it, you ought to take a gander so as to at least not be a totalstranger to it. Don ‘;thesitate to use to use the define command in google forsuch words like “clathrate” and “zwitterion.” Hang inthere with it, it’s a milestone. Here’s a link to the pdf:  http://hpathy.com/research/Roy_Structure-of-Water.pdf 
3. The Chaplin Killshot. Hailed by Roy as the leading authority on the chemistry of water, the “most amazing” list should include London South Bank University Prof. Martin Chaplin for his milestone article on the physics of homeopathy entitled “Memory of Water” . . on his “Water Structure and Science” web site. In this article is the most significant scientific statement made in support of homeopathy as to whether or not the remedies store and transmit information: According to Chaplin “Water does store and transmit information, concerning solutes, by means of its hydrogen-bonded network.” Given Chaplin’s reputation and the prima facie, exhaustive research revealed on his website, this simple statement, in the context in which it appears, is a killshot on the argument against homeopathy. It is a key to one of the greatest the controversies facing Mankind. It is further validation of the work by Benveniste and Montagnier. http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/water/memory.html 
4. Chaplin’s article “Homeopathy.” This is a must read by this respected scientist from a material science perspective in direct and well referenced terms. Much easier to read than Roy, itdoes have somehills toclimb, isconservative and even questionable in some parts and even somewhat chicken in other parts, but it is far from the incontinent denials of the usual poseurs who litter the discussion with their detritus. In other words, you gotta read it, so what if it doesn’t equal Hahnemann, it isn’t Hahnemann.   http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/water/homeop.html  
5. Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier’s report, “Electromagnetic Signals Are Produced by Aqueous Nanostructures Derived from Bacterial DNA Sequences.” This is the science experiment of the century. Well, it isn’tmuch of a centruy yet, so make it the science report of the previous millennia as well, although it is built on the back of Beneveniste, (St. Jacques). WHat amkes it so jaw dropping is that it is a dfetion to homeoapthy of the highest order. It leaves the Evil Empire of Pharmacide led by fakir James Randi peeing their pants.  You see, this study reports on the most significant testing done to date on the observable electrodynamic action and phsyics of homeopathic remedies by a scientist of the highest credentials. These tests reproduce findings by Jacques Benveniste that reveal a detectable signal from the structuring of homeopathic dilutes. They also reveal the Schumann Resonance to be the most plausible origin of the signal, and the ability of the nano crystalloids in water alcohol solvents to transmit unique liquid aqueous structuring electromagnetically to a separate container without material contact, supporting the claim of homeopaths for the reality of “imponderabilia,” remedies made by exposure to radiation and electromagnetic fields, such as Sol, Rainbow and X-ray.  The case for homeopathy is not complete without this study.  https://commerce.metapress.com/content/0557v31188m3766x/resource-secured/?target=fulltext.pdf&sid=byqfa245i3bq5t554jwzsd45&sh=www.springerlink.com

6. Experiments by Stanford professor William Tiller that show that light shown through a solution of silver colloids has antiseptic qualities.  Tiller is another udnerecognized  foundation in the science ofhomeopathy. He is now an honaroary board member ofthe American Medical College of Homeopathy, which is training medical doctors to be homeopaths.  (Good luck, you can also train dogs to talk) TILLER: On Chemical Medicine, Thermodynamics, and Homeopathy http://www.liebertonline.com/doi/abs/10.1089/acm.2006.12.685 ; 

PDF   http://www.tillerfoundation.com/On%20Chemical%20Medicine%20Homeopathy.pdf  

7. The 2007 Witt review of biochemical studies. “The in vitro evidence for an effect of high homeopathic potencies–a systematic review of the literature.” While the Members of Parliament are doing their ridiculous evidence on homeoapthy and asking paid hacks for he allopathic pharmacetuical industry to pony up evidence for homeopathy with meta-jokes like Shang, the Witt review is quietly dozing in the corner.   Unlike meta analyses which extract conclusive opinions for the clinical efficacy of homeopathy from cherry picked studies, the Witt review provides an exhaustive report on all biochemical testing of homeopathic high dilutes between 1933 and 2007. It uses a clear preset method of evaluating a scientific study. Did it have controls, how did it use them, did it clearly state its objectives, how did it handle the contamination issue? Andso forth. Each test is tranked by established criteria and values. In doing so the Witt review debunks several putative myths about homeopathy, the piggest putative myth being that Benveniste conducted the only biochemical testing of homeopathics. Wrong. According to Witt, it can be easily seen that Benveniste’s controversial basophil degranulation test (Davenas, pub’d in Nature) was the third replication of that test, and that since then has been successfully done over two dozen times,  most notably a multi centered trial (Belon). Witt also shows that there are biochemical tests other than the basophil degranulation, and contrary to popular belief, there are biochemical tests that have been replicated that are of the highest quality, most notably Glasgow’s William E. Boyd. And look at Hirst and laugh. Hirst was rated by Witt a perfect score, but Hirst couldn’t believe what he saw, so he attributed the effect to some unknown cause. We win again. Witt CM, Bluth M, Albrecht H, Weisshuhn TF, Baumgartner S, Willich SN  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17544864 
8. Agrohomeopathy. Perhaps this is the most amazing of all. In one swell foop agrohomeoapthy quicckly and most exhaustively provides the most conclusive evidence that high dilutes have biological effects. Plants make excellent test subjects an definitely prove that homeopathics are not placebos. There have been a growing number of tests that prove it, such as work done at the University of Bologna, and a review of the literature:  Use of homeopathic preparations in phytopathological models and in field trials: a critical review.  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19945678?itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum&ordinalpos=And then there is the amazing and exhaustive work done by Vaikunthanath das Kaviraj, exemplified in the first widely published volume on agrohomeopathy “Homeopathy for Farm and Garden” http://www.minimum.com/reviews/Farm-garden.htm  
I do have one serious criticism of extraordinarymedicine.com. I would hesitate to tell people that homeopathic remedies are safe in role of “complementary medicine,” as the website does: “Homeopathy is not exclusive and can be used along with conventional and other complementary medical treatments.  There is no need for a patient to choose one over the other.” Oh yeah? There is no evidence that I am aware that this is completely true.  maybe in some cases with some kinds of treatments, but the authors of etraordinary meicine don’tseemto realize something, and that is that allopathy can be dangerously conflicting modlaities. One can dynamize the ill effects of the other, and Kaviraj backs me up on this, so I have to insist that allopapthy and homeopathy don’t mix, andI call upon our colleagues, if I can be so bold to call them that, to strenuously support us in this statement.  I believe that high potencies can attenuate the system to the action of allopathic drugs and make those drugs even more deadly than they are.

Look . .  homeopathics elicit the same symptoms, right? And this is why if a potnecy is too high or given too often, it will cause an aggravation, the symptoms will get worse.  Okay, and what do allpathics do? They evoke other symptoms. Hahnemann coinded th word “allopathy,” and that’s what he meant, and he really meantwhat he said, forit is the egregious nature of allpathy that spawnedhomeopathy. You see? Allo means other, and the suffering caused by overdosing with dangerous drugs byallpathy is a direct and open contradiction to the ancient Hippocratic Oath, to give no known dangerous drug, anthat’s eactly what allopaths were doing then and that’s exactly what allopaths are doing now. They are neither curingnor treating disease, they are creating disease. Thedonger of homeoapthy is that to add it to chemo therapy could very well superchage the action ofthe allopathic drug, such asused in chemotherapy if by chance it so happens to be working in concert.
Mammals and birds have complex, electromagnetic homeostatic systems that must maintain a constant body temperature and pH, as well as other indices, some of which are probably not even known. To address a symptom the body has to allocate enegetic resources in order to meet the challenge and bring the body back into homeostasis. The system can be aeasily confused as to what that homeostasis should be.

Experienced homeopaths are well aware of aggravations. So how bad can an aggravation be? According to Kent, the use of the wrong remedy can graft symptoms onto the patient for life! (Thuja) Repeated high potency doses of Belladonna, I believe, may have the ability to put a person in a mental hospital.  Ultra high potencies should not be used on the elderly, infants or people with compromised immune systems. Remedies should be chosen with the utmost care. Twice I have had unnerving reactions to Silica. The literature provides examples of animals being debilitated by repeated doses of high dilutes. And what are provings? The literature contains reports of people who have experienced symptoms from provings up to a year after taking one 30c pellet.
Hahnemann developed the LM series because of aggravations from potencies anyone can now buy OTC.
We are told to stop administering the remedy as soon as there is a reaction to it, yet I see repeated examples of overdosing in subjects I talk to who have been under the care of homeopaths. Our opponents are not true skeptics. They are fools, careless pseudoscientists, and Idon’t mean that to simply be derogatory, I mean that to be insightful. They don’t know what they’re doing. They’re ignorant.   
To tell people that these remedies are completely safe is irresponsible and shows inexperience and ignorance of the literature that supports their use.

(If you’renot confused yet, also note carefully here that biochemical studies  of homeopathics challenge the underlying assumption of homeopaths that they are treating the patient’s dynamis, not the disease. )

Stunts such as those done by James Randi and the 10^23 organization engender a high disregard for the serious and cautious use of high potencies. If they can cure, then they can logically also kill. I know of potentially two deaths caused by homeopathic remedies, one from the careless mixing of allopathy and homeopathy, and the other from injudicial use. I would especially suggest that anyone who is dealing with tumors not receive homeopathic treatment in conjunction with palliative allpathic chemical systemics.
I suggest that the safety and complemenatry clauses be struck. Otherwise, congratulations for a brilliant piece of work. 





John Benneth, PG Hom. – London (Hons.)
blog: http://www.johnbenneth/wordpress.com
503- 819 – 7777


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The Homeopathic Repertorization of Jared Lee Loughner- Intro

It was a known fact. I had promised my next blog would be The Homeopathic Repertorization of Jared Lee Loughner, but I had left something crucial out of the “Theory for the Structure and Action of the Homeopathic Remedy.”
I had to get drunk.
I told my wife that it was time for my bi-monthly bottle.
She said go and get it.
I got in the car and drove to the liquor store.
The woman who I saw last night was there in the back room.
“I thought you said Sally would be here, “ I said.

Loughner or Beck?

She looked at me puzzled.
“When did I say that?” she said.
“Last night, at the Chinese restaurant.”
She remembered.
“Oh yeah,” she smiled coyly.
I turned my attention started looking at the vodkas. For some reason my mind goes blank when I look at booze. If I was thinking, I’d get a bottle of Whaler’s dark rum. There‘s nothing better or smoother than Whalers.
But for some reason I always get whiskey.
My mind scanned the bottles of vodka in front of me. I wanted vodka because of the experiments at the University of Cincinnati and Moscow State University that showed clathrates in vodkas affected taste.
Linus Pauling said clathrates are what get you drunk.
I wanted vodka.
The only problem with vodka is that the only time I’ve had anything close to an alcoholic blackout was on vodka. I wrote email I couldn’t remember writing.
But it was coherent and right on.
Once when drinking vodka I slammed my finger in the car door and didn’t feel it until a day later.
I also needed help getting from a young lady the beach back to the car . . or so I am told.
Amnesia it seems comes with every bottle of vodka.
It suddenly hits me. I should start a creep show franchise so these little sawed off runts, like the Amazing Randi, could have something to do other than becoming scientists.

I looked at the whiskeys. Here was familiar territory. I lived for years on Kessler’s when I was in Virginia City, Nevada.

Every day I would trundle up to the Sugar Loaf Grocery and buy a half pint from Seven Fingered Dan, the long haired fat bastard who ran the joint. Then I got it in my head to buy a big bottle to save money and give it to the woman who was living with me to hide and ration out.
That’s how I controlled my drinking habit.

I tell you, the best cure yet for drinking is to live with a raving alcoholic. The only time I could imbibe was when the drunk I had taken in, a poet, was not plastered.
In homeopathy we call that similia.
Maybe its nothing more than an inherent ability to be the designated non drinker, an inspiration to attend AA meetings blotto.

I think of all the lives I would save.

Yesterday I was on Skype with Kaviraj and John Board. Board is the man who invented the Hollywood Survival Kit. It is a packet full of homeopathic remedies to help people put up with the worthless bullshit you have to endure in such a place.
Kaviraj and Board were whining about a Canadian Broadcast Corposation (CBC) special on homeopathy that gave der party line, jawohl, sieg heil Pfizer.
My answer was to respond to it homeopathically, with similia.

“Call for a Fatwa on homeopaths, just as the Canadian Broadcasting System is calling for us to do,”  I said.

It was suggested that we go to meetings of the homeopathy haters and interrupt them, blow whistles and such.

“No, please don’t try to drown them out,” I pleaded. “That’s allopathic. Apply homeopathy. Join their cause and start acting like them, except worse, like total Fascists, become worse than them, brownshirts, slightly nuts, then totally over the top, rabid mad dogs. Rather than try to suppress the symptoms by drowning them out, or disrupting their meetings by arguing with them, do just the opposite. Apply similia! Start out repeating the same tired old crap about Avogadro’s limit; placebo; it’s just water; then slowly ramp it up, becoming oddly unreasonable about it, sinister and then downright evil. Suck them in.

Author, self portrait

“Tell people they can get paid by the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (IFPMA) to trash homeopathy. Demand that the government ban it. Call for obloquy (public disgrace) of homeopaths; burn Hahnemann in effigy; stage a book burning of the Organon. Create compelling spectacles. Put a ‘homeopath’ in the stocks, call for public executions, torture to extract confessions, firing squads, electric chairs, hangings, the gas chamber, the arrest of anyone caught using homeopathy, millions to be put on trial and given life sentences.
“The signs you hold should also follow similia for homeopathy bashing. They should be as unreasonable as reasonably possible.
“Kill a homeopath for Simon Singh . . and Hitler.”
“If people hear really wild and crazy rhetoric coming from what appear to be homeopathy opponents, they’ll think maybe there’s actually something to it. Say John Beddington, Simon Singh, Edzard Ernst and the other usual miscreants encouraged you to do it. Cheer them on but do it in the insane extreme.

An interesting thing happened. They went inside. They closed up shop. John Board got up and left the room.

Kaviraj, the world’s greatest living homeopath, turned to his work, writing.

I found a bottle of “Ancient Age, Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey.”

The legend said, “Steeped in history and tradition, Ancient Age Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey has been branded America’s best bourbon.”
For the price.
Good enough for me.
I took it to the check out stand. There was a woman in front of me. I could see I was an object of her attention., so I began looking for a miniature bottle of that . . green stuff.
They were selling it, or they had been. I couldn’t find it.
It used to be illegal because it drove people mad. Made from wormwood. There is a homeopathic remedy made from it as a cure for the anemia suffered by virgins. The old maid’s remedy. A disease as rare in the West as the bourbon I was buying was advertised to be.
It is of interesting note to me that absence of coitus causes anemia . . or maybe it’s the other way around. Purely a scientific interest on my part as a homeopathic physician. I have no personal interest in it. I got married so I wouldn’t have to have sex anymore . . or at least any dull sex.
Then again . . maybe I do need it . .
Excuse me lest I gain some undeserved readership from those last observations, let me say I’m a flaming liberal and I hate Fox News, especially Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity.
Speaking of which, have you noticed that Jared Lee Loughner looks exactly like a Glenn Beck with his head shaved? And did you know that Glenn Beck told Loughner to do what he did?

Glenn Beck, or Jared Lee Loughner unshaven?

Here is a transcript from Glenn Beck on Fox News June 9th, 2010
Beck said “I will stand against you and so will millions of others. We believe in something. You in the media and most in Washington don’t. The radicals that you and Washington have co-opted and brought in wearing sheep’s clothing — change the pose. You will get the ends. You’ve been using them. They believe in Communism. They believe and have called for a revolution. You’re going to have to shoot them in the head. But warning, they may shoot you. They are dangerous because they believe. Karl Marx is their George Washington. You will never change their mind. And if they feel you have lied to them — they’re revolutionaries. Nancy Pelosi, those are the people you should be worried about. Here is my advice when you’re dealing with people who believe in something that strongly — you take them seriously. You listen to their words and you believe that they will follow up with what they say. Didn’t we learn that lesson from Usama bin Laden? I heard his warning in 1998. I said on the air at the time, listen to him. We didn’t listen. We didn’t listen to the revolutionaries in Germany, the revolutionaries in Russia or Venezuela or Cuba — no, no, no. They all have one thing in common. They have all called for revolution. They want to overthrow our entire system of government, and their words say it. Why won’t you believe it?”

The woman at the check stand in front of me was checking me out. I could see her glancing at me from out of the corner of my eye.

I had left out a miserable part of my last blog, the part that explained the relevant parts of Montagnier’s discoveries, the item about high dilutes becoming inert in mu metal boxes.

Isolated from the background radiation, the higher potency becomes silent in the presence of the lower potency . . or at least, so they say.
NEXT: CHAPTER TWO of “The Homeopathic Repertorization of Jared Lee Loughner.

THE ELECTRIC ORGANON: Theory for the Structure and Action of the Homeopathic Remedy

A lie will circumnavigate the globe five times before the truth gets out of bed and puts it shoes on.

This has been hanging fire for months now. It is time to release it, lest I suddenly be assassinated by the interests it challenges . .

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lying in bed this morning I was thinking about the the blogs I am writing, concentrating on the physico-chemical discoveries of Luc Montagnier, what the next blog will be about. When do I stop talking about the skeptics and focus on the physics? When do I discuss the clinical?

I have now written 12,000 words on an essay entitled The Homeopathic Repertorization of Jared Lee Loughner. It took days to write.

I’ve put it aside to focus first on Montagnier and the chemistry and physics of the homeopathic remedy. It is wrong to put theoretical physics before the tried and true treatments of people such as homeopathy has to offer,  but I seriously doubt that over the clash and trash of the media fighting over “who dunnit,” whose politics motivated Loughner to start shooting, anyone but homeopaths, students of homeopathy and enthusiasts are going to take such a piece seriously without first understanding how it works. It is the theoretical physics, then, that is indeed what is interfering with the use of real medicine to treat real problems with.

Although I doubt most allopaths have even a clue how their poisons work,  as an effective application homeopathy is still thought to be only theoretical if not outright quackery (although a cursory examination and common sense would reveal that there is something suspicious in theory) deeply troubled in a charge of quackery. We homeopaths know it works, we’ve seen it work, and we have felt it work, we’ve studied the literature on it, we’ve read about the men and women who support it, we need no more assurances to know it works.  But its not an easy sell. Its pharmacy is a crypto- molecular one and its application is counterintuitive to allopathic strategies.

Physico-chemical explanations for homeopathy do exist, in parts.  Reports of action are cryptic and scattered in lesser known journals and books, and to date, to my knowledge (tmk), no one has fully explained what it is and how it works. The literature, most notably by the Benveniste and Montagnier teams, has to date simply raised more questions:

If liquid aqueous structuring (LAS) is the cause of a biologically effective  electromagnetic signal, then

  1. How is it that the water can structure at liquid temperatures?
  2. How are these structures maintained beyond the time limit of the hydrogen bond?
  3. How does liquid aqueous structuring mimic inserted contamination?
  4. How does LAS produce an EM signal?
  5. How does the EM signal have known specific biological and psychological effects?
  6. How are the electromagnetic features of LAS transferred to the dry vehicle (such as lactose sugar)?

Well, let it be said that we homeopaths are quite familiar with what restraints there are on our businesses. The skeptics serve our purposes for free insurance against malpractice suits. It would probably serve us well to do just as they say and label our substances as placebos that must be administered by a skilled placeboist, such as homeopaths are characterized to be.

When the aggravation sets in, collaborating with allopathic “medicine” spoils and turn into dissolution of the victims internal organs, or when too strong a potency saddles its bearer with a lifelong symptom, it can all be said to be in the patient’s mind.

I know how far I’ve penetrated into this secret subterranean realm where allopathy collaborates with homeopathy. The allopaths produce most of the dramatic income, just as we homeopaths produce most of the dramatic cures, how few of them we are allowed, usually only those dire cases allopathy has backed away from, smiling, hands up, pronated,  palms out, exiting the room after sucking the victim dry.

What technically distinguishes what you have read in my blogs and seen in my videos, and what you are reading now, first and foremost in the homeopathy community, are my popularizations of physico-chemical explanations for the workings of the homeopathic remedy.  What you are about to read is particularly unique in the annals of medical science, for it aggregates and it explains what on a physical level other investigators such as Conte, Montagnier, Benveniste, Demangeat, Sainte Laudy, Poitevin, Ennis, Belon, Jonas, Roy, Tiller, Bell, Schwartz, Baumgartner, Chaplin, Del Guidice, Weingartner, Anagnostatos,  and others (which I apolgize for not listing here) have revealed in various parts in their in vitro, in vivo, physical and theoretical studies.

I thought about the conversation I had with Kaviraj  on Skype the day before. I had wanted to ask him what he thought about the Loughner case, and he had his usual brilliant insights and diagnosis, but when we were through analyzing Loughner, the conversation drifted over to what I consider to be my end of the table, the chemistry and physics of the homeopathic remedy.

At some point while I was talking I thought I heard him say something . . something about having finally understood something after my last lecture . .

“What? What did you say?” I asked

“I think I understand what it is you’re talking about,” he said.

I had to stop blathering for a moment. It was like being in a fog and hearing a voice coming from somewhere.

“The last time we talked,”  he said. “I think I understand what you are trying to say.”

Leave it to Kaviraj to be the first one to get it. I remember that he did say something in the last conversation that told me that he understood. I’ve spoken to many people about it, but I never had the feeling as if anyone really understood what I was saying. It was clear to me, what I knew, but it didn’t seem clear to anyone else.

If the view from classical science on the subject isn’t atheist, it is at least agnostic. To my knowledge, I am the only homeopath who has partially expressed, and for what has been left unexpressed, has a reasonably complete, cohesive theory for the electromagnetic, biological action of the supramolecular polymorphs used in homeopathic medicine called “high dilutes.”

As I lie in bed it runs over and over again in my mind. In order for hydrogen to bind with oxygen, energy has to be dissipated. In order for the same elements to separate, it has to be gained.  The atoms in H2O molecules suck in energy when they split and send it out again when they combine to form water again. Most likely the major operative element is hydrogen.

I became fascinataed with it as a boy when I learned that by passing an electric current through it I could produce hydrogen gas. I studied electrolysis and thought I had found a way to produce free energy from water. No, my teachers told me, it would take more energy to produce hydrogen from  water than the energy found in hydrogen.

However, it was all theoretical and I didn’t want to believe it. Water holds too many mysteries to be summarily dismissed.  Water is a very peculiar substance. It seems almost magical. It is conventionally recognized as the only common element that exists regularly on Earth in the three common, classical phases of matter, solid, liquid and gaseous, plus one of its own, supercritical, where it is under great heat and pressure, such as at the bottom of the ocean around volcanic vents, where it is superheated and under great pressure.

But there is yet one more, unrecognized form of water . . ionized . . and this is a novel key to understanding the H2O mechanics of homeopathy . . the plasma, electromagnetic phase of water. The Conventional focus of H2O physics for the most part has been on the structure of liquid water . .  a focus that  has bypassed ionization of the solute by hydrolysis.

This is the part that has heretofore been left out the water mechanics: the hydrolysis of the solute into an expanding electron. More on hydrolytic ionization later at which time the other shoe will drop.

The elements of structure are not so mundane and stereotyped as one might think. In an average glass of water one molecule in every 3200 is supposed to be HDO, heavy water, the D standing for deuterium, hydrogen that has a neutron as well as the standard issue single proton. The average human body contains a few grams of heavy water.

It will be seen that the elements of radioactive transception (the ability to transmit and receive electromagnetic energy) by the water molecule are keys to understanding the mechanism of homeopathic chemistry.

Allotropy, or allotropism, is the property of some chemical elements to exist in two or more different forms. Allotropes are different structural changes in an element, where the atoms of the element are bonded together as in a different manner. Oxygen is an excellent example of an allotropic element, with four forms that are additional to that of plain oxygen, dioxygen, (O2), ozone (O3), tetraraoxygen, (O4), and octaoxygen (O8).

Water is an allotrope, made so by its ability to transceive electromagnetism.

Tritium is the great corollary of the electric organon. It is an even rarer form of hydrogen with three nuclei, one proton and two neutrons. In combination with oxygen tritum is super heavy water. The detection of tritium is used to determine the age of vintage wines, the implication being that with age, water changes at its most elemental phase.

So as you can see, the element of water is highly polymorphic. In fact, polymorphism defines a quality of some substances,  like water, to imitate other substances.

French physicist Rolland Conte and his co-authors, doctor of science Yves Lasne, mathematician Henri Berliocchi and software engineer Gabrielle Vernot, the authors of Theory of High Dilutes, report that homeopathic remedies emit beta radiation that is associated with tritium reactions.

When you squeeze the elements of water together, energy pops out, like lightning before the rain hits. To pry them apart, you have to put energy in, like in electrolysis, or in the warmth of the Sun.

My mind drifted from topic to topic, how the opposition is understandable but not excusable, whose ass I was going to kick, what I was going to write next.

I reached over and turned on the radio. Literally the first word out of it was “homeopathic,” spoken by a woman caller on the Dr. Dean Edell talk radio program. Edell’s is a program where people call in to have Edell, a 70 year old retiree who went into entertainment when he couldn’t make it as an opthomologist, answer their questions about their lumbago, their tetanus, their chancres and malarial ague, their iatrogenic fevers disguised as Krones, Alzheimers, coronaries, neuroses, hypochondria  and a host, a myriad of other weird problems.

It is a creep show of medical oddities. To give him his due, Edell, always has an answer and commentary for just about every problem and is a nice bedside Jekyll until homeopathy, alternative medicine, or iatrogenesis (mostly death by vaccine) is mentioned. During a lifelong career on the radio he has become a walking talking medical archive of useless facts, fantastical fictions, wild medical superstitions and 19th century prejudices worthy of only the most sophisticated abattoirs.

His is a Promethean genius rivalled by only by that  of Dr. Victor Frankenstein, MD.

Edell’s favorite punching bags are homeopaths. He hates them. He wants to get his long claw like fingers around the neck of one and choke the life out of him. He wants to burn another at the stake, submit others to vivisection and donate their organs to dog food companies. My cerbreal processes reeled. This woman had just as well of lit a fire under a pan of nitro glycerin.

She was asking for his advice as to whether or not she should forego regular chemo therapy treatment in favor of homeopathy.

OMG. Predictably Edell went nuclear, yelling that lymphoma could be cured by regular medicine . . and homeopathy, homeopathy, could do nothing.

He told an anecdote about how he had heard about someone who abandoned, who eschewed the orthodoxy of allopathy for the heresy of homeopathy . . and died. He said homeopathy is the ultimate quackery, and then he said with a quiver, “its so illogical.”

I rolled my eyes, turned off the radio and got out of bed.   The show was a re-run. Edell, you see, was finally kicked off the air on January 3, 2011.

Apparently the higher ups have been reading the John Benneth Journal.

I put my shoes on.

John Benneth Journal reader SCOTT DEVLIN asks the following questions about Luc Montagnier’s ground breaking study of high dilutes

SCOTT DEVLIN: “An aliquot of the unfiltered supernatant did not show any signals above background up to the 10−38 dilution, indicating again the critical importance of the filtration step for the generation of specific signals.”
Can you clarify for me the filtration v dilution? how would one get a sufficiently dilute sample from a non dilute sample with a method other than filtration? Could this indicate that in fact the filtration technique is causing or contributing to the effect?

JOHN BENNETH: You’ve focused on one of the most absolutely fascinating aspects of the Montagnier study. Diluting the solution was not enough to produce a signal generating solvent. The gross, larger material had to be filtered out first.

What Montagnier did by filtration, homeopaths do by triturating with mortar and pestle, grinding the starter material down to the finest powder possible. It would appear that Montagnier has discovered that filtration creates the same effect. This is what Kaviraj calls the nanophase, explained by the Law of Kosmotropy: the smaller the nucleator the greater the potential for order within its surrounding aqueous domain, theoretically limited to the smallest sized particle or bubble H2O molecules can enclose.

A kosmotrope is an order inducing particle.

H2O is a small polar protic molecule magnetically attracted to contamination (guest particles) and will configure around them according to the guest charge. This is how water structurally and dynamically imitates other substances. If the particle is too big for water molecules to uniformly assemble around it, the chunk then acts as a chaotrope, a disorder inducing particle.

By filtration Montagnier is creating kosmotropes, a kosmotropic solvent. The order created by these kosmotropes extends ubiquitously throughout the solution via the hydrogen bond network.

MONTAGNIER: “In the course of investigating the nature of such filtering infectious forms, we found another property of the filtrates, which may or may not be related to the former: their capacity to produce some electromagnetic waves of low frequency in a reproducible manner after appropriate dilutions in water. The emission of such waves is likely to represent a resonance phenomenon depending on excitation by the ambient electromagnetic noise. It is associated with the presence in the aqueous dilutions of polymeric nanostructures of defined sizes. The supernatant of uninfected eukaryotic cells used as controls did not exhibit this property.
“In this paper we provide a first characterization of the electromagnetic signals (EMS) and of their underlying nanostructures produced by some purified bacteria.”

SCOTT DEVLIN: “In addition, please clarify for me any distinction, if any between the documented dilution levels here and those in some of your proposals.”

JOHN BENNETH: There are none that I can see. The dilutions used by M., although low, are within the range used in some applications of homeopathy, mostly acute. Constantine Hering introduced the use of remedies in the dilution range used by Montagnier. What M. refers to as a 10^18 dilution would be called an 18X dilution in homeopathy. According to Montagnier, there can virtually be no original particles left in dilution.

SCOTT DEVLIN: It is my understanding that you claim that a sample diluted to such a state that not a single molecule of the original substance is likely to exist in the sample can still have an effect, and as related to this particular study, likely to be resultant from said EMS. Is there a difference between the dilution levels you propose and those documented in this study?

JOHN BENNETH: No. By my calculations this would equal one million molecules within 10^23, or one quintillionth of a drop of water. These are still considered below the molecular limit, but they are regarded as homeopathic levels of dilution according to FDA regulations.

SCOTT DEVLIN: Given that Montagnier does not mention Clathrates, is this where your proposition of Clathrates comes into effect, that specific Clathrates are formed by specific DNA molecules and it is from these Clathrates that the EMS are emitted?

JOHN BENNETH: Yes. It should be noted though that “aqueous nanostructure” define clathrates, and that clathrates may not be the only form of liquid aqueous structuring (LAS). I focus on clathrates because they are known and accepted within classical science, and the formation of LAS can be explained classically through the analogy of clathrates, and it also fits the aerogeneous requirement for homeopathic solutions. It is an interesting distinction to note that homeopathics lose their biological action when they are made without enough air in the succussion chamber.
This is a striking distinction to make for homeopathics in the face of charges that they theoretically can have no specific biological action. It shows we’ve cracked the code. Clathrate means “cage” and clathrates have been referred to as cage molecules, analagous to the mantle that surrounds a light on a lamp post, hexagonal or polyhedral structures surrounding the utlimate kosmotope . . gas.
My theory is that an unique hydrogen bonded network is first established by particulate matter. Dilution removes the particulate matter and the network then nucleates around atmosphere that comes into dilution from agitation of solvent surfaces, forming aerogeneous clathrates.

SCOTT DEVLIN: “We have studied the decay with time of the capacity of dilutions for emitting EMS, after they have been removed (in mumetal boxes) from exposure to the excitation by the background. This capacity lasts at least several hours, some time up to 48 hours, indicating the relative stability of the nanostructures.”
Has the apparent lifespan of this effect or propert ever been tested as the cause of other studies inability to show such effects?”

JOHN BENNETH: Yes, we know from trial and error what works and what doesn’t. Without the introduction of ethanol, homeopathic solvents lose their biological capabilities within 24 hours. Ethanol is another solvent and appears to act as stabilizer for LAS. I believe that the internal tension from hydrogen bonding forces aerogeneous LAS to fall apart and the nanobubbles to aggregate, float upward and move to the surface. If you watch a glass of freshly poured water you can see it happening within a couple of hours, depending on how much atmosphere has been dissolved in it.
Rolland Conte et al, authors of “Theory of High Dilutions” have used NMR to study the effects of temperature, magnetism, photons on homeopathic solutions.

DEMANGEAT: “Nanosized bubbles have been identified in liquid water [26–29], which are stabilized by traces of ions and tend to associate in fractal clusters, that scatter light. Removal of gases suppresses the small-angle laser-light scattering by water [30]. Radiofrequency(rf)-treatment has been shown to induce formation of arrays of stable (hours) nanobubbles in water and aqueous solutions; degassing of the treated water erases all the effects, and rf-treatment has no effect on degassed water (see [31] for review). The gas–water interface of the nanobubbles is hydrophobic, and therefore the water molecules may form clathrate shells with an “icelike” structure around the nanobubbles [32]. These ordered shells can induce long range structure up to the micrometer level [31]. Let us propose here that nanobubbles are generated during agitation, mostly through cavitation, and induce supramolecular organization of the water molecules in their vicinity, through hydrophobic forces and hydrogen bonding, responsible for the observed heterogeneity of R2.
. . .
Large-scale long-lived supramolecular structures of water around low molar mass compounds have been shown by laser-light scattering [45,46]. With the same technique, Jin et al. [47] showed that rather stable nanobubbles are implied within the supramolecular structures formed around small organic molecules.
According to these authors, bubbles stabilized by small organic molecules could even be a universal phenomenon.
NMR water proton relaxation in unheated and heated ultrahigh aqueous dilutions of histamine Evidence for an air-dependent supramolecular organization of water Jean-Louis Demangeat Nuclear Medicine Department, General Hospital, Haguenau, France.

I went downstairs to the kitchen, poured myself a cup of black coffee in a black Harley Davidson mug. The heat from the coffee caused a color changing pigment in the shape of flames painted on the mug to change color from black to orange.  I climbed onto a high stool in front of my black laptop on the black granite counter top, and opened my email.

An email notification said I had a message on Facebook. I opened the website. It was a message from a friend of Rolland Conte’s who wanted to contact Montagnier to inform him about Conte’s work, and wanted to know if I had any contact information for  Montagnier.

Conte is a French physicist and statistician, collaborating with doctor of science Yves Lasne, computer programmer Gabrielle Vernot and mathematician  Henri Bertilocchi, who have done what may be the most comprehensive analysis of high dilutes, using nuclear magnetic resonance and beta scintllation, corroborating studies done by Lilli Kolisko. Their findings were reported in a book entitled “Theory of High Dilutions and experimental aspects.”

Conte claims homeopathy saved his life, and claims that spectral analysis can be used to identify the correct remedy for the treatment of cancer and other diseases.

I sent what I had, adding a pessimistic note.

Montagnier has been unable to obtain funding for further research. Montagnier says that other labs have not published their research on high dilutes for fear of losing their funding sources, which is what happened to Benveniste.

Like Conte, like Benveniste, Montagnier is finding that no one wants to touch his work with a ten foot pole. As much as Montagnier has avoided the label of homeopathy, like Conte, it has been close enough to brand him. He has committed heresy.

And so Montagnier is moving his laboratory to Beijing, where the Chinese, unrestrained by capital interests,  are awaiting for him with open arms and a brand new eponymous institute.

For those who have forgotten what eponymous means, it means named after him.

There are several major developments here that in relation to homeopathy are confirmations of old theory and  new considerations:

  1. Liquid aqueous structuring (LAS) is the distinguishing and motive featured force within the remedy.
  2. The size of the relevant LAS is between 20 and 100 nMs.
  3. LAS lasts for hours, apparently without non aqueous-host stabilization (such as ethanol and lactose sugar)
  4. LAS emits biologically significant electromagnetic (EM) signals.
  5. The biological signal from LAS can be replicated by transmission of the signal from one container to another.

This leaves basically two other details.

  1. How is it that LAS can produce the signal?
  2. The answer lies in the same dynamics of the piezo electric effect.

Piezoelectricity is a charge that accumulates in crystals and other materials, including  organic matter such as DNA bone,  DNA and proteins in response to pressure applied mechanically. Piezo means “to squeeze or press.” Piezoelectricity is the direct result of mechanical stress on crystalline substances. For those who are skeptical that water has any crystalline features, I will be so bold as to point out that the word “crystal” comes from a Greek word meaning “ice,” and all homeopathic remedies are  crystalliferous.

At this particular moment, please note your place in time and date, for at this point the key to one of the world’s greatest mysteries has opened a black strongbox previously sealed and now revealed . . the Electric Organon. 

This crystalline aqueous piezoelectric effect demonstrates, scientifically, the basis for the electrodynamic  effects of the homeopathic remedy.

It is a reversible process. Materials that have this ability to internally generate a direct piezoelectric effect, an electrical charge resulting from mechanical pressure,  also have the reverse ability to store it, as is known by observing structural changes in matter resulting from an applied electrical field.

Crystals will generate measurable electricity when their structure is changed by pressure, and also will deform when  subjected to an electric charge, or field.

It should be noted that the molecular structure of H2O is very similar to that of silica, the major elemental constituent of the most common crystalline material in the Earth'[s crust. Silica, water and other crystalline materials have tetrahedral components within their structure.

In water the dynamic is extremely facile. The crystalline structures that originate the motive force for homeopathic remedies act as reciprocal pumps, taking in energy and sending it out again in unique electromagnetic signatures. This is what accounts for the oscillating sine wave  found in the results of every successful record of action of a homeopathic remedy. It is why homeopathic remedies have varying effects at different potencies.

According to Rolland Conte in his Theory of HIgh Dilutions, the radio transmission from the homeopathic remedy is received by an antenna like array in the cell, and the array turns in accordance to the signal. It could very well regenerate the signal throughout the immune system as to the nature of the disorder and even an illusory location of it.

Water is classically known to be a diamagnetic material. It is sensitive to and easily overpowered by paramagnetic forces;it responds to an induced magnetic field. This explains Montagnier’s cross talk experiments which show the ability of water to assemble specific aqueous structures that imitate structures in the sending unit. It shows that molecular self assembly can be initiated in water with a magnetic field.

This is in complete concordance with theory postulated by Hahnemann 200 years ago, for even then, during the infancy of electrical technology, he knew that the only plausible reason for the action of the homeopathic remedy was magnetic.

A homeopath (left) is assisted by the author (right) with the homeopath’s usual daily case load.

Bones contain ferromagnetic crystals. The greatest concentration of them are in the ethmoid bone, which is at the base of the nose under the eye sockets, attesting to the direction “follow your nose.” This is the center for what might be thought to be intuition and probably is engaged in the detection of scent; it also explains why homeopathics have been found to be effective when sprayed in the nose.

So there it is. I could be wrong, but in the last ten years of studying this subject I have yet to find any real contradiction to it. It all fits in . . for me.

I know I’ll get the usual ton of crap about it from the usual poseurs, I’m sure there are refinements that will be made, all the incomplete sentences and typos I make will have to be corrected,  maybe redactions, retractions and complimentary action made, but for the most part, I think I’ve nailed it.

The material sciences have buckled under the weight of the facts, homeopathy is explainable. Professor Martin Chaplin of London South Bank University has come down from the mountain top and proclaimed that water can indeed store and transmit information through its hydrogen bonded network.

Case closed.

Now I can go blind and spend the rest of my days in bed, listening to talk radio.

Au revoir.

NEXT: The Homeopathic Repertorization of Jared Lee Loughner


 Like a domestic spat,
or like any argument at all,
where one side is being held to account
for some nasty business,
and violently changes the subject . .
so it is
when homeopathy holds allopathy
to account for genocide.

Man oh man

I’ve never seen such traffic in all my days. I was about to write that yesterdays numbers were the highest ever, ten times that of my most highly viewed blog, one of the most viewed blogs on WordPress — but today’s has already broken that record.

Wow! Wowee!

I’m a star, just like mama used to say.

Fire PZ Myers, in one and a half days garnered over 17,000 views. But judging from the commentary, only a few really bothered to read it. They wrote mostly obscenities for commentary.  If someone did ask a question, it was a leading one, or a question  that was already answered in the article. Or it was complaining about their obscenities in previous commentaries not being published, and then complaints that their complaints weren‘t being published, etc. etc.

But every now and then a gem appeared, like something from Kaviraj, what for him is a scrap, what for the rest of us is a meal.

It just proves my point, that that the only intelligent commentary is coming from the homeopaths, and all the idiocy from the allopaths.

Let me give you a profound demonstration of what I say.

The allopaths say there’s nothing to homeopathy, that it’s a placebo. Of course they don’t define what they mean by placebo, they don’t show any tests that prove placebo either. The next thing we hear from these whiz kids is how powerful the Placebo Effect is. SO does that mean that homeopath , compared to placebo, is powerful medicine? LOL!

The next tact from these acolytes of scientism is to fire off another broadside from the other side of their sinking ship, like “there‘s no science to back it up.”

Okay, so when we show them some clinical trials they say, “they weren’t properly double blinded.”
Okay, so when we show them clinical tests that were double blinded, they say “it wasn’t published in a peer reviewed magazine.”
Okay, so when we show them double blind clinical tests published in peer reviewed non-homeopathy journals, they say “there are no reputable tests published in prestigious, non-homeopathy peer reviewed journals that show the effects of high dilutes to be no greater than placebo.”

Well, here’s one that was published in an AMA journal.

Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1998;124:879-885.
Homeopathic vs Conventional
Treatment of Vertigo
A Randomized Double-blind Controlled Clinical Study
Michael Weiser, MB; Wolfgang Strösser, MD, MB; Peter Klein, MS

To this the answer has been “it was discredited.”

In other words, somebody didn’t like it because it compared homeopathic treatment against an allopathic drug without a third set of victims given . . placebo.

But wait a minute . . I thought they said homeopathy was the placebo! Oh, bwahahahahahaha!

[Note the interjection of the  word “victim.”  How would you like to be somebody’s science project.  If PS Myers had have a real problem, do you really think that he would take a chance and be part of the placebo group. This is the main problem with clinical testing, which, if you read on, I shall correct]

Here’s an exhaustive collection of references to homeopathic research in a google knol by Dr. Nancy Malik. . Google it.

Scientific Research in Homeopathy
by Dr. Nancy Malik
Triple Blind studies, Double-Blind Randomised Placebo-Controlled Trial, Systematic Reviews & Meta Analysis, Evidence-based Medicines for specific disease conditions, Ultra-molecular dilutions, Animal Studies, Plant Studies
130+ studies in support of homoeopathy medicine published in 52 peer reviewed international journals out of which 46+ are FULL TEXT which can be downloaded

So we’re answering allopathy’s wild shots with pinpoint accuracy, and they’re going down with the ship, sinking under an epidemic of heart failure, diabetes, cancer . . diseases sufferers could be helped with through  homeopathy.

Look, at this point we’re not trying to make assertions about how well homeopathy works, we‘re just trying to show that it does. The problem is that the public is getting that mixed up in their minds. The anti-homeopathy crowd is substituting evidence for how well it works for evidence that it does work. We are avoiding simple decisive tests.

We have extensive records comparing homeopathic with allopathic treatment, both modern (Bracho) and old (Bradford) . . but comparison is a point that should be examined after we see that the substances used in homeopathy have objective indices not found in clinical trials.

Just as no one symptom should be taken alone as the only indicator for which homeopathic remedy should be used, neither should any one test for homeopathy be used to determine its efficacy, and pre-clinical testing should come first in examining homeopathy as a potential clinical modality.

If you’re out in the woods and you’re scrounging around for food and find something that looks palatable but you’re not sure of, you feed it to the dog first. If he doesn’t get sick, then you eat it. That would be a pre-clinical test.

But oh no, the pseudoscientists dive into this subject answers first . . and the questions that support the answer second, without first finding out if these substances have physical, biochemical and biological action.

What the wise will do is first consult the literature on the subject.

This is what James "the Amazing" Randi looks like without his glasses and phony beard, taking my phone call. He accepted my application for his phony "Million Dollar Challenge" 11 years ago and is still running from me to this day!

That brings us to the first real question in this investigation. What do we know of pre-clinical tests for high dilutes?

In 2003 Becker-Witt C, Weibhuhn TER, Ludtke R, Willich SN sought answers to that question in a study entitled, “Quality assessment of physical research in homeopathy” . J Alternative Complementary Med. 2003;9:113–32.
Becker-Witt reports:

“Objectives: To assess the evidence of published experiments on homeopathic preparations potencies) that target physical properties (i.e., assumed structural changes in solvents).
“Method: A suitable instrument (the Score for Assessment of Physical Experiments on Homeopathy SAPEH]) was developed through consensus procedure: a scale with 8 items covering 0 criteria, based on the 3 constructs, methodology, presentation, and experiment standardization.
“Reviewed publications: Written reports providing at least minimal details on physical experiments with methods to identify structural changes in solvents were collected. These reports were scored when they concerned agitated preparations in a dilution less than 10^23, with no other restrictions. We found 44 publications that included 36 experiments (the identity of 2 was unclear). They were classified into 6 types (dielectric strength, 6; galvanic effects, 5; light absorption, 4; nuclear magnetic resonance [NMR], 18; Raman spectroscopy, 7; black boxes of undisclosed design, 4).
“Results: Most publications were of low quality (SAPEH , 6), only 6 were of high quality
(SAPEH . 7, including 2 points for adequate controls). These report 3 experiments (1 NMR, 2 black boxes), of which 2 claim specific features for homeopathic remedies, as does the only medium-quality experiment with sufficient controls.
“Conclusions: Most physical experiments of homeopathic preparations were performed with inadequate controls or had other serious flaws that prevented any meaningful conclusion. Except\ for those of high quality, all experiments should be repeated using stricter methodology and standardization before they are accepted as indications of special features of homeopathic potencies.”

To summarize, Becker-Witt found six different physical tests for homeopathy. Eight criteria were rated, generating a potential total score of zero to 10. Reports for tests that had scores of six or less were considered to be of low quality, which they said constituted most of them.

Seven trials were found positive results were of high quality. Two out of seven high quality studies claimed distinctive features for homeopathic remedies.

What is important about Witt is she reveals more than one method for finding distinctive features which “science,” inplied by the Myers mindset, says does not exist.

Out of NMR 18 studies, only two were unable to get positive results.

The highest NMR SAPEH scores, went to three studies conducted by one name, Demangeat et al.
Since the 2003 Becker Witt review, Demangeat  continued with his NMR investigation
Here is a 2008 report by Demangeat that can be read online.

2008 July 26 Journal of Molecular Liquids, Interdiscip Sci Comput Life Sci (2009) 1: 81–90
 NMR water proton relaxation in unheated and heated ultrahigh aqueous dilutions of histamine: Evidence for an air-dependent supramolecular organization of water
Jean-Louis Demangeat, Nuclear Medicine Department, General Hospital, Haguenau, France

“We measured 20-MHz R1 and R2 water proton NMR relaxation rates in ultrahigh dilutions (range 5.43·10-8 M–5.43·10-48 M) of histamine in water (Hist-W) and in saline (Hist-Sal), prepared by iterative centesimal dilutions under vigorous agitation in controlled atmospheric conditions. Water and saline were similarly and simultaneously treated, as controls. The samples were immediately sealed in the NMR tubes after preparation, and then code-labelled. Six independent series of preparations were performed, representing about 7000 blind
measurements. R2 exhibited a very broad scatter of values in both native histamine dilutions and solvents. No variation in R1 and R2 was observed in the solvents submitted to the iterative dilution/agitation process. By contrast, histamine dilutions exhibited slightly higher R1 values than solvents at low dilution, followed by a slow progressive return to the values of the solvents at high dilution. Unexpectedly, histamine dilutions remained distinguishable from solvents up to ultra high levels of dilution (beyond 10-20 in Hist-Sal). A signi!cant increase in R2 with increased R2/R1was observed in Hist-W. R1 and R2 were linearly correlated in solvents, but uncorrelated in histamine dilutions. After a 10-min heating/cooling cycle of the samples in their sealed NMR tubes (preventing any modi!cation of the chemical composition and gas content), all of the relaxation variations observed as a function of dilution vanished, the R2/R1 ratio and the scatter of the R2 values dropped in all solutions and solvents, and the correlation between R1 and R2 reappeared in the Hist-W samples. All these results pointed to a more organized state of water in the unheated samples, more pronounced in histamine solutions than in solvents, dependent on the level of dilution. It was suggested that stable supramolecular structures, involving nanobubbles of atmospheric gases and highly ordered water around them, were generated during the vigorous mechanical agitation step of the preparation, and destroyed after heating. Histamine molecules might act as nucleation centres, amplifying the phenomenon which was thus detected at high dilution levels.

“These unexpected findings prompted further investigation, notably in other conditions, in order to rule out artefacts, such as possible interactions of silica with the glass material used for the preparation, or possible misinterpretation of the NMRD data due, for instance, to an unknown dependence of the frequency dispersion on the dilution level. So, the present study was carried out at a fixed frequency of 20 MHz and with histamine as solute, beyond the 4th centesimal dilution, i.e. beyond the known threshold of NMR sensitivity to detect histamine protons or any paramagnetic contaminants of the solute. It will be shown that the variations in R1 observed as a function of ultrahigh dilution in the NMRD study [16] are reproducible with histamine at a fixed frequency, and that these variations totally vanish after heating of the samples.

Here is the most recent and what I think is the best physical test of all:

2009 Electromagnetic Signals Are Produced by Aqueous Nanostructures Derived from Bacterial DNA Sequences
Luc MONTAGNIER1,2*, Jamal A¨ISSA1, St´ephane FERRIS1,
1(Nanectis Biotechnologies, S.A. 98 rue Albert Calmette, F78350 Jouy en Josas, France)
2(Vironix LLC, L. Montagnier 40 Central Park South, New York, NY 10019, USA)

Abstract: A novel property of DNA is described: the capacity of some bacterial DNA sequences to induce
electromagnetic waves at high aqueous dilutions. It appears to be a resonance phenomenon triggered by the ambient electromagnetic background of very low frequency waves. The genomic DNA of most pathogenic bacteria contains sequences which are able to generate such signals. This opens the way to the development of highly sensitive detection system for chronic bacterial infections in human and animal diseases. Key words: DNA, electromagnetic signals, bacteria.

Montagnier, being a Nobel laureate, strikes a hard blow for homeopathy, so a lot of pseudonymous posters want to say that Montagnier wasn’t testing the kind of dilutions used in homeopathy.

These criticisms come from pseudoscientists who haven’t read the study carefully enough. The equipment Montagnier used was designed by Benveniste for detecting EM signals in high dilutes.
The Montagnier study is one of the most remarkable scientific studies ever published, for it confirms the Benveniste assertion that homeopathy is a new medical paradigm.
The operative mechanism for homeopathic can be found in clathrate hydrates, nano-crystalline gas inclusion molecules, what Montagnier refers to as aqueous nanostructures. These liquid aqueous structures produce an amplified analog signal of the guest molecule.
Montagnier was able to actually filter them out, and in doing so was able to give them actual physical dimensions.
Once filtered out, the signal stopped.
Read the study, it’s fascinating for these and other anomalies it reveals.

In an article referencing homeopathy (online) entitled “The Memory of Water,” the world’s top authority on water physics, Professor Martin Chaplin, states “water does store and transmit information through its hydrogen bonded network,” once again implying hydrogen bonding as being critical to the homeopathic mechanism.

Exactly what I’ve been saying for years.

John Benneth, self portrait

So here we have two studies that support my hypothesis that the action of homeopathic remedies is electromagnetic and produced by measurable structuring in the solvent, nucleated around clathrates.
Material scientists Roy et al, in their seminal work, . The structure of liquid water; novel insights from materials research; potential relevance to homeopathy. (Roy R, Tiller WA, Bell IR, Hoover MR Materials Research Innovations, 2005; 9-4: 577–608.) confirm polymorphic structuring in water at liquid temperatures as the key to the homeopqthic mechanism.

“This paper does not deal in any way with, and has no bearing whatsoever on, the clinical efficacy of any homeopathic remedy. However, it does definitively demolish the objection against homeopathy, when such is based on the wholly incorrect claim that since there is no difference in composition between a remedy and the pure water used, there can be no differences at all between them. We show the untenability of this claim against the central paradigm of materials science that it is structure (not composition) that (largely) controls properties, and structures can easily be changed in inorganic phases without any change of composition. The burden of proof on critics of homeopathy is to establish that the structure of the processed remedy is not different from the original solvent . .

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“The principal conclusions of this paper concern only the plausibility of the biological action of ultradiluted water remedies, they are based on some very old (e.g. homeopathy) and some very new (e.g. metallic and nanobubble colloids) observations which have been rejected on invalid grounds or due to ignorance of the materials research literature and its theoretical basis. This constitutes an excellent example of the common error in rejecting new scientific discoveries by using the absence of evidence as evidence for absence.”

It is not such a difficult matter to explore this phenomenon, if you’re not PZ Myers, or one the similar horde. If that’s the case, then putting homeopathy to the test becomes impossible.

If you have comet his far in reading this it shows that you have the spirit of inquiry and not take the easy route by fashionably dismissing the evidence. Now that we have looked at the physical tests, let’s take a look at the biological.

Be assured that I’m moving in for the killshot. As tedious as it may seem, it is exploding myths propagated by phony challenges made by people like James “the Amazing” Randi, of whom I’ve included a picture of, sans phony disguise of Darwin like beard and glasses, as I did with my revelation of Myers in a previous blog. This is working up to a challenge to PZ Myers. More specifically, within Myer’s claimed realm of biology, there are more biochemical tests beyond those referred to prior.

After the 2003 review of physical tests, Witt and her team turned their attention to biochemical testing. Here, Myers ought to wake up from his napping.

For the biochemical assessments they used a modified version of the SAPEH test.

Their investigation found six different types of biochemical tests reported for homeopathy: non cellular systems, cultured cells, erythrocytes, neutrophile and basophil granulocytes, and lymphocytes.

(NB: If you think this is tough reading, consider what it’s like to type. But it’s important for this discussion. I haven’t seen this posted anywhere before.)

Witt produced the best and most exhaustive review of the literature for pre-clinical testing of homeopathics.

The WItt review shows that the basophil degranulation test has been done more than any other kind of biochemical test, but nevertheless is still only one type of biochemical testing among six.

Some of the most remarkable biochemical testing was done by William E. Boyd, MD, whose team spent years examining the action of dilute mercuric chloride on starch at Glasgow.

The Boyd experiments were designed by two Barbour scholars and overseen by Professor Sir Gowland Hopkins. The reporting panned 15 years, was extensive and elegant, designed for replication, representing a project that would be cost prohibitive by today’s standards.

Now we’re squarely in the bailiwick of Myers, reportedly an academic biologist who has taken what appears to be a knowledgeable stance on this problem. Neither opponent or proponent would be likely to say that it isn’t a problem.

If you’re looking at this problem objectively, you can see that there is a wide spread in the reported quality of testing  results. However, most reporters, like Ennis, conclude there should be more testing.

Where is the prudence in the face of this evidence, of not putting it to the test?

Since 2007, the basophil degranulation test has been done specifically for replication by two of its finest conductors, Sainte Laudy and Belon.

Homeopathy. 2009 Oct;98(4):186-97.
Inhibition of basophil activation by histamine: a sensitive and reproducible model for the study of the biological activity of high dilutions.
Sainte-Laudy J, Belon P.

Why is it that someone who comments on this subject as an expert witness, as Myers does, not provided us with a greater examination of the available evidence? If Pee Zee Herman here is the expert he makes himself out to be then why . . with his X-ray vision and the mysterious, supernatural ability to make such definitive conclusions about the awesome psychogenic powers of these homeopathic placebos, WHY does he not enlighten us as with the Holy Protocol  for Placebo?

Come on, Jesus of Science, if it truly exists, then give us the Placebo Commandment! Where are the Holy Writs, the double blind studies published in the sacred texts of prestigious peer reviewed journals?

Teach Me!

Why is P MYers not conducting his own biological tests, and proving to us, without a grain of prejudice, that homeopathy, beyond the shadow of a doubt, is NOT what the evidence has led many of his misguided colleagues have concluded it to be . . biologically active.

If this is a scientific inquiry and not a political argument, then why is it that so many people are trying to answer a pre-clinical question with clinical evidence?

The Myers mindset isn’t posing a question, it is merely answering an implied one with evidence that will lead the unwitting away from non prejudicial answers.

Let me answer it first philosophically. The anti-homeopathy argument, the infrastructure of which is atheistic, is based on the concept of non-Being. It is a decided feature of solipsistic thinking that has crept its way past the scientific method into science, to change it from science into scientism, from global skepticism into local skepticism, i.e. pseudoscience, that which masquerades as science, but in reality is serving the masters of capital and fashion.

For in order to believe in non-Being, one has to put Parmenidean logic aside. There is no such thing as non-Being. Placebo or not, homeopathy is a reality.

If this isn’t so in this case, then let us see PZ Myers put homeopathy to a simple yet proper biological test:

There is the literature, here are the methods, now let’s see some results!

And if Pee Wee Myers cannot reasonably find biological indices, then let us see him provide us with psychological indices drawn from trials that test for psychogenic effects, trials that show beyond the shadow of a doubt that homeopathy is nothing more than The Placebo Effect, and all the pre-clinical evidence the result of error and lies.

Let me put it more explicitly:

Professor Myers, do these substances, as used in homeopathy, as defined in the literature, have biological action on subjects not influenced by the placebo effect?

Simple question , simple answer that can be determined thorough simple tests. If Myers isn’t purposely avoiding the question and the literature that addresses it, then why isn’t he accepting that literature as evidence of non psychogenic action or why isn’t he submitting these substances to his own superior testing?

PZ Myers will have so much explaining to do, he’ll have to schedule extra classes in Pseudoscience and Advanced Prevarication!

For instance, we have reports from numerous sources, myself included, that have witnessed the phytopathological action of homeopathics on plant growth and diseases. That’s a simple, biological test any school kid can do. So why is it so far beyond the reach of Myers, reportedly a professional biologist?

The problem here that now confronts Myers, in order to meet my challenge, is that he’ll have to fish the evidence out of the looney bin, and if does find an effect, by his own previous criteria, he’s screwed.

Do you understand? Myers has effectively recused himself from obtaining negative results by having shown his bias.  

The only way for him to back out of this trap now is to collaborate with others who are experienced in biological testing, such as M. Brizzia; L. Lazzarato; D. Nani; F. Borghini; M. Peruzzi; L. Betti at the Department of Agro-Environmental Science and Technology at Bologna University in Italy, workers who have conducted extensive testing on heat, replicating the exhaustive work of Lilli Kolisko.

Professor Myers, I challenge you to commission a design for a simple biological test, done by people who know what they‘re doing, without having a stage magician with a million dollars to lose handling the key to the double blind, as he did with Benveniste.

Put it to the test. That‘s fair enough. Isn‘t it?

And now for our movie!

Prof. Rustum Roy vs. Steven Novella, the Homeopathy Hater

If you watch carefully you will see that the man standing in the shot as Professor Roy is being introduced is homeopathy basher Steven Novella, a professor of neurology at Yale and the President of the solipsistic New England Skeptical Society. Apparently Novella thought he was going to be introduced next. Watch and listen as Professor Roy takes him down a notch or two . .

 Man oh man,


In light of evidence, University of Minnesota biology professor PZ Myer’s hate campaign against homeopathy just might backfire . 

 “High dilutions of histamine did indeed have biological effects.”
Professor Madeleine Ennis after replicating controversial experiment for homeopathy.
 One of the last  John Benneth Journal entries for 2010 , IN ONE YEAR,  has broken all previous viewership records and sparked more commentary and outrage amongst the pharmaceutical company stooges than any previous Journal entry, enlisting the usual fury and nasty responses.

Most notably is PZ Myers, an American biology professor and pharma stooge whose specialty is trashing homeopathic medicine at the University of Minnesota Morris (UMM).

His blog is Pharyngula. In 2006, it was the top-ranked blog written by a pseudo scientist.Myers has called IN ONE YEAR “nonsense.” Other commentary has been”mental straightjacket”and remarks too obscene to be reprinted here. 

It follows a posting by Myers of clips of my controversial video, “The Mechanism,” juxtaposed with scenes from Star Trek to characterize my supramolecular description of the homeopathic remedy as techno babble.
My name is John Benneth. I’m a homeopath.And this is story about biologists, three in particular, who have studied . . it.

It is fashionable with atheists and pseudo scientists like Myers to trash it and its research. It is a compulsion. They can’t help themselves. They have to do it, for it puts everything they hold dear at risk.

Trashing it is like a cheap magic trick, hawked as self working and E-Z-2-DO. It gives the trasher the feeling he’s accomplished something for himself under the guise of protecting society from what they characterize as ineffective medicine. But like the cheap magic trick, when it finally arrives in the mail, you realize it was misrepresented.

Pretty good trick . . on you.

PZ Myers, Pseudoscientist

Really what it is, it’s hate speech, using the same kind of tactics used against minorities by hate groups. It really shouldn’t have any place in academia, but pseudoscience has become the infrastructure of higher education.

What can they tell you that you can’t find out for yourself now through the Internet? It’s not really education, it’s fashion.

What Myers says has very little to do with science and more to do with the politics of self aggrandizement.

Look at the case against it: It’s full of general, vague, contextual accusations and insinuations. But try to find within this haystack of lies a needle of truth. It contains more errors of commission and omission than the invasion of Iraq. It doesn’t state its criteria or identify or it sources for verification. It always ends up being exactly what it complains of, and PZ Myers provides us with a wonderful sample of it.

He wastes our time with anecdotal evidence and fails to adequately explain the etiology of the phenomena. If its effects are psychogenic, where are his proofs for psychogenic? If it’s bunk, what mechanism has made it so popular, where is the proof for the reported action? It’s usually nothing more than a sloppy pudding of self contradicting anecdotes.

“EZ Pee Zee,” a pudding of lies.

Science will always turn against the pseudoscientist.

Read on and watch it slowly turn against Myers.

We have heard repeatedly, over and over again, from people like E-Z Pee Zee Puddin’ Myers, that homeopathy doesn‘t work, but when asked “how do you know?” the best they can come up with is that it doesn’t work because it shouldn’t work.

That’s it. That’s all there is to it. Nothing more! 

No evidence of biological action is ever admitted without first seeking fault by the homeoapthy hater. Any corroborating tests are conveniently ignored.

I seriously doubt EZ PZ Puddin’ Myers could sustain much of a real explanation of its effects, because somewhere along the way he would have to confront things he didn’t know and doesn’t want to know, because they begin to work against his foregone conclusions.

Criticism by pseudo scientists like Myers is never global. It is always localized against something, like homeopathy. The evidence con is always given greater play over the evidence pro. And it avoids addressing the evidence pro in specificity within the context of explicit criteria.

For instance, the most well known in vitro test for homeopathy is a test on white blood cells, the basophil degranulation test. It was done by renowned immunologist Jacques Benveniste after his criticism of it was challenged. An assistant had found that water exposed to an allergen via serial aqueous dilution, could provoke an in vitro response, as if the allergen were present.
This is called basophil degranulation.
Benveniste, like other investigators, was puzzled by the results. What appeared to be pure water was causing a biochemical reaction.

Benveniste reportedly did the test over 1,000 times.

After he published the results of his testing in Nature, a prestigious science magazine, (to the resounding explosion of the usual outrage) Nature sent a team to investigate Benveniste’s work. The team consisted of Sir John Maddox, the editor of Nature, James “the Amazing” Randi, a notorious illusionist with a large sum of money to lose if proven wrong, and a debunker by the name of Walter Stewart.

According to Dana Ullman, the experiment was first replicated three times for the Nature team without any blinding of the experimenters. These first three experiments performed for the team showed positive results.
The fourth experiment blinded the person doing the counting of the basophils, and the results of this experiment were also successful. But the Nature team deemed this test invalid, claiming that the blinded experimenter knew in advance which test group she was counting.

The Nature team then began to behave disruptively. The next three experiments blinded the person doing the counting and the person doing the pipetting. Randi performed magic tricks during a crucial part of the experiment, making it difficult for the experimenters to perform their work, while Stewart was acting so hysterically that he had to be asked several times to stop shouting by Maddox and Benveniste.

All three of these experiments did not show any difference between the active verum samples and the inert control group. The Nature team immediately deemed that there was no evidence that the microdoses have biological action and reported that the tests failed to show convincing results.

Benveniste had violated the laws of Nature!

What they didn’t report was that the results were just what one would expect if someone switched the active samples with the inert controls.

Some of the samples, coded inert, produced a reaction, whereas some of the samples coded as active were reported inert. A switch had been made.

Randi had sabotaged the test by mixing up the results!

When you’re finished reading here, watch the accompanying video at the end of this article and hear Benveniste describe what happened. And particularly note Maddox, the editor of Nature, confessing that he went to Benveniste’s lab for the sole purpose of discrediting his work as fraudulent.

Skeptics herald this as conclusive proof that homeopathy doesn’t work.

There are some more facts that EZ Pee Zee doesn’t tell you, because without additional information we may be easily led to an incorrect conclusion about in vitro testing for homeopathy . .

What Pee Zee doesn’t tell you is that the basophil degranulation test for homeopathy wasn’t invented by Jacques Benveniste. JB’s test was the fourth replication of it. There have been many replications of it since, most notably a multi centered one that included homeopathy skeptic Professor Madeleine Ennis of the Respiratory Medicine Research Group at The Queen’s University of Belfast.

Here is a mashup of Ennis reporting on the activation of human basophils by ultra-high dilutions of anti-IgE, dilutions of the type used in homeopathy.

ENNIS: “This could be an exceedingly short paper, since in my opinion, from a conventional scientific background, when there are no molecules of the active agent left in a solution there can not be any biological effects. However, a search in PubMed combining homeopathy with basophil revealed 15 items. Interestingly this did not include the now infamous article in Nature or the papers that attempted to repeat the work. Changing the search to homeopath and basophil increased the total to 21. Including phrases such as ‘high dilutions’ or ‘extremely low doses’ only resulted in 33 publications.

“Witt and co-workers used several different databases in their review and found a total of 75 publications and further evaluated 67 of them. One of their sources was the HomBRex database which specialises in basic research in homeopathy and as of February 2009 contained 1301 experiments in 997 original articles including 1172 biological studies. Using the CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) Database and putting in basophil resulted in 95 hits. The question of publication bias is also worth considering – is it easier to publish a paper with negative results or with positive results? Normally, trials or studies with negative results are difficult to publish. However, it is possible that the opposite is true for studies using ultrahigh dilutions.

“In 1988, Poitevin and colleagues published a paper in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology in 1988 which was a follow-up to an earlier paper which had reported that incubation of basophils with high dilutions of the homeopathic drug Apis mellifica was able to inhibit allergen-induced basophil degranulation. In this paper, they reported that very low concentrations of anti-IgE (ca. 10–100 molecules per well) activated basophils and that this was inhibited by very high dilutions of the preparations

“Overall, using the histamine degranulation assays, as standardized by Sainte-Laudy, it was found that histamine at both conventional pharmacological concentrations and at high dilutions inhibited allergen and anti-IgE induced basophil activation. Examining a range of dilutions from 5c to 59c, the response was periodic in form, with maxima at ca. 7c, 17c, 28c, 40c and 52c.”

“This work was pioneered by Sainte-Laudy and colleagues beginning in the 80s and continuing to the present day… I first heard about this work at the 1984 meeting of the European Histamine Research Society where Sainte-Laudy bravely presented his data to a crowd of extremely skeptical and rather hostile scientists and clinicians.

“Apart from the natural scientific objections to solutions containing essentially water having a biological effect, a number of other issues were raised:
(1) the biological validity of the test;
(2) the reproducibility of the phenomenon,’
(3) the subjectivity of cell counts and
(4) that the data nearly all came from the same laboratory. In answer to these points, at that time, this form of examining basophil activation was a recognized procedure. Sainte-Laudy had performed repeated experiments, indeed in a series of 6 experiments he repeated each measurement 16 times and got the same answer.

“In order to answer points (3) and (4), it was decided to perform a multi-centre European Trial and it is at that point that I ‘dipped my toes into the waters’ of homeopathic research. As an ardent sceptic, I was invited to take part in the trial, which involved one coordinating laboratory and laboratories performing the research. This study has been published.

“In brief, all the laboratories were trained in the basophil counting method, with the counts verified by Sainte-Laudy’s laboratory. The dilutions were made in 3 different laboratories and coded by the coordinator (histamine and water solutions made up identically from 15c–19c). All study materials were from the same source and shipped to the performing laboratories. The data were returned to the coordinator and then analysed by an independent biostatistician. When the results for the histamine solutions were compared to those for the water solutions, there was a small but statistically significant inhibition of basophil degranulation caused by the lowest concentration of anti-IgE used in 3 of the 4 laboratories. When all the data were combined together, there was a statistically significant inhibition for the histamine containing solutions. Thus this multi-centre
study indicated that high dilutions of histamine did indeed have biological effects.

“In the multi-centre trial described above, 3 of the laboratories independently examined the effects of high dilutions of histamine and to a varying degree all demonstrated inhibition of basophil activation with these dilutions. Flow cytometric is employed in most immunological laboratories and there have now been a series of independent laboratories investigating the phenomenon. These will be discussed in detail.”
Basophil models of homeopathy: a sceptical view, Madeleine Ennis, Respiratory Medicine Research Group, Centre for Infection and Immunity, Microbiology Building, The Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK

The Witt review of in vitro tests for homeopathy carefully analyzed and scored all known biochemical testing, up until 2007. You don’t see the criteria employed by Witt being employed by those who conclude that homeopathy is merely the use of inert substances.

Like Pee Zee, they have to make up their own, unknown, unseen,  OCCULT criteria!

PZ Myers claims to be a biologist. But look at the way Myers approaches the problem before him. Instead of giving you the full story, Myers gives only what he wants you to hear, which is mostly ridicule. Myers doesn’t mention his colleagues who have actually conducted the basophil degranulation test. He hasn’t done it. So how is it that we are supposed to believe Myers over Ennis, Sainte Laudy, Belon, Benveniste and all the others and their staff assistants, and the hundreds, possibly thousands of repetitons of these tests, unless Myers is presenting an answer we want to hear?

I’m trying to think of careers and activities that would be more suited for telling people what they want to hear, other than science. How about politics? LOL! No wonder his blog is so popular! Most people aren’t interested in science for anything more than the status it gives them in the eyes of others.

Being a skeptic gives you that “cachet.”

But when it comes to the real complexities of science . . please! Don’t confuse me with the facts! Let’s just pretend we’re scientists, okay?” 

Ennis on the other hand, rolls up her sleeves and gets her hands dirty. She then, as a real scientist, is compelled to truthfully report what her colleagues are loath to hear . .  the truth about homeopathy. What was it again? Oh yes . . “high dilutions of histamine did indeed have biological effects.”

I hear Myers screaming when he reads this, holding his head, “Noooo! I hate homeopathy!”

Ennis comes up with the same statement that Benveniste, Poitevin and dozens of others have come up with. In the glass the truth about homeopathy has been found.

Benvneiste proposed a whole new biological paradigm. Does Myers have the courage to do the test? Or is he more likely to try to sabotage it with word and censure?

If Pee Zee Myers cannot be a real scientist and meet the challenge of homeopathy head on, as Professor Ennis and others have done, then I say fire him and let him go on writing his stupid blog as the prime example of pseudoscience. Why would anyone but the opposition want a joker like Myers poisoning the minds of our youth? He doesn’t teach biological science, he teaches political science. Look at his useless, mindless deblogatory activities

How embarrassing for such a fine institution like the University of Minnesota! To have such an unscientific voice as Myers blathering away while his hands are doing nothing useful, when there are real scientists, like young versions of Rustum Roy at Penn State, who could be teaching biology at the University of Minnesota.
Education should not be about destroying people, as PZ has made it out to be. It should be about building people up, not tearing them down, and learning how things work in world.

2010 Turning Point for Homeopathy

A lot’s happened in the last year, and it’s been a particularly wild ride for me and homeopathy. 2010 was actually a big year for me and homeopathy. And well it should’ve been, for 2010 was the 200th anniversary of the publication

Kirlian photograph of homeopathic remedy by Chris Wodtke

 of Organon der rationellen Heilkunde, The Organon of the Healing Art, Samuel Hahnemann’s first treatise on homeopathy, a science that he alone begat.

It is a book that continues to rock the medical world.

I think it should be noted here, that as an orthodox physician, Hahnemann had been cutting his doses for 14 years prior to publication of the Organon. He was compelled to do so because of the harm that “heroic medicine,” then as now, was doing to the withering public.

Bloodletting by barbers and toxic chemicals administered by the totally unschooled to treat disease in 1810 graduated to more sophisticated methods of bloodletting by unnecessary surgery —  and more toxic, patented petro chemical  synthesis and “chemotherapy,” to treat disease.

“Heroic medicine” was not called that because of what the physician did, it was called that because of what the patient endured. But with homeopathy came hope, and that hope is alive today.

Hahnemann didn’t just spring out of the gate with this thing, as an idea untested all on its own, it had to first stand trial to his own incredulity and testing. The 14 year trial was that of a well-trained, travelled and read government medical doctor who, for his time, was also a first rate published chemist.

Anyone who can be fair and objective about it, who still harbors any doubts about homeopathy, should keep that in mind when banking on Avogadro’s Constant, the famous hypothesis concerning the molecular limit of gasses in combination with one another, for with all theory aside, Hahnemann, as countless others have done in following him, had to accept, without supporting theory or logic,  the evidence for the biological action of high dilutes, for seeing is believing, and practitioners for 200 years have seen that homeopathy oddly works . . as if by magic.

But homeopathy is not magic, as a growing number of material scientists have come to realize. There are now 10 different physical tests for homeopathic high dilutes, and six different types of in vitro tests, in which some published tests which have perfect ratings.

Coincidentally, 2011 marks the 200th year anniversary of publication of that theory by Avogadro, “Essay on Determining the Relative Masses of the Elementary Molecules of Bodies and the Proportions by Which They Enter

Conte Lorenzo Romano Amedeo Carlo Bernadette Avogadro di Quaregna e Cerreto, Count of Quaregna and Cerreto b. 9 August 1776, Turin, Piedmont, d. 9 July 1856)

These Combinations.” As if we didn’t know. Since the beginning theory by the numbers have dogged homeopathy as impossible,when in fact a heterogeneous molecule was never suspect. Like the skeptics’ Elvis, Avogadro has left the building.

2010 was also anniversary for something else quite notable in this affair, really the key item that distinguishes a homeopathic solution from its solvent vehicle. 200 years ago two famous English chemists, Sir Humphrey Davy, and Michael Farraday, in their study of chlorine, made note of liquid aqueous structuring, what they called hydrates, curious clatcheses of water molecules that twinkled like ice, which later came to be known as clathrates. Hold on to that last word, it is the final key to unlocking the mystery of homeopathy. 2010 was the year of the clathrate when it was indicted for causing the BP Gulf of Mexico oil well disaster and became the subject of wild speculation at the Cavendish Laboratory when it was announced it was the operative mechanism of the homeopathic remedy, the same place where a decade ago a notorious French immunologist proclaimed a new biological paradigm.  

It is the year when I began my lecture before the crowned heads of Europe by showing a power point picture of the suspect, saying, “Ladies and gentlemen, the clathrate hydrate. This concludes my lecture, other than where is

clathrate model

Josephson’s Scotch, are there any questions?” and was mobbed by silence, forced to

Scotch Josephson denied me at the Cavendish. He said my videos were socially unacceptable.

go on for an hour to explain it all, and getting nothing for it but some weak orange juice, stingily poured by Josephson.

Thanks to Dr. Shashi Sharma, president of Hahnemann College of Homeopathy in London, my efforts came to fruition in 2010 with an invitation to be the key note speaker at his conference there, where I was treated like a king, and at the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge where, by invitation of Nobel laureate, Professor Brian Josephson, I was given an opportunity to present my theory for the molecular pecularities of the homeopathic remedy.

Now you know. Until my London lectures in September and October of 2010, the polar protic water molecule eluded a popular explanation as to how it forms liquid aqueous structuring (LAS), and how LAS is relevant to a classical science explanation of the homeopathic remedy’s inner workings.

2010 marked the 100th year anniversary of Johannes Diedrik van der Waals’s award of the Nobel prize for his contributions to understanding the intermolecular forces which now bear his name, critical to understanding liquid aqueous structuring, confirming what the genius of Hahnemann presented 100 years prior,

Johannes Diderik van der Waals

that the biological effects of the homeopathic remedy are magnetic.

2010 marks the year we declared that the homeopathic remedy could be explained in the terms of supramolecular chemistry.

And I did it without the Scotch.


It really began in earnest for me 10 years ago when James Randi offered me his million dollar prize to prove that the action of homeopathic remedies was something more than a psychogenic effect.

I took his challenge naively  believing the offer was genuine.

My friend and colleague, James "the Amazing" Randi

Much to the disbelief and fury of the big pharma stooges, the literature, much of it through PUBMED, provided numerous ways to show the action of homeopathic remedies outside of the human domain. I found that they not only had physical distinctions, they had action on plants and animals, too, that could be shown by a wide variety of methods. But their most prounounced action was in the most infinitesimal doses, remotely applied, on our greatest opponents, precipitating violent contractions of the jaw and vocal mechanism, and highly agitated contractions of the fingers on keyboards.  One detractor called me a murderer. Another said I was an idiot. Another said I was homeopathetic. 

But it was not enough to dissuade me from clinging to my chains. Randi ran like a rabbit.

I sent my samples to Kirlian phtographer Chris Wodtke, who made some amazing pictures of them, showing the crackling feathers coming out of the gas discharge from the thousands of electrocuting volts coursing through the drop. When it began looking like I actually had methods by which to win the million, such as by Kirlian photography, or by plants, Randi said I was a nobody and had bigger fish to fry.

The renowned immunologist, Dr. Jacques Benveniste, 1935-2004

He claimed that French immunologist Jacques Benveniste and Professor Brian

The brilliant Professor Brian Josephson of the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambrdige

The brilliant Professor Brian Josephson of the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge

Josephson of Cambridge had agreed to accept his challenge, and that he would test them first. What? I coldn’t belive it. If elt like a jilted lover. But always the hero, Josephson wrote to say that they were not interested in being “tested” by Amazing Randi, understandable after what Randi had done to Benveniste years earlier. It was a circus with clowns with rats riding on the backs of dogs, jumping through hoops of fire.  The Challenge, Jacques and Josephson said, was mine, and they sent Randi careening back to me.

Randi kept stalling. He refused to set a test date. He found some university stooge to fence with me for a while until the stooge ran off and hid under his pillow. It was doubly, triply (I’d say quadruply if it wasn’t so corny) evident that Randi wasn’t going to make good on his offer to conduct a test, so I took my case to Naomi Shapiro, Randi’s account manager at Goldman Sachs, where the loot was supposed to be hid. She wouldn’t verify anything. All Randi had as proof of the prize — reportedly put up by Richard Adams of UUNET — was an old fax with Shapiro’s name on it. It was evident that at one time the account may have held a million dollars in what may have been nothing more than junk bonds, but what was in there now could have been nothing more than stack of Rnadi'[s old Blue Boy magazines.

$1,000,000.00 CASH

When I sprung the news that Goldman Sachs was refusing to verify the account, Randi sprung into action. He accused me of “damaging the James Randi Educational Foundation,” had a heart attack and like a street corner bum started selling pens dipped in “homeopathic gold,” to pay for it.

What Randi didn’t want anyone to know was that “aurum,” homeopathic gold, is the

Chest pains . . too much GM corn syrup

Chest pains . . too much GM corn syrup

first remedy indicated by heart troubles and depression. Obviously he was taking it because he couldn’t afford the doubt.

Exposed in his ruse, Randi then claimed he wouldn’t test me because I was insane.

The only way, he said, he would continue negotiations with me for a test of homeopathy, would be for me to get a signed affidavit attesting to my mental condition from a clinical psychologist.

November 2nd, 2000 I found myself wandering the eerily quiet streets of a suburb of Tucson, close to the

Prof. Gary Schwartz, author of "The Living Universe"

University. Down to my last few bucks, I had hitched a ride from Portland, Oregon to meet with Dr. Gary Schwartz, a professor of clinical psychology and psychiatry, who had expressed an interest in my research and was looking for a physical distinction in the homeopathic remedy.

I said I could provide it.

Schwartz’ lab was called the Human Energy Systems Laboratory (HESL). It was located in a little bungalow in the university neighborhood. The garage had been converted into a workshop. Schwartz was using electronic equipment to test subtle energy effects and especially how they applied to what is thought of as the paranormal.

When I arrived on foot I saw a young man in the garage through the open door. I heard zapping sounds coming from within. I think he was electrocuting mice. The ones without intuition. Having arrived early, rather than bother the man’s animal genocide, I decided I would kill time by taking a stroll.

I was walking down the street minding my own business when suddenly a black high-rise pickup pulled up. A man with a beard and sunglasses rolled down the driver side window and, pointing up into the sky behind me, said in a nasally voice, “Look at the Sun.”

I turned around, and saw one of the oddest and most spectacular sights of my life. In a cloudless sky the Sun appeared to have split into three parts. I had never seen anything like it. It created what looked like a huge eye

El Ojo del Diablo, the Eye of the Devil

 peering down at me.

I turnedback around. The pickup was gone.

I then embarked on my own mission of evangelism. I asked passerby at the University what it was. Not one person had noticed it until I pointed it out, as had been done for me, and all but one stared increduously. Most everyone, likeme, had walking around without looking up, and no one knew. Finally a young woman said it was the Ojo del Diablo, the Eye of the Devil.

The Eye of the Devil?

I thought that sounded a bit harse. I called for damage control. And then I htought. If it could be the eye of the devil, it could also be el ojo de Dios, the Eye of God.
In any case we were being stared at from above by what looked like a huge shining eye. I went back to the HESL. I called to the young man in the garage and asked him to come outside. He did, and asked what the matter was.

I pointed up. “Have you ever seen that before?” I asked.

“No, I haven’t he said,” shading his eyes. “What is it?”

“El Ojo de Dios.” I nodded my head knowingly, as if I knew. “God is watching us.”

As it turned out, it was what is called parhelia, commonlhy known as sun dogs. The effect is caused by ice crystals in the upper atmosphere. The actual science bore out the myth. Ice crytals, as it turned out 10 years later,  were indeed the key.

After our meeting, Schwartz visited Randi in his Ft. Lauderdale office. According to Schwartz, Randi was still insisting I was crazy, slapping the desk with his hand — and John Edward, the past life medium Schwartz had been testing, a liar.

He said all of this with his pants ablaze.

Three years later, in collaboration with Professor Iris Bell, MD, Schwartz followed my suggestion to use Kirlian

Professor Iris Bell, MD, in collaboration with Prof. Gary Schwartz, created a unique test for homeopathy

photography to produce the Gas Discharge Visualization test for homeopathy, and reported, as I had found, that homeopathic remedies can indeed be distinguished from their liquid vehicles by this method.

They published their results: “The procedure generated measurable images at the two highest voltage levels. At 17 kV, the remedies exhibited overall lower image parameter values compared with solvents (significant for Pulsatilla and Lachesis), as well as differences from solvents in fluctuations over repeated images (exposures to the same voltage). At 24 kV, other patterns emerged, with individual remedies showing higher or lower image parameters compared with other remedies and the solvent controls.” (Bell)

Like every other test I had found for homeopathy, Randi had to brush this one off too. Losing his million would not only be a loss of property and face, it would threaten the entire pharmaceutical paradigm that was supporting him.

Ten years ago there was practically no references at all to homeopathy on the Web, nothing regarding pre-clinical or clinical evidence when I posted my collection of pre–clinical tests for “Proof for Homeopathy.”

The world wide web was a novelty then and very few people noticed “Proof for homeopathy,” but after I reposted that same collection as the first post of this blog, it was reposted and went viral. It became notorious and still stands

Your friend, your best friend, your only friend: John Benneth, PG Hom. - London (Hons.)

 as the most viewed entry in the John Benneth Journal.

It seems like homeopathy took off like rocket after that. Prior to assembling Proof for Homeopathy the homeopaths I was in contact with had very little knowledge of the clinical tests for homeopathy, and none for the pre-clinical.

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The homeopaths I corresponded with didn’t seem to even have asked the question as to whether or not high dilutes could affect non human subjects, such as plants and animals. The only in vitro test popularly known for homeopathy was the one done by the brilliant immunologist Jacques Benveniste, the basophil degranulation test, but it was generally thought of as being idiopathic and the man contagious with quackery.

The fact of the matter is that the basophil degranulation test was not of Benveniste’s origin. It was first attempted in 1985 by Murrieta et al and first accomplished by Poitevin in the same year. I have now found more than two dozen replications of the basophil degranulation test for homeopathy, most notably the work by Sainte Laudy and Belon (Sainte-Laudy)

I don’t think homeopaths’ ignorance of the pre-clinical and clinical tests for homeopathy is excusable, but I think its understandable. Despite what may be said of it, the homeopathic materia medica, the reference work built on case notes that homeopath’s rely on for finding the right remedy, provides the most relevant information/evidence for the use/action of high dilutes. Compare the terms, one set for the practitioner, one for the doubter. The pre-clinical and clinical trials of homeopathy serve mostly to respond to the yet unproven accusations that homeopathy is merely a placebo. The average practitioner finds the pre-clinicals and clinical tests to be merely vituperative of homeopathy and useless in the clinical practice of homeopathy. Either way they are merely pebbles thrown against a tank. No information/evidence will ever suffice to convince the unconvincible, nor will it ever.

The most remarkable finding was something I just came across, and inevitably I think that in concordance with theory and evidence, will help to break the back of the pharma stooge‘s opposition.. That more was not made of it, to me illustrates the point of resistance, but it is profound that it appeared in this red letter year. What makes it so important I think is not what is said  (it is 40 years old and prosaic) but who is saying it.

It is a statement made by Emeritus Professor Martin Chaplin, one of the world’s leading authorities on the physics of water. It really deserves an entry all of its own here on the Journal, for it marks a turning point in the recognition

“Water does store and transmit information, concerning solutes, by means of its hydrogen-bonded network.”– Emeritus Professor Martin Chaplin, London South Bank University, world’s leading authority on water.

of homeopathy as being based on real scientific principles. Yes, I know, reading it you will see that Chaplin covers his bet, so no one can say he drank the dilute Kool Aid. But even though it is true, for a man of lesser credentials it would mean professional suicide to make such a statement.
In an article entitled The Memory of Water, posted on the London South Bank University website, (probably the best website for information about the physics and chemistry of water) Professor Chaplin says, “Water does store and transmit information, concerning solutes, by means of its hydrogen-bonded network.” (Chaplin)

The word “does” invokes the controversy that should have ended in the mid 20th century when clathrates became an issue for the oil companies, clogging up oil pipelines, and in the fifties when double Nobel laureate Linus Pauling nominated them as being the cause of inebriation, or in the sixties when Barnard frist linked  them to the homeopathic solution, or in the nineties, when Anagnostatos described their formation in the host/guest process, and then finally in 2010, when a study between US and Russian universities, clathrates were revelaed to affect the taste of vodka (Schaffer)

Note that all of these examples of clathrates are in solution with hydrocarbons such as ethanol or methane, which are capable of hydrogen bonding, a point always missed by the disbeliever. 

What have we been saying for years now? Next thing you know Chaplin will cave and admit that the biological effects are due to the crystalline piezo electric effect.

The article is prefaced with an epitaph to the late Benveniste: “Maybe I should have thrown the data away” followed by a comment by Chaplin, “but being a scientist and believing in his data he could not.”

I for one am glad that he didn’t, and I am sorry for the all the misery Maddox, Stewart and Randi put him through.

I would add something to the memorial that Benveniste wrote to me, if I could:

“Homeopathy is the devil’s piss pot.”

Bell IR, Lewis DA 2nd, Brooks AJ, Lewis SE, Schwartz GE. “Gas discharge visualization evaluation of ultramolecular doses of homeopathic medicines under blinded, controlled conditions.”
Chaplin M “Memory of Water”  lsbu(dot)ac(dot)uk/water/memory(dot)html
Murrieta M, Leynadier F, Dry J. “Degranulation of human basophils and so-called homeopathic substances” Bull Acad Natl Med. 1985 May;169(5):619-22.
Poitevin, B., Aubin, M., Benveniste, J. (1985) Effect d’Apis Mellifica sur la degranulation des basophiles humains in vitro. Homeopathie Francaise 73: 193.
Sainte-Laudy J, Belon P. Inhibition of basophil activation by histamine: a sensitive and reproducible model for the study of the biological activity of high dilutions. Homeopathy. 2009 Oct;98(4):186-97.

Google this . .

12/28/10 – The Wikileak documents reveal that the UN is secretly collaborating with pharmaceutical companies, which are operating for profit to ruin the health of the world population through the development of allopathic drugs.
If you want to read the files yourself, go ahead. You can find links to five PDF files that show an expert working group within the UN’s World Health Organization by searching “wikileaks big pharma WHO confidential analysis unreleased expert working group draft reports 8 Dec 2009”
After you Google that, Google this:
PUBMED “Contraceptive efficacy of testosterone-induced azoospermia in normal men.”
This is the World Health Organization “expert working group” report on methods for the regulation of male fertility. This was a multi-centered study in 10 centers in seven countries that was done to assess the contraceptive efficacy of hormonally-induced azoospermia in 271 healthy fertile men.

Look what they do, look what they‘ve done.

The azoospermia study was reported in 1991. In 2001, the Guardian newspaper reported that Epicyte, a California biotech company, had announced the development of genetically engineered corn which contained a spermicide that made the semen of men who ate it sterile. Epicyte was in a joint venture agreement with DuPont and Syngenta, two of the sponsors of the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault and used US Dept. of Agriculture funds to develop its genetically modified spermicidal corn.

Now there’s spermicidal corn syrup.

The world’s leading producer of genetically modified seed reportedly was also financed by the USDA.
Through subsidiaries and spin offs, Monsanto has produced and aggressively litigated notorious herbicides such as Round Up and Agent Orange. It created bovine growth hormone, artificial sweeteners saccharin and aspartame, was instrumental in the creation of nuclear weapons for the Manhattan Project; manufactured DDT, the insecticide that was implicated in the death of songbirds, and phenylalanine, the indigestible constituent of aspartame.

The illustration of the use of non patented drugs in combating diseases that patented pharmaceuticals cannot control is well documented in the historical record and has been detailed elsewhere in the John Benneth Journal (see “the Logic of Epidemics”).

Here is one example of recent testing at Walter Reed of non patentable dynamic isoprophylaxis for use against a virulent disease that has no known antidote within the patent pharmacy.

JONAS/DILLNER: Protection of mice from tularemia infection with ultra low serial agitated dilutions prepared from franciscella tularemia infected tissue. Jonas WB, Dillner D. Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 35–52, 2000

The Jonas study demonstrates that dynamic isoprophylaxis is capable of immunizing against diseases that have no known antidote.

Here is one example of a government’s successful use of non patentable dynamic isoprophylaxis on a widespread disease.

Google this . .

CUBA: “Large-scale application of highly-diluted bacteria for Leptospirosis epidemic control.”

We also have evidence for the use of non patentable dynamic isoprophylaxis in the control of malaria that has been in use in Africa for years now. This infuriates drug company shills like Professor Edzard Ernst at the University of Exeter.

The collaboration here between a government body and private corporate interests constitutes criminal syndicalism. It’s bad enough, prima facie, that what the expert working group has been doing is beyond the authority or scope of the UN’s mandate, but goes farther in that the industry it has been collaborating has been convicted repeatedly of felony actions and racketeering. The UN is secretly collaborating with an organization representing known racketeers, convicted under the US Rico Act.

NOW GOOGLE THIS: This details a secret disease spreading program conducted on the British population by the UK government’s Biological Warfare facility at Porton Down

I shouldn’t have to explain any more.

People . .

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Rubbing Out Homeopathy

The previous John Benneth Journal reported secret documents show the United Nations wants to tax the Internet. This entry reveals for the first time plans for population control through a secret disease program.

The documents, obtained through Wikileaks, the controversial online conduit for confidential and sensitive government documents, reveal that the World Health Organization (WHO) has been collaborating with a pharmaceutical industry trade group to raise money for a secret disease program for population control under the guise of “biotech” and vaccination research and development by taxing the Internet. The biggest hitch is to these plans turns out to be a little known doctrine of medicine called homeopathy.

The documents report that a committee of advisors in the WHO, sensitive to Big Pharma interests, called an “expert working group” (EW group), specifically was looking for ways to raise money for “biotech” and vaccination research and development.

The WHO EW group decided that the best way to realize money would be to indirectly tax the Internet.

The EW group also noted voluntary private contributions, new donor funds, and taxes on pharmaceutical profits as potential funding sources, but ranked them behind taxing the Internet user, under the guise of oxymoronic “health care.”

Hard to swallow. Hard to digest. But look at scaremongering by the Chief Science Advisor to the UK government.

Professor Sir John Beddington is claiming that by 2030 the rising world population will outpace the Earth’s resources and precipitate a great calamity of water shortages and starvation.

The United Nations Environment Program predicts widespread water shortages across Africa, Europe and Asia by 2025. The amount of fresh water available per head of the population is expected to decline sharply in that time.

Beddington predicts mass migrations from the Third world countries, which is predicted to be hardest hit in a “perfect storm” of problems, resulting in a mass migration to Europe, England and other countries.

He offers no clear answers to the perceived dilemma.

If Beddington truly believes what he is saying and can see no other option than drastically reducing the population, then the most likely option is cryptogenocide, secret mass murder through the spread of a secret new fatal disease.

In order for a program of genocide on a population to work, the population must be convinced that there is no effective vaccination during a sudden outbreak of a mysterious new disease. The only problem with this plan is if there is a medicine that can be created quickly to treat a new disease.

This is where homeopathy comes in. Homeopathy is a controversial form of medicine that has challenged common uses of crude or synthesized drugs. Although not well known or understood, homeopathy uses government regulated and accepted drugs in its treatment.

However, the physics of these drugs and the way they are prescribed is not understood by most doctors. But more importantly, the homeopathic pharmacy is a generic one. Its drugs are easily made and can’t be patented. There is little comparative money in their prescription and use.

But the record shows they are highly effective when properly administered. And because they are selected by observing a patients symptoms, it is not necessary to know what the cause of those symptoms are. This makes them ideal pharmaceuticals for the treatment of new diseases, or for diseases which have no known treatment, vaccine or antidote.

Recently 4.8 million doses of homeopathic medicines were administered by the Cuban government to potential victims of an annual swamp fever epidemic and drastically reduced the number of infections, proving what the historical record has shown, that homeopathic medicines are vastly more effective in reducing infectious diseases than are patent medicines and vaccines.

And so is it coincidental that the Chief Science Advisor to the UK government publicly denounces their use?

“I have made it completely clear that there is no scientific basis for homeopathy beyond the placebo effect and that there are serious concerns about its efficacy,” Professor Beddington told the Commons a Parliamentary committee in the UK investigating homeopathic medicine.

He went on to warn that government funding for homeopathy risked legitimizing unproven treatments and that patients could harm their health by choosing these over conventional vaccines and medicines.

“There is a danger that the public will think that there is real efficacy for some serious conditions and I believe we have to work on that and make clear that this is not correct,” he told the committee.”
However, a follow up report on the House of Commons committee investigation by the Upper House revealed that the Lower House’s proceeding were a sham.

“The Committee criticised the supporters of homeopathy for their ‘selective approaches’ to evidence,” wrote Lord Baldwin, “They could fairly be accused of the same.”

The only “scientific “study that seems to best support Beddington’s conclusion that homeopathy is a placebo was done in 2005. It is one of eight major systematic reviews of homeopathy in CLINICAL use. It is the premier piece of evidence in the case against homeopathy.

And so in my next blog, I want to take a closer look at this one piece of evidence that seems to stand between the consumer and the use of homeopathy in socialized medicine programs, and question how it plays a part in a deadly game of planned genocide.


Conspires with Big Pharma to protect drug patents as “biotech, vaccination R&D”

By John Benneth
Previous blog: Monopoly of Fear
Documents obtained by Wikileaks, the controversial exposer of government secrets and sensitive information, show what appears to be a working conspiracy between a non profit organization representing global pharmaceutical interests and the United Nation’s (UN) World Health Organization (WHO).

The conspiracy explicitly proposes to tax Internet use under the guise of raising money for biotech and vaccine research.

The non profit organization representing global pharmaceutical interests is the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA; aka “Big Pharma”). The WHO is the specialized agency of the UN that acts as a “coordinating authority” on international public health.

Although WHO representatives deny that confidential documents were intentionally shared with the IFPMA before they were shared with member states,  WHO officials have yet to reveal how the IFPMA got hold of confidential documents.

More importanly they expose an “expert working group” (EWG) in the World Health Organization (WHO) collaborating with the patent drug industry to indirectly tax the Internet, presumably to raise funds for biotech and vaccination research and development (R&D.)

But there may be a darker side in this unholy alliance.

“The IFPMA document confirms much of what had been feared,” that there is “a larger WHO strategy to protect the status quo, particularly as it relates to intellectual property issues,” – James Love, Knowledge Ecology International

Public health groups have expressed fears since early 2009, when the WHO EWG met with the drug industry representatives but refused to meet with those who are known to be drug industry critics.

The fact that WHO reports were distributed to IFPMA private members before they were distributed to the UN’s member governments reveals where WHO real interests reside . . with the drug companies.

The WHO EWG appraised “fundraising,” proposals, some which they considered “least likely to work,” such as diverting existing resources to health, reducing tax evasion and havens and levying new charges on services or access rights.  A proposal for a “Green IP” system (Intellectual Property Watch, Inside Views, 27 June 2008) was viewed as “too hard to operationalise” but that “some elements could potentially be useful.”

Ominously they said the best idea and  most likely to work would be new “indirect taxes,” on Internet users.

What is meant by “indirect“ is not known.

The EWG estimated taxing pharmaceutical profits would generate only $160 million. They see the profits from taxing the Internet to be 12 times greater, at $2 billion.

The question arises as to why, and how, the UN through the WHO would be interested in taxing Internet use to raise such a comparatively small sum.

By what authority can the UN tax the Internet, unless it is through a crisis. A crisis that would require immediate funding.

Hiding behind the money burden of taxation is a greater, more ominous issue.


Not of just the Internet, but of Mankind.

If the UN, acting in the interests of pharmaceutical interests, has the power to tax the Internet, it has the power to control it. Controlling it gives it the power of censoring information that could be injurious to its patent drug company benefactors.

Information such as that revealed by Wikileaks.

Note that the watch dogs in this fight are Swiss investigators reporting on “intellectual property rights.”  They are part of an organization called “Intellectual Property Watch,” based in Geneva.

In a word, “intellectual property rights” means “patent.” The UN, through its major client is an indirect enforcement agency, leads directly to the monopolized use of allopathic patent drugs in health care, and on to patented genetic modification.

(Allopathy is the current, mainstream philosophy of treating disease in the patient by creating new symptoms,  opposed to homeopathy, which treats the patient by matching symptoms of the disease.)

Control the health issues, control the medical system, control genetic modification, control Mankind.

It’s a recipe for disaster.

If they can own the patent on genetic structure, they can patent life. Plant life, animal life, human life. This is why the first investigators on the crime scene are from an organization that watches intellectual property rights issues.

The spying issues are merely an obfuscation of something much bigger. No mere house cat has been let out of the bag. What is out of the bag is a leopard stalking man.

I’m still reeling from the implications of the Wikileak revelation.

I hope you see its seriousness too.


(Still sounds crazy? Stay tuned. This blog is not finished.)

NEXT: The role of Chief Science Advisor to the UK government Sir John Beddington.

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Risks make unnecessary vaccination statutory crime

A professor known for his relentless bashing of homeopathic and complementary medicine has recently made another useless jab in apparent favor of allopathic (non homeopathic) immunization against diseases that other authorities say are not only unnecessary, but criminal. 

Edzard Ernst, Professor of Complementary Medcine at the Unviesity of Exeter in Great Britain says, “A US team has just published the largest ever study of CAM providers’ attitudes towards vaccination [1]. They found that children receiving care from naturopathic physicians or chiropractors, during their first two years of life, were significantly less likely than their counterparts to receive the recommended immunizations against measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox or Haemophilus influenzae type b. Later in life, such children were more likely to suffer from a vaccine-preventable disease.”

The soemhwat lukewarm statement appeared after Ernst was challenged here to provide one study that proves homeopathy is a placebo.

So far no study, test or trial has materialized.

Of course, when they support allopathy, the old criminal’s references are supposed to be free of any of the criticism he levels on the studies that support homeopathy, but as usual, the study Ernst refers to is unavailable at this time online.
However, Kaviraj dug something up on the Child Health Safety blog here on WordPress that throws a wet blanket on Ernst’s sneering report: Ernst’s vaccinations are unnecessary, ineffective, and criminal!

“The measles mortality graphs . . contradict the claims of Government health officials that vaccines have saved millions of lives. It is an unscientific claim which the data show is untrue. Here you will also learn why vaccinations like mumps and rubella for children are medically unethical and can expose medical professionals to liability for criminal proceedings and civil damages for administering them.

Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics

Criminal proceedings? Against allopathic doctors? For mumps andmeasle needle jabs?
The problem faced by modern medicine is a serious double-bind. Homeopathy does not have the financial incentives behind it that allopathy does, but allopathy, because of this very same thing, has become criminalized. I am not using that term vaguely, either. They’ve been convicted in the US under the RICO organized crime act. The pharmacetuical industry is a criminal enterprises that has been convicted of mass murder in a catch and release program by the U.S. government.
In the UK, providing treatment to a patient that is not clinically needed, and misleading patients as to the clinical need for a treatment so as to vitiate their consent, can mean the administration of the treatment is a criminal offence: Appleton v Garrett (1995) 34 BMLR 23.
According to The British Medical Association (‘BMA’) and The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB) mumps vaccination is clinically inappropriate:-

“Since mumps and its complications are very rarely serious there is little indication for the routine use of mumps vaccine”: British National Formulary (‘BNF’) 1985 and 1986 Freedom of Information documents show the UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation and Ministry of Defence agreed as early as 1974 that:-
“there was no need to introduce routine vaccination against mumps” because complications from the disease were rare” JCVI minutes 11 Dec 1974.Doctors and nurses who fail to tell parents mumps vaccine in MMR is clinically unnecessary, of the exact risks of adverse reactions and then give the vaccine, appear to be behaving unethically, potentially in contravention of the criminal law and liable to civil proceedings for damages. They are also unable to explain the exact risks because data on adverse reactions are not being collected properly or at all, and there is evidence showing adverse reaction data are suppressed.
“A consequence is that giving MMR vaccine to children cannot be justified on clinical or ethical grounds. And as there is insufficient clinical benefit to children to introduce mass mumps vaccination, it cannot be justified as a general public health measure.”

The same reason that makes allopathy a criminal enterprise is the same reasons it is allowed to survive, which is because it is such a huge money making business, and that is because it is a monopoly of fear.
Homeopathy threatens that monopoly of fear with a truly doctored centered regime that makes use of a relatively simple, effective and safe medicine that can treat anyone with any disease.

The moment they admit the pre-clinicals for homeopathy, the tests that show the action of homeopathic remedies on non human subjects like plants and animals, allopathy not only loses it grip on the public throat, it doesn’t just fall to the place where it belongs, as a third rate medical treatment, its practitioners are in danger of being criminalized for using it. In the light of superior homeoapthic medicine it becomes clear that oppositional medicine is a dangerous treatment. It continues as a legal treatment because without an apparent alternative, allopathy appears necessary and vital to human health.

Ask for homeopathic treatment to prevent cancer and diabetes.

Try homeopathy, it works.